Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Conclave of Silvermoon
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The next date and topic[s] has been picked!
Just a reminder that the next event is this coming Saturday, November 10th at 10:00am server time!
Just a reminder that this is going on today at 10:00am server time. [Two hours away.]
I missed the meetin :,C I was forced to be social in Real life :F
Next date, time and topic are picked! This is going to be an important one, so attend if you can!
The head technician will be there!
Despite his dreadful loss, Danothil will attend.
Work permitting, I'll be there. If not, then Leron's still being a baby about not being important.
Just a reminder that the finial meeting before the battle events start is in ten days on december 1st!
Five days until the next Conclave. Nobles, Magister and high ranking blood knights/farstriders, be there to be included in the planning. Any IC ideas may be incorporated to the battle!
You guys gotta pay more attention to this set of events. And I mean all the important blood elves that want RP, the events are fun, realleh.

Most likely will be there on Azazel because it was fun last time. Why not come again? :3
Two days until the event [December 1st at 10:00am server]! Making sure everyone knows it's going down. I also added a new topic in light of recent RP events:

Nobility and the law
Since Tyestus is finally approved I can Join and represent Tharnul.

This will be fun.
I won't be able to be there with Edrandri, most likely. I may show up, but the chances of that are so slim you shouldn't count on it.
Thirteen hours until the meeting. I am changing it, last moment I know, to an invitation event. Outside ranks are allowed so long as they are invited by one of the right rank. Be sure to come with the person who invited you!
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