Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Resident Evil 6
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Anybody else got this game for XBOX360 yesterday? It's fun as hell, but I could use somebody to use as zombie bait, err, I mean partner.
Apparently it's pretty bad.
Conan O'Brien can help!


Totally got this from Lox, just wanted an excuse to post it again.
No, it's not. You should do well not to listen to reviewers and fanboys. Is it technically impressive? Not really. Is it old school Resident Evil? Nope. Is it fun to play? Hell yes. You see, video gamers and reviewers especially are trying so hard to analyze a game these days that they forget if it's fun or not. RE6 is fun. Very much so. And it has a lot of content that you can entertain yourself with. If you're not playing through the close to 30 hours story, you're playing Mercenaries or the new Agent hunt mode. Calling RE6 a poor game would be outrageous.
So when are we playing, Roxas?
Whenever we have the chance, I guess.

Also, Corzilla, who do you think showed it to her, heh.
I have to wait a month or two for PC.

Probably more like six months. That's how long the last RE took. Operation Raccoon City doesn't count as it was developed by another studio.
It was confirmed for a November release, I believe.
I's never confirmed with CAPCOM's PC ports, trust me. Lost Planet 2 was supposed to be released one month after the console version and it wasn't released until a half year later.

If they release it on time, then it's great. But don't get surprised if it gets delayed for months. It's just how CAPCOM rolls. Along with not developing any patches or DLC for the PC version.