Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: VT's Repairshop
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*A few posters hang around Booty Bay, Gadgetzan, Ratchet, Everlook and the Gurubashi Arena. The following message is written both in Common and Orcish*

"Broke your armor? Your blade isn't as sharp as it used to be? Feel like your helmet is not tight enough on your head? Why spend a fortune on travelling to your home nations, and find the appropriate craftsman there, when you can have it done here!

Come one, come all, to the world's neutral hub of repairs! We at VT Repairs will repair anything from a dress to a paladin's plate! From knife to hammer! From Sword to Scythe!

Feel like going to the shop in Booty Bay is too far for you? No problem! NEW in VT Repairs: Shipping to any of the four Cartel cities for only FIFTY copper coins an order!

Feel like your armor isn't strong enough to withstand the awesome power of your destructive force? Ask VT about the Armor Enhancements, only 30 copper a piece!

Feel like your weapons aren't dealing the damage they are supposed to, in your mighty hands? Ask VT about the Weapon Modification, only 40 copper a piece!

Found a chest of treasure, but you can't unlock it? Come ask for VT's Skeleton Keys, only 15 coppers a lock!

Feel a little low on cash? Any purchase above ten silvers means one service for free!

*Repairs do not include working on machinery, explosives, or ranged weaponry.*
*Initial repair cost is seven silvers and twenty coppers for a day's work.*
*Additional price of twenty five coppers per piece of armor. The following list all constitutes as a single piece:*

-Chest armor-
-A single gauntlet-
-A single epaulet-
-A single boot-
-A single bracer-
-A single one handed, or a single two handed weapon-
*Armour Enhancements include, but are not limited to:*
-Leather Armor paddings-
-Fur linings-
-Gem sockets-
-Shield Spikes-
*Weapon Modifications include, but are not limited to:*
-Weapon chains-
-Sharpening + Sharpening stone-
*Services given for free over the purchase of ten silvers:*
-One piece of armor or weaponry repaired-
-One free Armor Enhancement-
-One free Weapon Modification-
-One free Shipping-
-One free Unlock-
*Shipping areas for fifty copper limited to the following locations:*
-Booty bay-
*Shipping to areas not mentioned above will be priced according to distance and risk of transport.*
*VT is managed by humans*
*The materials were not tested on animals, except for the leathers and the wool*
*Will not work Saronite*


((If your .lo rp item can be made by Tailoring, Blacksmithing or LW, and you can handle the level - You get a statted item for free!))
*These few posters, and small hand-given pamphlets, can be found in the same locations as the previous. Again, Orcish and Common variants given respectively to Horde and Alliance members.*

Hungry for the taste of glory?
Want to make yourself famous as one of the world's most fearsome fighters?
Want to show the world what it really means to be a warrior in the rings of honour?

If those are true, but the only thing stopping you is being afraid your armour might break and the costs of repairs will exceed the winnings, this announcement is just for


NEW in VT's Repair Shop!

All gladiators who join under the guidance of Grandall and his group of gladiators receive a TEN PERCENT discount for ALL repairs!
Your eyes did not fool you, A WHOLE

Look for Grandall NOW!

*All previously announced special offers are as they are, and will not account the discount. The free offer for a purchase above ten silver remains as such*
*Grendall's charter will be updated once a fortnight. If your name is not yet on the list, please wait patiently. If virtues of VT's mother will be put into question as a result of such error, it will be dealt with by Booty Bay's bruisers.*