Conquest of the Horde

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... Who wants an EX-Paladin slave?

Edersich needs more people to be around, even if it's for that purpose. He's currently in the service of the Steamwheedle Cartel as a gladiator in the Gurubashi arena, occasionally shipped off to Gadgetzan to hang around their cage.

It isn't inconceivable to see him getting sold off to someone who bids enough, though. So, if there's any interest for him, I'm open to ideas. Bring it.

As for details, he's a big Blood Elf ex-Paladin. Depressive and aggressive sort. Ask and I will answer, if you need more information on him.
Could give him a cushy home with the Silverfangs. Lenorius could use someone to push around to get stuff done or somethin'. If no one else is interested.... 'cause I'd like me some moar Loxxy arpee.
B'cuz Boob Elves totally partake in slavery. :P
Um, can you have two people in the RR? >.< If not then I'm sure the Kaz'Kah (Groshner) would bid for you...I personally love slave RP :P Now the thing is in either guild...he'd be treated as a slave and -not- a person so if that don't fly sorry D:
As long as that doesn't mean the end for his RP, I'm glad to hear your suggestions and ideas. :P
Athileria could bid some cash for his release, then use him as arm-candy and a minor worker for her. AKA, he'll be sent by her to perform simple tasks and the like, maybe spy on some folks or just act as a 'happy' husband for her guises. If so, I'm pretty sure it'd offer you expansive freedom with his RP because you could just always excuse out, "That curr who bought me sent me to do something here. But I'm gonna dilly daddle, just to spite her.
Maybe Edersic and Azalea can trade slave stories. He could possibly stir up any unrest she's been bottling up.
(10-12-2012, 12:27 AM)Psycho Wrote: [ -> ]Athileria could bid some cash for his release, then use him as arm-candy and a minor worker for her. AKA, he'll be sent by her to perform simple tasks and the like, maybe spy on some folks or just act as a 'happy' husband for her guises. If so, I'm pretty sure it'd offer you expansive freedom with his RP because you could just always excuse out, "That curr who bought me sent me to do something here. But I'm gonna dilly daddle, just to spite her.

This is relevant to my interests.

Hit me up and we can work something out!