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So as I've agreed with and so many topic threads on the whole "Everyone is getting into clicks" I'll issue this challenge.

What is your most favorite race and what is your least, why? Post that here and then...make a character of the least favored race and go out there and just post up "Rp __" don't plan it, and choose a random location. Then go there and make up an explanation why your character is there. The flip side of this is...if you see this thread and see that random stuff in LFG...go there and RP!

That's it, sorry if this is redundant to any other thread, but I didn't know that so :P >.<
DWARVES cause they're awesome, proud and they have beards.
Alright. Orcs are the best. Richest (And one of the darkest) histories around, and they're the proud honor bound race of shamans and warriors.

As for the least? Humans. I don't like them. Far more racist than any other race. Orcs will talk crap about everyone, but you prove your honor and your skill? They accept you as a brother in no time. Humans? Nope, the general public'll tell ya to screw off if your not human. Least that's what I've seen while doing human quests. Don't think a player characters really been like that, but it seems NPC's have been.
I would like to post as well, cause I forgot >.< I love me some trolls, I can't say why exactly I love 'em so much but their voodoo and other "savage ways are probably why. Now...I'll say I never have played a Nelf, I don't know why but I just haven't :P So to honor my own challange I'll be profiling a Nelf as soon as Ormica is (finally) done :D Now I'm taking the challenge to an extreme but that's not what I asked of ya'll so don't feel obligated to make a profiled human or anything :P
Sorry Ormie. But are you encouraging people to RP on characters that don`t suit them? That sounds like to me you are getting people to RP poorly, which will affect RP for new comers. :/
Actually, I did what Ormica suggested a long time ago (before it was suggested). Now I consider the troll shaman that came as a result of such to be a very very fun character.
I find this to be greatly trial-and-error: Some characters (race/character concept) work, some don't. After some badgering after my first failed Forsaken attempt, I'm very pleased with how Lobelia came out (Thanks, Sol :| ).

It's certainly not for everyone. I know that there are some races I simply cannot get into yet and it results in very stiff, awkward and unfulfilling RP. So, while this is a great suggestion, it's good to let people stretch out their limbs on their own. :)
Sorry if that came out rudely, I wanted it to come out as a critique. What Caravan said!

Sorry :c
I'm not sure what my least favorite race is.

My favorite is definitely Tauren, even if I haven't actively played one here. There's just so much variety to be had with them; you can do almost anything from a plagueshifter to a felsworn. (Yeah, it's in lore! :D)

As for least favorite? I would honestly say gnomes, but I can -never- get into one. I don't know why, I just can't. Gnomes or dwarfs, but I've been able to play a dwarf in hte past. Any gnomely tips for a new gnomer?
(10-15-2012, 04:38 PM)Aphetoros Wrote: [ -> ]As for least favorite? I would honestly say gnomes, but I can -never- get into one. I don't know why, I just can't. Gnomes or dwarves, but I've been able to play a dwarf in the past. Any gnomely tips for a new gnomer?


It's difficult, because Blizzard has tried their hardest to make gnomes as comical and unserious as possible. Rage against the system, would-be gnome players!

Some gnomely tips:

1. Do not stoop to the comic relief. Your character can be funny, but don't have its existence be one big joke, if that makes sense.

2. Not all gnomes are engineers! While most, if not all gnomes, value, adore and appreciate technology not all of them have the wherewithall to tinker. A society needs other professions, too! So, if you want to play an engineer that's great but don't think that's the only thing you can do.

3. Gnomes aren't really racist, as a people. They're actually pretty neutral, probably the most neutral of the playable races. Unless you're a trogg, in which case you can go die in a blizzardy cobra fire.

4. Eccentricity =/= Outright Insanity. Think quirks and talking in the third-person rather than, like, let's-blow-everything-sky-high nutzoid.

5. Gnomes =/= Goblins.
Aye, my issue definitely lies in not being able to play one seriously.
My favorite race is orcs and my least favorite is night elves, humans follow close for being bland though. And I think I mostly base my favorites off of the female model (except trolls, which I prefer to play as male).

I don't really know if I could get into NElf rp. It's hard to explain why but the most mortifying rp I've had was with a NElf and it just makes me want to take a shower. Anyways, I think I'd like to be a perpetual NElf tree except the tree form isn't persistent in Cata.

Also I would probably play a rather cutesy/timid moe moe elf which doesn't seem to fit the race at all.
I refused to play an orc for the longest time.

Then I was like "FINE BELTHAREAN, I will roll an orc for your guild." Actually, I don't remmeber what exactly spurred me.

She is now my main, and people seem to love her. Go figure.
My least favorite was Blood Elves (despite the fact the first profiled character I made on this server was an echo of a retail character I had: a certain blue-blooded Blood Elf name Melindael) I got over this by simply making an Elf, which I normally wouldn't have done if the bulk of the RP wasn't in Silvermoon, thus Daenisius was spawned. He was and is a joke character, though I don't regret making him, comic relief characters are actually fairly interesting to play if you have the propensity to actually be funny (as it turns out, it's not hard when you're playing a twenty five hundred year old elf that speaks like Bill & Ted)
So I'm making a gnome. He's a wanderer that was once many things, but in his wanderings he's forgotten most of what he used to know (in terms of any sort of magical ability, and what have you.)
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