Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Olaris' Introduction
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First of all, allow me to tell you a little bit about myself. I am 26 years old and have been RPing since I was 12. I started out on good ole Yahoo Chat, well before they shut down user rooms. I spent a few glorious years on there, getting the hang of RPing and quickly turning myself from a n00b one liner in to a multi-paragraphing tycoon. Once I realized that quality RP was unavailable in a place like Yahoo, I moved to MS Groups. Again I was on a roll, learning the art of Forum rp, and picking up DnD and Vampire Masquerade on my free time at a local library. After about 16 years old, I started my own forum specified for RP, which I ran for a number of years, moderating and rping with many people. I did not come to WoW until recently, and after playing for a year, can not go back to what I did before. A year has been spent on Moon Guard now, where I have lead my own RP guild, and been having much fun with those I am close to there. But Moon Guard only has so much to offer, and I wish to utilize my knowledge in Lore and RP where it matters.

As you can tell, I speak English, and it is my primary language. I live in Austin, Texas, and am extremely active on my accounts.

I got in to WoW about a year and a half ago, and haven't walked away since. My friend, a Vanilla, bought me the game and xpacks for my birthday and begged me to try it. I did... and I could not be happier.

I found this private server through an extensive google search, looking for the perfect RP server. I wanted one that was close to real game data, where I could have a wider variety.

Within my years f Roleplay, I have never truely found a type that I enjoy more over others. Though I have a thing for action/romance, I crave to establish many different kinds. Be it in a group or pairs, I strive to be universal and versatile. Not everyone enjoys the same things, and being a GL... I have learned how important it is to provide to the masses.

My favorite race is the Blood Elves. I love their long flowing hair and their versatility for different rps. My second favorite are the forsaken. Everyone needs some comic relief in the form of a crazy dead person!
Classes though are much harder for me to choose. Though I've been rping my main for over a year now, a mage, and it is one of my favorites, I also really enjoy paladins and warlocks. There's just so much fun and so many differences in each, it's hard to choose! ^_^

I have never been on a Private server before. I am not sure what to expect right now, but am hoping to find something much more rper friendly then what Moon Guard has to offer.

The rule that appeals to me the most is the respect rule. On Moon Guard, I have seen so much disrespect for everyone that it's a miracle anything on the server works. No one is better than anyone else, and not everything needs to be an argument.

And finally, for you all to see, this is the short description allowed by TRP2 on my main character on Moon Guard. It is not my best, but it is a sample for you all to see at this time.

Times were dark, and morale was low. Arthas was trying to take the lands, his minions destroying everything in sight. Olaris was young at the time, barely an adult, when the invasion of Silvermoon took place. And she was there. Her greed and her selfishness caused her to loose everything, including her fiancee, the man she didn't realize she loved until it was too late. And when her fiancee fell, Olaris fell with him, though she was doomed to serve the Lich King. Taken at her weakest moment, Olaris was turned in to the thing that killed her one love... A Death Knight.
Years passed and Olaris, finally free from the grasp of the Lich King, moved around Azeroth as a mercenary. She became cold, the monster that she was expected to be. That is until a few months ago when she stumbled across the base of an Organization. The Dark Synod. A group that she now hated... and loved at the same time. She developed within the Synod, gaining many friends, and enemies. After a warlock name Haliem set his eyes on her, she found herself in constant danger. The man stalked her, tormented her, and soon, he brought out something in her that she had long since forgotten. Olaris, a mage before death, began experiencing extreme leaks of harbored powers. Fire would cover her body in anger, her 'emotions' quickly becoming her weakness.
Her fiancee at the time, another Death Knight, was not even safe from the black outs and the attacks that came from her. After trying to burn off his face, and then later nearly killing him, she found comfort and safety in a fellow officer of the organization, and the leaders significant other. After a scandalous affair, and Olaris ending the life of Haliem once and for all, Olaris and Vantor left the organization and formed Memento Mori, where they are now. A place where people are encouraged to 'Remember your Mortality'.
After marrying Van, events occurred that lead up to the woman you see today. Van, after disappearing, was soon reported to her as dead, and now, after a small fall back in her own misery, she has started to go on, busying herself with work and her group.

Her eyes hold the only truth to what she once was...

That's all from me for now =3 I do hope to see you all soon in the future, and thank you for taking time out to read my ramblings.
Welcome to Conquest of the Horde!

If you haven't already, please make sure to check out our Rules, Policies, FAQs, and Wiki. We also have an area dedicated to guides to help with things from races to classes and everything in between!
Be sure to join the channel 'chat' for anything related in-game such as questions about server policies or information on lore, and 'barrens' for anything off-topic that follows server rules. LFG is used for seeking role-play. Use the OOC portal to go just about anywhere in the game, but be sure to visit the OOC area for all the trainers and vendors. There's also an innkeeper there that you can set your hearthstone to. :)

If you ever have any questions, feel free to PM me!

Another Texan? Yeehaw! I assure you that we are friendlier and more sane than the majority Moonguard. :)

Enjoy your stay! o/