Conquest of the Horde

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Yeah again. Made one last kidnapped and here's another one!







Leave your praise, slander, love letters and death threats below.
You are a wonderful wench and I love you for it. So I'm gonna kill you.

Praise, slander, love letter and death threat: Full package! :D
Oh rowgen you so fanny.
Bumping with added characters ;)
To be honest, I really like RPing with you.

Since I only RPed with Ensuena, she will be the main subject.

When someone will ask me to discribe Ensuena I would most likely start with saying, she is a very blunt and friendly person, even if the combo is a bit.. strange. She will always keep you on edge with her next words, she may be selfish (Like she claims, I doubt it.) Or hollow (like she claims too.) But I see more than hollow, I see her even caring at some point, but that is only my opinion.

When I RP with her I always smile from her remarks on other people or on her general thought, really well done character, and I really like her.
*will pick the bones clean after Grimfist takes off. Mauhahaha!*