Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: So Blizz came up with this cool new faction!
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(10-21-2012, 03:07 PM)Xigo Wrote: [ -> ]SEEDS OF JUSTICE.




You know. Names like that. Something really old fashioned and sounding like it belongs in a 90s cartoon. NOUN of ADJECTIVE and all that jizz.

Chips of Flavor!
After a bit of thought, we realised we wanted to keep it 'agricultural'.

The Black Harvest is now... <DEAD CORNY>.
I think that in honor of either Sol's creative content stealable-quality or his foresight, the Black Harvest should become a CotH custom(isable) lore faction. But it should get a Council.

We don't want to leave them without the next installment of the Black Harvest's story, now do we? Poor Blizzard creative need the hand!
So, Uh, new name...
"Sable Harvest"?
The Final Harvest?

Oh, wait, I know! The Dead-dude-get-stuff-group!
Could always bring back the Hand of Sylvanas name.

... that said, this Blizz group is actually called the COUNCIL of the Black Harvest, and they're all warlocks.
The Pink Flower-pickers!
The lame nontroll guild! (Sept for DK trolls >.<)
Clearly, you need to rename the guild Blue Harvest and then mod in lightsabers.
How about Fifty Shades of Black Harvest? I can bring in the whips and the Scarlet Monastery torture rooms.
If all else fails, it can always be retained to <Superior Council of Dead Fellows>.
SCDF? Seems legit.
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