Conquest of the Horde

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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
Let's see... My name's Kelsey. I'm 25, and I'm currently employed by a 2 year old as a maid, chef, and educator. It's a pretty sweet gig.

I'm pretty eclectic with my hobbies, though they all tend to be artistic in nature. I love to read, sew, and dance. I suppose I love gaming, too, or I wouldn't be writing this introduction. I don't really identify myself as a "gamer," though. I'm just a sucker for a good story in any medium. I have been roleplaying for 12 years, though-- most recently on private UO servers. This will be my first attempt to find roleplay in a WoW community.

I believe that the world is a beautiful place, despite what the news may tell us. I think the answer to everything is loving more and yelling less. I think the internet is a wonderful way to unite people across great distances. I would love to join your community and make friends as we write stories together.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I'm from the United States, and my primary language is English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
My husband introduced me to World of Warcraft back in 2007 shortly after BC was released. I've dabbled with the older Warcraft games, but that was years ago. I'll probably revisit them, though, to help solidify some of the lore.

How did you find us? Did anything in particular draw you to the server?:
Believe it or not, I actually found out about you from a private UO server's forum. Their "shard" recently went down, and one of the members mentioned playing here. My husband and I had been discussing trying a private WoW server for a while, so I thought I'd take a peek. After reading over your rules, FAQs, and policies, I knew I wanted to give your server a try. I'm highly encouraged by the mature, kind tone and the emphasis on community and respect.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Ooooh, tough question! I enjoy "inclusive" roleplay. I prefer to play in groups, and as such I tend to play bards and outgoing characters who will stimulate that sort of environment. I'm pretty flexible where "themes" are concerned, though. I don't mind dramatic roleplay. I enjoy silly roleplay, and I can always have fun just relaxing in a tavern. I don't mind my characters being wounded or disfigured, and I tend to roll with whatever emotional punches they may take. I do take offense to overly violent roleplay such as rape or child abuse. I highly doubt that will be a problem here, though, judging by your rules.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Tough one! I think my "favorite" race would have to be dwarves. I'm an Irish dancer, and I'm highly involved in the American-Irish community, so I'm biased there. ;) I'm admittedly more comfortable with the Alliance lore since that's the faction I play on the main servers. As for classes... I'd probably lean towards rogue or priest. I think I'd feel comfortable roleplaying any class except a mage or a shaman. Those intimidate me a bit.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I don't really know what to expect, honestly, as this is my first private server. I'm hoping to find a kind, friendly community who's open to accepting a new member or two. On UO shards I've often run into the problem of roleplay occurring behind closed doors instead of in common areas where others can join in. I'm hoping that won't be a problem here. I'm not really expecting much else, though. I'm here to roleplay. That's what I'd like to do!

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Respect. Respect. Respect. I'm absolutely baffled by the attitudes of players on the main servers. I could go into a long rant about the loss of small server communities and anonymity on the internet, but I'm sure you've all been there. I believe a little kindness can go a long way, so I'm very encouraged by your emphasis on this.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
I've snagged an old RP post. I apologize that it doesn't have much context:

The door to the lower deck flew open letting in a barrage of chilled air.

"Good morning, Captain," a smile as crisp as morning frost touched her lips.

The bear of a man stormed forward and peered over her shoulder. Upon the table sat a neatly packed bag-- a change of clothes, perfume, and a dagger or two for good measure.

"So it's true, then. You are heading for Eridan," he snarled into her hair.

Castalea's nose twitched. She reached into a side pocket and withdrew a series of letters.
The Captain ripped the bundle from her hand and began to shuffle through the parchments like a stray dog scouring the trash for food.

"Shite. All of it. It's their problem now so let them figure it out!" he threw the wad into her bag and slouched against the table.
Castalea's smile warmed, "You know you don't mean that, darling."
The captain sneered, "Sure I do. If it means you going back to that gods forsaken hell hole I mean every bit of it, Casteen!"

A thick silence fell over the cabin.

"I'm coming back, you know," she glanced to his face.
A soft sigh parted his lips as he slouched closer, "Are you, though? Are you truly?"

She took opportunity of the closeness, straightening his clothes and brushing back his hair. He chuckled and took hold of her hand, placing a kiss to her knuckles. They smiled.

"I'll leave a boat at the northern docks," he gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
She returned the gesture, "Then don't anchor far, and I will return to you each evening."

The Captain smiled before releasing her hand and storming back towards the upper deck. As Lea tied her bag she could hear him bellowing his frustration at the poor crew above. He was skeptical, but he would see. This time things were going to be different.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Nothing comes to mind at the moment. If I have questions, I'll surely ask. I hope you'll do the same. Thanks for reading!
Hello! I'm flammos200(Just Flammos is fine too.), and it's my pleasure to welcome you to CoTH!

Now, be sure to read up on the Rules and Policies if you haven't already, and if you need help Creating a Character, you can find some on the Wiki, or take a gander at some of the Profiles there, to familiarize yourself with some of the people you might meet on CoTH.

Other than that, you seem quite the optimist. That's good - the world needs bright-eyed idealists now more'n ever. Come to think about it, I know someone who RPs on a UO private RP server. They're quite good, and from the looks of things, you've got everything down right. It reminds me of a wave of 'refugees' we got a few years back from PlaneShift. We've got few - but exceedingly devoted - Dwarf players, on CoTH, and more often than not, events're open to anyone. Lastly, you have an awesome job.

But hey, if you need any more help or have any more questions, feel free to PM a GM or Forum Helper like yours truly. Seriously. PMs never killed anyone... yet.

See you around!