Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Realism.
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... I think my aversion to 'Realism" is twofold:
1 - I enjoy WoW as Escapist Fantasy (Among other fantasies), and draw strong inspiration from mythologies, other fantasy worlds, my own ideas, tall tales, folklore, and popular media.

2 - a particularly mentally-scarring incident in roleplaying back with - I'm not going to say where because Don't Judge Me - where an allegedly "High Quality, High Immersion, Low Fantasy" RP had a fight that turned into an OOC argument that turned into physics equations, trigonometry, algebra, and calculus (Who'd have thought Furry Roleplayers be such nerds?). I've never seen anything quite that bad since... partially because at the time, I was the one that drew up the first equation needed.
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