Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: From a Corpse's eyes
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Fendrin Everblade Wrote:11/13/27
Don't want to fail, don't want to fail.
Just got back from making a visit to Amura's mother, I think, tried to kill her and failed. She wasn't along, some old orc bodyguard was with her, she ran off after I tried to 'grip her down from the balcony she was standing, damn witch. Wonder why she's trying to kill her son. She's probably doing it to "tie up loose ends," AKA: Offing the wedlocked offspring. She won't last long though, I chunked the prisoner into the cold stream, either he'll live to be captured or live to drown to death and then freeze, either way sounds funny.
Damn orcs.


Got back to Amura and found out Rei visited, she didn't seem amused that I was gone, I told Amura about the encounter and he didn't seem to give one damn, or he was just hiding it, why the fel does Rei compare me and him? We seem nothing alike. Only a little. He's more outspoke than me.
I'm going to kill that b witch.
I'm gonna go quiet a few days and just watch Amura in Hearthglen, after that I've got things to do. [/i]

Got back to Reigen today in her Estate, she seemed calm and collected at the same time furiously pissed off and annoyed with me, even though I resigend. Damn her to fel. I need a new job. I should keep my act together.
(A blank page lies here.)