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The Order of the Crimson Sun

Formed by Kelynda Valdamorei with the intent to serve the Sin'dorei people, while proving to all others the greatness of the Sin'dorei and reclaiming the glory that many feel the Sin'dorei have lost.

News of the Order has spread by word of mouth within Quel'thalas. It's become quite apparent that they have recently started recruiting new members into their ranks, following tragedy within the Order due to the recent events of the Shattering.


The Order of the Crimson Sun serves to better the lives of all people. Through the use of two branches, the Knights and the College, the Order will be able to serve the people of Azeroth on two fronts. While the Knights of the Crimson Sun will protect the people of Azeroth with a militant force, the College of the Crimson Sun will make use of their scholarly pursuits and church views to educate and advise any who may be in need.

Following the events of Cataclysm, primarily the Shattering, but also the uprising of other foul characters, the Order of the Crimson Sun has opened their doors to all people of Azeroth, and not just the Sin'dorei. This means the Order will start recruiting people of all races and backgrounds, in the effort of better protecting all of Azeroth.


Knights of the Crimson Sun

Grand Knight
The leader of the Knights of the Crimson Sun, as well as the official Grand Master of the Order of the Crimson Sun as a whole.

The second-in-command within the Knights of the Crimson Sun. Acts as a trainer and leader to the Knights.

The primary force of the Knights of the Crimson Sun. Acts as the basic footman of the Order. Knights will act as enforcers as well, within the Order.

A Knight-in-training. The lowest rank of the Knights of the Crimson Sun. All members of the Knights will start here.

College of the Crimson Sun

High Chancellor
The High Chancellor is the second-in-command of the Order, and the one of who watches over the College of the Crimson Sun directly. This individual is directly in charge of the doings of the College.

The Chancellor being the highest rank that many will acheive within the College, they are esteemed scholars, or individuals who have perfected the many different forms of art within modern society, whether they be Arcane Arts, or the Scholarly Arts. Seeing as the Chancellor is the second highest title within the College, they are most often given an apprentice of either Disciple or Neophyte ranking.

The Disciples being those of whom have proven their allegiances, as well as potential to the Order, they are given tasks to improve their knowledge, as well as that of the Order's. Given a variety of tasks, some of which are menial, their greatest duty is to the Chancellor of who they have been appointed to. Of course their main allegiances needing to be with the Grand Master and High Chancellor, their appointed Mentor has direct watch over their actions.

The Neophytes being newly inducted into the Order, they are the lowest rank within the College of the Crimson Sun. Their tasks are almost always menial, and if they prove their worth before their promotion to Disciple they may be assigned a Chancellor as a Mentor. Neophytes are not yet considered to be full members, although they are considered to be a vital piece of the Order.


Whisper Kelynda, or any other member of the Order in game. You can also PM Morhana on the forums.

Any member can introduce a recruit to the Order, but only the High Chancellor and/or Grand Knight can make the membership official.
Yep "Better the Sin'dorei" much like the oppisite of the Red Rose, I want it enslaved. If that gives any events ideas to anyone else please whisper me >:3
Keep fighting on, and I might just make a character :D
The entire guild post has been read over and modified to suit the new views of the Order.

In short, these changes include acceptance of all races and classes, as well as the expanded mission to protect and serve all of Azeroth.