Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Coming of the Holy Knight
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Flyers has been found posted in various places across the world. Anyone at Hearthglen, Northshire Abbey, Stormwind, Ironforge, Theramore, the Exodar, and the Alliance and neutral districts of Dalaran would find them. They are stuck to doors, stuck to signposts, to bulletin boards, sides of buildings, anywhere imaginable. Each one says the same thing, yet they all seem to be hand-made.

Attention all followers of the Light!

The world has changed much during the age of chaos. Though the forces of evil that have tried to destroy us all have been thwarted, much has been lost in the efforts to protect what we hold dear. While it is true good still fights evil, the culture of doing good, the culture of the Light, is slowly fleeting away. Followers of the Light turn to fanaticism and zealotry, disgracing the very values they claim they fight for. Or, they lose faith entirely in the presense of other religions, believing the Light to be false, or unnotable. Great heroes fight for good, but who noone is there to lead the people to BE good. I wish to change this.

Regardless of creed or faith, of race or nation, of all social standings from the wealthiest noble to the common farmer, I ask that you join me in spreading the Light's goodwill to all the people of Azeroth and beyond. It is not enough that good fight evil, good must be fostered in the hearts and lives of the people in need. I do not care who you are, what you are, or where you come from. I do not care how you serve the Light, just that you are willing to spread its goodness in an honorable and noble way. Let us wipe away the stains of zealots and bigots, and work together to rebuild the Light's reputation as a universal force of good for all people.

Meet me in Hearthglen's inn.
~Sir Cristovao di Silvio

(IC reactions and posts are welcome!)