Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Altoholism - Toons of mine that can RP!
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Aloha and welcome to this updated thread of my previous Altoholism. I've been having some steady RP but more surprises are always welcome, so I figured I'd give this thread an update and see where it leads! This time, I'm going to put in a little rule!

The rule is; If you got an idea and have seen a character around that you enjoy (Or read an interesting profile of them!).. Seek them out! Find them! You don't have to arrange it with me if I am already in RP in a public location (Stormwind, Goldshire, Orgrimmar, etc) but if I don't happen to be; Just send me a whisper from the toon you want me to meet and we can see if there's an opportunity for the toon to join the RP at that point in time! Or in case of GMI, we can start some!

This goes for befriending toons, for recruiting toons to your guild; For trying to sell something or to buy something, to try and woo a character and so forth. Don't tell me what your plan is, don't tell me what kind of RP you want to drag me into; Just do it and see where it leads!

RP interests:
- Day-to-day RP
- Business settings.
- Friendships/Romance
- Family
- Adventurous
- Apprenticeships; Tutoring or learning
- Travel RP
- Riddles, investigations
- PC vs NPC combat events

I'd rather avoid:
- Very grim scenes
- PC vs PC combat events
- Character death, serious maiming. That I would like discussed beforehand but it is arguably the only thing.

Current very active characters:

Sandra Streets Also known as Avelynne Price, the merchant girl. I'm not going to spoil much for you though I can't stop you from reading the wiki. All I'll say is that not everything is as it seems around this lady!

Rebecca Strathorne: The only character I so far bothered to resurrect! She's grown up over the years, Cataclysm having been a rough wake up call. She's more eager to study and learn nowadays instead of always using the arcane for personal amusement!... But hey, she's still human.

Vallaa: Still in a concept phase but a former Paladin who's put down her weaponry with Cataclysm, believing there is too much violence in the world. She is fairly neutral and strives to unite the races; Hoping to prepare the world for the coming of The Legion.

Sarevere: Which brings me to The Legion! She's not quite RPable yet, needing a model swap but soon enough this Sayaad will be interactable with! Maybe you want to set up a contract? Maybe you think you can resist her? I encourage you to find out.

Alenya Amberstar: Night Elf Priestess who's involved in a small storyline of her own currently. They seek to bring messages and vital supplies to the elven forces, hoping to travel as swift and silently as they can to bypass the borders of the Horde.

Alenvie Sunshard: A down on her luck merchant. She's lost everything after Cataclysm struck, made a few bad deals and now she's out on the streets. Maybe you can help her? Or remind her that she's nothing more then a hobo nowadays.

Kaelbur Thunderaxe: Fer the Wildhamma's! Wildhammer dwarf who's always up for a laugh or spar. He's pretty friendly, though common can lead to some confusion around him having spend his time among his kin and the wilds instead of with his nose in books. .. Can he even read? Find out.

Scarlett Braxton: Ressurected upon request and admittedly, I've had a blast! Daughter to Geofferson Braxton played by @Vladdy . Noble, Sergeant, what more can you want? Well.. Geofferson wants her to get married to a noble. ... ... That can't go well. If you got a noble, maybe you can take part in the madness!

Less-active characters and inactive ones at the link below! You can also see their faction alignment and use it with your attempts to seek me out! My timezone is GMT +1 which is 9 hours ahead of server time!

--- Other ---

Other games you can find me playing;
- TF2
- L4D1
- L4D2
- Age of Empires 3
- Chivalry Medieval Warfare
- Natural Selection 2
- Sid Meier's Civilization V

Just add me on steam! Button at the side and above the badge!

Old and no longer relevant information! Consider it an archive.
---- 'Mains' ---

Cassandra 'Cassie' Goldenfall; Balanced priestess in service of the church of the holy light, currently employed by house Winters. Capable of many things and aspiring to learn many more! (I totally re-used the name from my alt list.)

Rebecca Strathorne; A transmutation Magi who is bored with the world and its current state. She seeks amusement of herself and others, make the place less grim and dark and is quite an odd bird like that. People that end up boring her have a risk of being turned into a party animal instead, quite literally.

--- 'Alts' ---

Dianne of Avalon; A pretty basic Paladin, or so I'd like to imagine. She has a deep discipline and belief of the Light, what centers not only around the Alliance but also around the Horde. She is a fairly neutral toon and may bond with anyone but the Forsaken. She simply strives to make people happy and the world a better place, one step at a time.

Naleani Swiftleaf; A rather young night elf, seen as child by many of her own kin and even the other races. Has an absolute hatred against Worgen after losing her parents to a feral one, deadbeat broke and a terrible fighter. Knows some tricks with alchemy, but is quite twisted and emotionally depressed inside which she attempts to hide. Currently involved with The Reformation.

Kaznick Megaloop; inventor of the Megaloop! Herald gnome who goes from place to place, shouting important news and events from the forums into the game ICly so people have an easier time learning about them, and may become curious. Quite friendly, wary of Worgen but is just a simple gnome trying to make a living by selling newspapers and advertising the local Alliance news.
--- Other ---

Paused/Hiatus/Dead alts:

- Richelle of Arathor, made for house Baerth. Paused indefinitely.
- Nilaviel, upcoming elven toon but currently in limbo due to a missing companion. Deleted.
- Cailyn, enchanter/illusion Mage, (temporarily) deceased.
- Durtok, Orc Peon. Lost interest, only Horde toon so far. Deleted.
- Roxanne Fox, human hunter/tinker. Lost interest, stagnant, boring RP's. Deleted

Old and retired:
All of these are deleted, just for future reference.
X Nuraava; The warrior goat that can't stand losing. She doesn't see that much RP, and I'm not sure what to make of her as the storyline she was in came to a halt quite a while ago. I've been pondering to put her up on the retired shelf.

Allaia; The Trickster mage! Good natured, fun fun and flirty if she feels like it. Enjoys illusions, alterations and conjuration. Not much of a fighter. Doesn't like people without humor or those she can't impress.

X Learyn; The Bard Elf! Pick a tavern, she'll be working there. Pick a region, she'll be adventuring there. Not the greatest of fighters, a tad overzealous but all in all a good lass. Likes stories, tales, songs, performing and not entirely unimportant; Her cat! Dislikes silence.

X Cassie; Aka Cassandra, my human social-monster. She's known to invade conversations, personal space and drags strangers over to a group as if they were friends. She's there to keep RP up and going, and enjoys all the good fun common things. Currently does not like Avints for calling her fat. >:[

X Sariah; The lawful-good paladin lass. I don't RP her as much as I should, she's currently in boot camp with the Lion Hearted. She follows the law before her own moral compass, for the law is the law and without laws we live in anarchy.

X Aeryn; Another slightly neglected (at the moment) priestess toon! Reason for this is that I can never find elven RP so easily, and while I've been contemplating to put her onto a trip around the world, I'm not sure what motives or goals she would have just yet.

X Alessia; Chaotic-neutral thief, who's looking for rich targets to track and subdue. Her own freedom comes first, and those that have so much can spare some for her own luxuries. Gold is not worth killing for however (subject to change upon the luxuries acquired), thus she stuns or knocks her targets out instead. (Mostly) Harmless, just greedy.

X Sawyer; Merchant Vessel captain, who's still a work in progress. I have not decided much on him yet, but he'll be sailing a ship while singing. Or perhaps I make him end up as sailor if anyone has need of those.

X Avelyn; My upcoming merchant stationed at RotR. (Ratchet on the rocks). Leatherworker, bowyer. Can make anything from short-bows to longbows to leather bracelets, to tunics, clothes and leather bags. (With quite some skill, she's talented.) Once the GHI and TRP2 items are done, she'll be ready to earn some good IC munniez!

X Meline; Munny munny munniez, it's so funny. Smuggler toon, always looking for a profit and ways to strike deals, improving her own situation. Legal, illegal, it matters not. Cash is cash.

X Tricia; Bodyguard looking for somebody to guard! Schooled in etiquette, bladed weaponry and subtlety. People won't realize that she's a bodyguard till she's garroting one of your enemies.

Scarlett; Sergeant within the Stormwind Military, Noble Paladin type that strives to be an example wherever she goes.

- Niarrin (Though each time I log onto her, I feel like playing her.)
- Adriana (Stupid toon really. Biggest profile I wrote, got into 1 RP. Waste of time.)
- Faeryn (Subversive huntress, lack of RP thus shelved.)
- Mackay. (I tried, I just can't get into him and his persona.)
- Kylianne (I'd have to retcon/alter/erase most of her history if I wanted to play her again. Would get too confusing)

Old concept ideas:
- Bodyguard toon. (Momentarily on hold.) No RP available for any just yet.
- New smuggler type of toon. Got Meline back into play.
- Elven Sentinel, because.. I just love those types.
- Some kind of obsessive gambler. Meline might be up for that and slowly develop it.
- Gnome toy inventor/maker.
- Squire for this
- Whacked up bomb-maker that took to many bangs to the head. Everything he/she uses has an explosive attached to it.

Maybe combine it all into a night elf, smuggler sentinel with a gambling problem that has a love for toy making. (jokes)
Curse you Psychyn, I've been watching Pocahontas for the last hour and half because of you! I have toons to RPz all of your toons, and the ones you haven't made yet but I will not because I am in a sappy disney mood now and it infuriates my inner testosterone driven subconscious.
Let's get down to business.
You think I'm an ignorant savage.
So you wanna be a hero kid? Well woopdidoo.
For a long time we've been marching off to battle

From the day we arrive on the planet
Little town, it's a quiet village.
What I love most about rivers is:
The seaweed is always greener, in somebody else's lake.

I don't know if you can hear me.
Whatever you'll do, I'll do it too.
Look for the, bear neccesities.
There, you see her.

All those days, watching from the windows.
There's something sweet, and almost kind.
I admit that in the past I've been a nasty.
Don't you disrespect me little man.

You know I am a righteous man.
In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning.
What can you expect?
Make way, for prince Ali.

I must admit your parlor tricks are amusing.
I can show you the world.
Back when the world was new.
Hakuna matata, what a wonderful phrase.

Look at me.
The gold of Cortes.
If there was a prize for rotten judgement.
Well ali baba had them forty thieves.

Can't you see what's happening?
I have often dreamed.
Everybody wants to be a cat.
One, alone is not enough.

I know that your powers of retention.
If you go through life you'll see.
I'm going to be a mighty king.
In a perfect world.

There's a place where the crazy moon makes the monkeys sing and the baboons boon.
This is what you give me to work with?
Sleep my little Kovu.

One minute, I'm in central park.
Bless my soul.
Do ya need a break from modern livin'?
Why should I worry?

... I think I got them all. May all your nostalgic Disney songs echo through your mind, and switch tune with each single sentence.
Somebody watched the full 39 minute Top 60 disney songs video at the end of that one... besides me that is.
.. Maybe.

On that note, I'm also available for TF2, L4D2, Xcom Enemy Unknown, Tekkitz (Providing I can get my own server working, or find a good one), regular MC or heck, if you got it; Chivalry medieval warfare! The latter would be quite interesting actually.
Alrighty, lets see what I've got here.
I've got a Goat Vindicator, Jakodus, he hasn't seen much RP in recent times, I think I would of put him on the retired status as well hadn't he had an apprentice to train. I think a few of your character's might know him ICly actually, and you'd possibly know his White Knight personality.

For the rest, the flirtious and social creatures and especially elves I can spare Telendrin, the Hearthglen Drinksboy.
Updating this. Moved Meline back to active toons after a fun encounter. (At this stage, I think I will retcon her involvement with Citizenry. It's been too long. Sorry for those involvedf; Shoot me a PM if you got a better idea!) Will be looking into ways to strike deals, invest into businesses and make a profit here and there.
Btw with your song thingy Anastasia isn't disney last time I checked :P I also wish to make a character for the U.T.U hopefully a trader -and- lastly... Why could I have not found your U.T.U sooner?

EDIT: I just became aware this may not be a Feedback thread like I thought it was but I'm not moving my stuff from my lazyness >.<
Edited. Added my own 'to be deleted' list at the bottom when Cata comes. Lack of interest or other factors.

I might reconsider, but you'll have to convince me.
DO NOT. DARE. TO DELETE. MELINE. We need you! =(
Updated a bit, I only intent on keeping ~3 characters whenever Cata hits. Toons above currently can still be requested for RP but if I'm not nudged about them I won't bother to log in for the moment.

Roxanne added to the 'to be decided' list, going to keep Ashlynn. (Toon that nobody really knows yet)

Also still looking for people to play the above games with so if there's interest, feel free. I don't bite.
I'm gonna miss Allaia :c
Surely one of your toons and one of mine can find -something- to do. :|

I'll poke you in game.
Meline~ =( *Sob*
(03-08-2013, 12:40 PM)ImagenAshyun Wrote: [ -> ]I'm gonna miss Allaia :c

Yeah, she was my most random toon out of the list really. Able to pop up wherever and act all cocky like she planned it; But I'm really looking for character progression for a change instead of joining every RP out there.

Hence why I'm limiting them down. Who knows, I still got a spot left as I intend to keep three toons, I'll reconsider her as the other two may be rather restricted with their RP. Out of those three (Allaia, Ashlynn, Scarlett) Ash would have my preference despite still awaiting profile approval. I just -want- to RP her, can't really say that with the other two so far. (Psst, be a dear. Comment on her profile. I'll give you Allaia if you give me 1/3. *Joke*)

(03-08-2013, 01:03 PM)McKnighter Wrote: [ -> ]Surely one of your toons and one of mine can find -something- to do. :|

I'll poke you in game.

Let's hope! We haven't really been able to RP since.. Gees.. Grace of Elune? Seems so long ago.

(03-08-2013, 01:36 PM)Aethon Wrote: [ -> ]Meline~ =( *Sob*

Yeaaah.. I tried being subtly evil, and things didn't go as planned. I've lost interest in the smuggler for many reasons, but with UTU going horribly wrong as well I think it would be better if I just get rid of the lass.

If I find myself intrigued by evil RP, I'll look into rolling a new toon but Meline is highly unlikely. (Though odds are that I stick with the three above)
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