Conquest of the Horde

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Stefano Wrote:              Date: The 26th Day of the 11th Month

              I just received this book today. Haven't counted it, but it looks like it can hold over two hundred pages. I hope to use this as a journal log for memory practice.

              Here's what I remember:

              My name is Stefano-Clemente Ricci. I've been nicknamed "Steffy", but I am more fond of "Fano", which came from mispronunciations of my name from my sisters. I am thirty-three years old. My birthdate is on the 12th day of the 6th Month. My mother's name is Samuela, and my father is Savio. I have no brothers, but I do have seven sisters: Samanta, Savina, Selvaggia, Simona, Sonia, Susana, and Lia (who was adopted). I have an Aunt Maeia, who is sister to my mother, and she has my uncle Atilio and my cousin Cristovao. I have another uncle, Jaece, but I cannot recall our direct relation.

              I have a wife and two sons. Allegra is my one and only, my love, my everything. Dante is our firstborn; he resembled me a little. Then Nico came along, and he looked like his mother. We want more children, hopefully some daughters. Two girls and two boys would be nice, actually. I have the names Arabella and Caterina reserved, because they're very beautiful.

              I am a paladin, but I was trained in the Scarlet Crusade. I left the Scarlets and joined the Argent Dawn before I became a private in the Argent Crusade. I lived in the memory of Lordaeron, my home sacked by Prince Arthas and now overrun by the Forsaken. I agreed to my duties in the Argent Crusade so that justice for my home will be had once and for all against the Lich King. But around the night of Winter's Veil two years ago, my life was taken away from me.

              I was shot in the back of my head. When I was resurrected, I found myself among the Red Glove and made a slave. By this time, resurrection sickness wasn't overcome completely, and now, not only is my short-term memory broken, but so is my ability to perceive faces. I mean, I can see eyes, noses, mouths, and jawlines, but I cannot put them together to something I can remember and recognize. The best way for me to describe this is asking someone to distinguish pebbles in the sand--to you, it's just masses of different shapes and sizes, but you cannot, for the life of you, tell them apart nonetheless. This is me with faces now.

              In the two years I suffered, I have learned to use voice, hair, body shape, and gait to distinguish people, as well as other telltale racial traits such as orcs' green skin and elves' long ears. Sadly, the life of a face-blind slave is a torturous one--I was switched around locations those two years, and I just about never had a consistent companion to fall back on. The only buddy who stayed with me the whole time is Faelipo Paleleaf, a surname I'd pick on him on because he's really dark for a night elf. I remember him because he as curly hair. However, he has returned to his family in Winterspring since the Hearthglen Councilwoman and a dwarf <Annabelle and Hrodebert> broke us out. I do not have him anymore.

              When I returned home, I have learned that I was used as leverage for Allegra--she was a former Glove who defected. For this reason, Allegra, Dante, and Nico are all gone. I have been searching for them, but with my inability to see faces, for all I know I passed by them and didn't realize it. I cannot remember what they look like, or even what they sound like. I found a painted portrait of Allegra that I'm using as a reference, but it's torn from the Glove. The only lead I have is her bonnet found in Stormwind when that paladin with the pointy shoulders and braided hairand the other paladin with the halberd was helping me. Wow. I cannot remember their names, but I know I met both of them more than twice. Dalikan and Royal! Yes! I CAN remember names!

              I have to find my family. But I have to remember what they look like. All I know is that I don't want to lose them like I lost my parents and sisters to the Scourge. Right now, Cousin Cristovao and his band is helping me.

              I must remember to write what is happening or whatever memory pops into mind. I will not let my weaknesses take me down. I will remember my family. I will find them.

This was added a few months after the previous note.

Quote:Thank you, everyone. Allegra, Dante, and Nico have been returned to me, and we have all moved out to Hearthglen. After reporting my absence to the Argent Crusade, I am given new duties to make up for lost time. I am now caught up with the present times.

Dante and Nico have recovered since their kidnapping, and now they want to follow the path their mother and father followed. I only pray my history in the Scarlet Crusade and Allegra's in the Red Glove never catch up to our sons.

We are happy now. Allegra is now a portal arcanist in the Crusade, Dante is studying the Light to become a paladin in his near future, and Nico is continuing his schooling. Allegra and I will be trying for those two daughters we wish to have. Light help us, please keep us together and never separate us again.
The following are strips of paper stuck into the book separately. They're not organized in any order, but they are tied together in strings. Stefano intends to organize it in alphabetical order once his "directory" grows large enough.

Stefano doesn't write down every single name he learns. Just the ones who give him a lasting impression or he's met more than once.

Annabelle Greene Bronco

--Dark skin and black hair. Freckles. Purple eyes.
--Brave woman. A strong poise.
--Reverent voice, but sometimes dripping with smarm. I like her.
--Dresses in white.

Rod something dwarf Hrodebert

--Big braided blond beard
--Rough accent, even for a dwarf. Wildhammer?
--Very wide gait. I don't think he needs it, he's a dwarf.

Dalikan __________

--Long, gray hair, tied in braids. Beard.
--Pointy spaulders
--Has a proud poise to him. Charismatic. A strong gait, very heavy sounding.


--Long hair, often tied up. I forget the color.
--Wears a headband.
--Carries a halberd. Gives him added height.

Cousin Cristovao

--Shoulder length brown hair. Tacky facial hair. I'm better looking.
--Gaudy blue armor
--Often has that draenei lady around him. What's her name again?
--Heavy plodding sound to his foot steps. Even when he's not in armor.

Cristovao's Goat Lady

--Has a big ass.

__________ Bennin

--Really fancy red hair for a guy.
--Argent tabard
--Thick Alterac accent. Like, nasal thick. Like he needs to blow his nose.

Dr. Perin Galleani

--Freaking hate this guy. Surly bastard.
--Wears a bird-like mask. Has a lanky figure, kind of like a snake.
--Crippled and on a cane. Knees are bent.

Taldriira ________

--Blood elf woman. Has a harp. Black hair, I think?
--Mostly blind. Can see colors and blurs, but not shapes.
--Carries a soft air to her. Very kind. Lovely voice.
Crusader Commander Krilari Dawnsend

--Very commanding voice, if riddled with fatigue often. Guy needs to learn how to take a break.
--Long blond hair with messy locks at the back. I pray he never cuts those locks or else I'll confuse with every other blond male long-haired elf.
--Still wears the black Dawn tabard. Thank the Light.
--Light-awful boots. I'm sorry, Commander.
--Wide gait but narrow stride.

Crusader Champion Reagan Reigen Sunfire

--Light in heaven, she's tiny.
--Wide, jutting hips, sassy gait. Allegra is hotter.
--Very, very long black hair. How does she not sit on it??
--Relaxed but stoic tone in her voice.

Crusader Ce

--Huge goat. Well, all draenei are huge, and I can't compare his height until I see another male draenei. Are the men dying out???
--No crest, crown, or horns. What a relief.
--Long, even length tendrils on his face.
--Casanova mustache and goatee. Reminds me of Papa.
--A very cautiously-stepped gait. Doesn't sound as heavy as his height suggests.

Mary Mahri

--Very high-pitched, grating voice. Like nails on a chalkboard.
--Big bust. How does she not topple over?

Roo Roux

--Big, poofy, unruly red hair. Kind of like Alba!
--Much taller than Alba, no doubt, and curvier/chubbier.
--Very thick Gilnean accent, but different sounding from the other Gilneans I've come across. I guess hers is more rural.
--Very confident yet relaxed gait.


--Highborne. There is a different air to him from all the other night elves.
--Chalky purple skin and deep blue hair. I don't see that combination often.