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Worry not! I have both 4.0.6a and 4.3.4 at once. =)
Oh, good. 4.0.6 is the version I have, and is also the one used by a certain other RP server I jumped over to, so I can switch between here and there.

I wish I knew more about computers, so I could make something like a .bat file that automatically switches the realmlist and patch info between the two servers.
(01-05-2013, 08:03 PM)Scow2 Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, good. 4.0.6 is the version I have, and is also the one used by a certain other RP server I jumped over to, so I can switch between here and there.

I wish I knew more about computers, so I could make something like a .bat file that automatically switches the realmlist and patch info between the two servers.

I'm pretty out of practice, but this works:

ECHO Determining current realmlist.
IF EXIST .\Data\enUS\realmlist.coth GOTO COTH
IF EXIST .\Data\enUS\realmlist.other GOTO OTHER

ECHO Alternate server detected. Initializing switch to CotH.
ren .\Data\enUS\ realmlist.other
ECHO Alternate realmlist disabled.
ren .\Data\enUS\realmlist.coth
ECHO CotH realmlist enabled. You are ready to play.

ECHO CotH server detected. Initializing switch to alternate server.
ren .\Data\enUS\ realmlist.coth
ECHO CotH realmlist disabled.
ren .\Data\enUS\realmlist.other
ECHO Alternate realmlist enabled. You are ready to play.

Save it as a .bat file in the root WoW folder. Set up your to be for CotH, and make another file named realmlist.other and put your other realmlist into it. Run the batch file to switch between them.
Speaking of batch files, I actually do have one that folks can use (at least, when initially setting up a Cataclysm WoW folder). T'is for Windows users, and it needs to be placed in the WoW root directory.

:: Rename Launcher
ren Launcher.exe Launcher.exe.BAK

:: Make WoW.mfil Read-Only
attrib +R WoW.mfil

:: Set realmlist files
(echo set realmlist echo set patchlist > ".\Data\enUS\"
(echo set realmlist echo set patchlist > ".\Data\enGB\"
(01-05-2013, 08:03 PM)Scow2 Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, good. 4.0.6 is the version I have, and is also the one used by a certain other RP server I jumped over to, so I can switch between here and there.

I wish I knew more about computers, so I could make something like a .bat file that automatically switches the realmlist and patch info between the two servers.

I use the latest one for Para. You do realize the custom launcher they use retrogrades your WoW.
If you have 4.3.4 and wish to downpatch (which is entirely possible), refer to this video and the provided link:
I've literally come to the point where I just have to change some folder and shortcut names and realmlists at this point... I'm quite sure TrinityCore will iron out the greatest bugs sooner or later, though. Last I checked, they're still quite active when it comes to development (can't and won't talk for Ark Core as I have no experience with them whatsoever).
So, when are we going over. Shall we, our 4.0.6's? Soon™?
(01-06-2013, 10:12 AM)WingedReaver Wrote: [ -> ]So, when are we going over. Shall we, our 4.0.6's? Soon™?

Approximately a month, by the current estimates but do not be suprised if it takes a shorter/longer period of time. Best to continue as is for the time being. You'll know in advance when it happens.
(01-06-2013, 12:15 AM)ImagenAshyun Wrote: [ -> ]If you have 4.3.4 and wish to downpatch (which is entirely possible), refer to this video and the provided link:

Has anyone tried this successfully? I went through it, but now I'm instantly getting disconnected when I try to connect to the server. Wondering if there's some kind of file conflict, or if I just did it wrong.
When I try to log in on 4.0.6a, I get DC'd right away. Server side issue? It worked before...
That's why I keep two seperate installations of 4.0.6a and 4.3.4 :X

Though, there is this odd bug when you go dance as a Goblin... you keep dancing.
I have seperate 4.06 and 4.3.4 too... But it still DCs me for some reason. It worked before... Server side?
Well, since they've stated that the server will be using 4.0.6, I'd assume that if you want to log on to the Cata server, you use that. Also, the server isn't operational 24/7 so if you want to check it out, pretty sure you just need good timing.
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