Conquest of the Horde

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Pages: 1 2 3 4 for Geron


Invincible's Rein for Geron

(I perfer Invin)
I'd like one of these items:

1. titleID 59 for Shadovarn.
2. titleID 122 for Montague
3. OR... Elder title for Narm. (43) :D
I would love a single title on Royal.

Light of the dawn.

Cryptmaker for Gantrithor, please!

Nevermind this.
If we are allowed to ask for Cataclysm items, that I am going to ask for the 'Vial of the Sands', for the character Craer.

Otherwise, I'd like to ask for Mimiron's Head.
Title 225 for Xavier, or, if possible! Thanks in advance for whatever I receive regardless!
I'm late because of holidays.

Madaga wants a Tyrant's Belt
All I want for Christmas is the Knight title for Matthew.

And a hug.
1. Denardiin be given the Ghost Form ability, or some item that allows turning into a wolf.
2. Invincible's Reins for Claynt.
3. An exception to the no-taller tauren rule, along with a 1.2 Brokenhorn.
4. To be given and told of the opportunity to change the present, if none of these are possible.
Can I have invincible's Reins for Vivalyn
Rusted Proto-Drake for Karl, he's on my second account.
1. Krian gets a promotion to Champion of the Blood Knight order? ;)
2. Mechno-Hog mount for Krian!
1. Champion of the Naaru title for Arlyn.
2. Reins of the Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher for Kynra.
3. Dark War Talbuk for Namaah.

Thanks, Greatfather Kretol!
I can make you a Mechano-Hog, McKnighter! I'd like that gas tank thing, I seen someone else wear it.. It has a purple tint and it goes on your back! I forget what it's called but maybe someone can help me out. For Zur'an please!

Thanks Reigen!
1. My own army of autonomous super soldiers named alpharius.

But while I understand that's a bit hard to do, I would LOVE a

2.Stormwind Steed for Hypax, and a
3. red dragonhawk mount for Svenn.
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