Conquest of the Horde

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(In Character)

A fresh new poster is placed on nearly every building in Ratchet. It reads...


The world takes all types and theatre is no exception. Our artists range from all over the world with a variety of skills and acts. We are the Golden Palace Theatre.

Currently, we are looking for blooming actresses and actors to join us as we travel Azeroth offering our theatre services. Auditions will be held in Ratchet and questions can be answered by the members of the theatre. Simply walk to the inn and see if a handsome night elven fellow is sitting majestically in a chair or if a human woman is in his place to recruit. <The papers all look scratched out around this area.>

Ask for Faloren Stormwine or Claire Duffield.

We preform the stories of Azeroth as they were meant to be seen!"

(Out Of Character)

The Golden Palace Theatre is a traveling theatre troupe that retells the tales of Azeroth in a skewered and comical manner. They are a neutrally aligned guild that focuses on acting and singing. If you are interested in joining or have any questions, send a private message my way on the forums or catch me online in-game. We'll start events when we acquire enough interest.

An important thing to note is that the theatre does horrible retellings of the tales of Azeroth. It is purely a comedic troupe that takes themselves somewhat seriously.

The ranks include:

- Director: Claire Duffield, the woman who runs the theatre.

- Musicians: The members of the guild who specialize in music.

- Actors: The male acting members of the guild.

- Actresses: The female acting members of the guild.

- New Member: The place holding rank. Essentially an OOC member of the guild that has not been role played in yet.