Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: 'Dragon' Henchman Wanted
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I'd like to throw my card in the hat. I miss evil RP.

The character in question would be Leah, Forsaken cutpurse with an affinity for shadow magic and assassination. My reasons for doing so are as follows:
  1. She's treading the line between neutral and evil;
  2. She's very malleable due to her fairly weak personality;
  3. She has skills that would be very useful as a henchman:
    • Combat;
    • Interrogation;
    • Apathy;
    • Blurred, weak and pretty ignorable moral code.
  4. I believe she'd be an interesting character to RP with in this setting.

Also, she'd be one to be corrupted - she has little but fear and hatred for evil groups.
(01-07-2013, 03:08 PM)Rosencrat Wrote: [ -> ]I know the idea may not be particularly savory for most, but of the two to three dragons we were hoping to hire we wanted to have at least one be corrupted.

Also, as with these sorts of things, we are willing to discuss providing augmentation and combat benefits to our Dragon. Can't have a weakling leading our forces.

Not sure what exactly you're looking for in regards to corruption but as I mentioned, Karl is previous Black Dragonsworn. Wouldn't take much to adjust him to have gone a bit cray cray when the rest of the flight does. Seems like there might be potential for some cata event tie-ins that way as well.
I'd be interested.
Alright! We've decided.

After chewing it over and looking over the characters, we've settled on Nikodemos as our Dragon. As we grow we'll start asking a few other people who have expressed interest.

But, for those people who have said they have bad characters who need some RP, we'll be looking in to see if they are interested in joining the new club.
I'm sorry for the late reply, but I've still got a character that could do well in this thing! Charland Eberhardt, Alteracian Crime Lord?
All of the characters in the signature below are available.
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