Conquest of the Horde

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Eliza will put any DK over her knee and mama-guilt them into oblivion. :|
Eliza is the ultimate mama. That's not stretching the truth, that's a fact. (In case any of you were wondering, 14 children walking about; one in the womb. Yeah...)
If a child is walking around while in the womb, that sounds like a big, big issue.
...Perhaps I phrased that wrong?

EDIT: But my mother did always say I tap-danced on her bladder when I was inside of her.
Mochla needs to meet Eliza so they can exchange mom stories. Just sayin'. Haha.
Mochla is a dirty orc :|

(Eliza's a Westfall Woman :3 )
But-but our armies of children! When our mom powers combine, we would be unstoppable! *Snicker*
Combine that with the powers of the Ring... She'll never be stopped!
Mikain, are you suggesting these two woman should be married?

Then they could have even more kids through said marriage.
It's a fantasy game, Rensin. Magic.

The spice must flow.
... How did I derail the thread this badly?!
Probably because most people have said what they wanted to say and it is a nice turn-of-events to have this thread dissolve into pleasantries rather than locked out of sheer vitriolic commentary.
[Image: The-Most-Interesting-Man-in-the-World.jpg]

I don't always RP fight, but when I do, I try and make it interesting. (Edit to clarify: I mean, you can have an equal RP fight without getting bored to tears.)

... Like the time my character was losing so as a last resort they scooped up a rabbit off the ground and threw it in their enemy's face. The fight skidded to a halt as the enemy suddenly exclaimed, "WHAT.. THE HELL?"

Needless to say, the character ended up surviving. A good day for my character, not so good for the rabbit.
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