Conquest of the Horde

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I have given it alot of thought and apparently I have done a poor job of RPing this toon in the past? As people seem to not understand him or get his "ways". The following is my best attempt to dive into the mind of Elrohir Seregon so that we might better understand him as a person. This includes goals, personal thoughts on topics, his beliefs as a man, and a brief outline of his persons. I hope that through this mini mind delve my failed attempt to RP this character in the past is better understood by those here on CoTh. Enjoy the read if nothing else.

Elrohir Seregon-

It is easy to confuse Elrohir with a truly "evil" man. He's evil in the sense that he will do whatever is necessary to ensure his will is done regarding his beliefs and goals. At no time will he be running around screaming "Praise the dark gods! BURN BABY BURN!" Just not gonna happen. Will he murder someone, yes, for absolutely no reason? No. (Back when I first created him he was like that but I quickly switched up the tune because I'm just not that type of player. Not my style anymore.) If someone forces his hand or he feels someone has failed him in some way he'll take action in a manner that his beliefs deem appropriate. His actions are usually calculated though at times he has been known to lose his temper giving way to his darker side. It is my desire to create a character that is viewed as dark. The one the others turn too when they're treading paths that perhaps frighten them or worse could jeapordize their persons. If anyone is familiar with the Dragon Lance series Raistalin (black robes) was a heavy influence when I created Elrohir. The one others look at and perhaps whisper among themselves knowing that he had to do horrid things to get to here, though to him his intentions are "good" and it is what needed to be done.


1.) Believes strongly in family. He will go out of his way to ensure they are kept safe and avenged should something befall them or threaten their way of life. However this does not mean he will treat them with a soft hand. If someone goes against him they are usually crushed under foot. Though he will give them the chance to fall in line, he'll even go as far as to hear their side of their beliefs. In the end his will is what shall be done in his mind, lest the idea falls closely with his. Then and only then might it not fall on deaf ears.

2.) Views his House as just that -his- House. Through much hard work he has carved out his own piece of society to live in and he'll fight tooth and nail to defend it to the end. Though at times he may let the youth steer things, it is only to see how they handle the reigns and in what direction they attempt to take the House. Should that direction differ from his own then he moves in to take hold once more.

3.) Believes heavily in the eye for an eye theory. Should anyone cause harm to his House they are to be dealt with. Elrohir does not usually push this task off onto others as he believes a man is only as good as the work he is willing to put in with his own two hands. He's not affraid to get bloody in his dealings should it call for it. Elrohir follows this code strictly and will not stray from this ideal, "If you threaten us we will strike you. Harm us and your life is forfiet." Is his mind set.

4.) Sees the dark powers as nothing more than a tool. He has played their little game and seen where it leads. Those minions in service to him are bound by his harsh will. At no time has Elrohir viewed the dark arts as a religious devotion merely an avenue with which he could travel and obtain unmeasurable power in order to firmly hold his current standings. He's gone through the motions but they held no weight with him. He enjoys the devestating nature of dark magics more so than those of the simple arcane arts. Elrohir even went as far as to persue darker paths in becoming a Fel Sworn through private teachings which he bartered to obtain. Much like the Knights of old Elrohir bends his dark science to his will and refuses to be ruled by it.

5.) Strives to maintain his current treaties. He is more than willing to assist other Houses should they require it and for the small fee of a treaty House Seregon has helped numerous Noble Houses among Silvermoon's elite. Including the Novalights and Silverfang's. These alliances are important to Elrohir in the sense that they scratch his back he'll use his gifts and resources to scratch theirs. He has also brokered a treaty with the Crimson Suns in the past in hopes of swelling their numbers as well as for his own personal protection. Elrohir believes heavily in well trained troops and having both the Silverfang's and Crimson Sun backing him he believes that together they could do many things to strengthen Silvermoon as a whole when dealing with the Alliance in the future.

6.) Hates Humans. It's safe to say he despises them. He's only ever met one human who he could tolerate and he considers her more than just a Human. Through her dealings she impressed him so he gave her the respect due among those who walk the darker circles of Azeroth. However she is the lone case. As for the rest they all deserve to burn for betraying the King in his eyes. The hate Elrohir harbors for the Humans is uncomparable. Words do it little justice.

7.) Detests those who believe in world "peace". He views these people as silly children who know not of the real world. In his mind they are not worth the air they breath or worth their weight when it comes to discussing topics of war. Elrohir believes war is a necessary evil to obtain a solid foothold for the Bloodelves in avoiding that which will only lead them to be enthralled by the Horde or worse, conquered by the Alliance. He believes the Elves must fight for their ground in this world now and should suffer no ill favored "peace" talks that could leave loopholes for those of Alliance favor to slip and slither through, or Horde rulers the right to govern their people. In his mind the people of Silvermoon will be forged of blood and steel thus preventing any foe from ever devestating them as the Scourge once did.

8.) Views those who wield the dark arts carelessly as foolish and awaits the day he gets to see them drug asunder by their foolish ideals of serving the darker creatures of the void. Elrohir sees them in an amatuer light thinking of them as school children not yet fully comprehending what it is they are studying. He also feels should someone grow so careless in their practices that it is up to those who walk the darker circles to deal with the beacon of trouble before it draws attention to those who truly study the more vile things in the world.

9.) Respects the Orcs for their warish nature and for their tenacity in battle. Elrohir enjoys their society only in the sense that the strong survive and weak perish. He believes that is why their armies are so horrid in battle and why they are able to be so successful in almost any environment. His apprentice is an Orc who he respects for this very reason, survival.

10.) He holds no real religious beliefs. Elrohir believes in his own power, he can touch it, feel it, taste the pain it causes and view the results it has produced over the years. It is in his own power and will that Elrohir puts his faith.

11.) He believes the former King was a good man and believes heavily in his ways. Elrohir often keeps this to himself lest someone else expresses the same beliefs. Then and only then will Elrohir discuss it, and that's only if he truly believes them. Though he obeys the new Lord his favor as stated before still remains in the teachings of the former King.

Views on Topics:

1.) His recent dealings with the Conclave he found interesting and hoped it would help in creating a stronger Silvermoon. After being asked to leave by Reigen he chalked it up to nothing more than a book club, this is why it held such little weight with him. However after seeing that his apparent membership into this club is what was needed in order to fight for the people of Silvermoon he has begun to give it more thought. Though he is disappointed that to those present a club was more important than every able bodied man on the front line.

2.) The new tremblings in the world raise alarms to him, though he knows not what they mean he has begun travelling to investigate certain sites. However they have given him little result.

3.) He has given much thought to those elves travelling through Alliance lands. This too raises alarms. Perhaps they're conversing with their former Kin trading secrets of the Bloodelves to the Alliance. He knows not.

4.) The missing lift guards perk his interests though not enough to investigate. However he has mentioned it on several occasions in hopes of finding out the answer to the question.

5.) A flyer crossed his desk about a Knight order forming of Light followers. Elrohir didn't pay it much mind but after looking at the flyer again the "Knights of Grandbell" are something he keeps his ears open for. True light weilders and followers of peace could prove issue in the future for the dark caster.

6.) He also keeps a watchful eye on House Trevelyan, a once great House among the Alliance on the rise once more. Should the Alliance begin to regain a strong foothold over the Eastern Kingdoms then Elrohir might move on those who would pose the greatest threat among the Alliance... The Noble banners that rally behind the King.

7.) The recent killing of the guard who failed his duty in protecting the wife of a member to House Seregon has held little weight with Elrohir. To him it was merely a trade, "She was taken so too shall one pay the price." is how he sees it. Elrohir pays it little mind these days and has re-established a firm alliance with House Silverfang after conversing with Leron one of the only two men to witness the actual act in hopes of striving towards greater goals in the coming months. He is confident they will accomplish much.


1.) Maintain a strong grip over his House, through whatever means is necessary to stay on top. He rules with a firm hand in all his dealings involving those among his House. If he feels someone is threatening the "way" of things, they are removed.

2.) Obtain a political foothold with which he can hold influence.

3.) Obtain power, that is power enough to one day strengthen his people and rule them towards a strong future through his sheer iron will. Anyone preventing that is expendable.

4.) Delve further into his dark arts in search of power that could in any way assist him in one day ruling.

5.) Conquer and defeat the Alliance. Should the Horde rise up against the Elves then they too would become a threat that needs dealing with.

6.) Perhaps re-establish his connection to the Legion. Purely for personal gain, once he has what he wants they too are merely in the way. Silvermoon will never bow to the Legion, though he would use them to meet his own ends if he could.

7.) Kill those who threaten House Seregon. His House will bow to none though his shaken treaty with the Novalights prevents him from harming other Houses unless provoked. He will honor this.

8.) Search for sacred artifacts that could grant him power and strengthen his House.

9.) Push for those among the House to seek powerful seats where they can afford them among the political arenas in Silvermoon.

10.) Strengthen trade routes to better ensure the large amount of coin continues to roll in.

11.) Speak with Leron about possibly building a siege force and training special soldiers in shock warfare.

12.) Maintain strong alliances among the Novalights, Silverfangs, and Crimson Suns.

13.) Look into more avenues for capital gains via alliances among other Houses, should they wish to broker treaties and trade in lands, coin, or rare materials Elrohir is always an open ear to it.

14.) Find and remove Alliance influence among those citizens swearing loyalty to Silvermoon. He'll not harbor the weak.

15.) Reach a hand further north into Dalaran in hopes of developing alliances so that he may use their rich knowledge of the arts for his own personal gain in his strive for power.

16.) Help in funding new trade schools in Silvermoon to keep citizens from traveling outside the walls in search of good smith's, craftsmen, jewel crafters, and tailors.

17.) Assist in the construction of better academy's for those pursuing the ways of the Light as well as those who would stick to the shadows as spies and sneak thiefs. Why not put their trade to profitable use serving the city and those who would be willing to pay for it. With perhaps a cut going to the Magisters.

18.) Construct new Towers in Eversong. One for the arcane and one for the darker arts practiced under a watchfully trained eye.

19.) Continue to offer his assistance in the push to clear out the Dead Scar.

20.) Seek to claim Marius's demonic essence for himself in hopes that it would grant him further dark gifts.

21.) Find a mysterious Necromancer that has been troubling Silvermoon Nobles in the past and visit agony upon him after studying his dark gifts intensely.

22.) Look to profitable alliances with the Goblins. Their coin pockets are deep and that coin belongs in Silvermoon.

23.) Study the Darkfallen encountered in Northrend. Their unnatural lives could prove useful.

24.) Master the demonic Tomes and tongues.

25.) Lastly find a mate worthy of his offspring.