Conquest of the Horde

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Did anybody else buy this glorious online brawler for 360 so I have somebody to play with?

And if you don't know what this is, I will tell you.

It's a game from the development studio Platinum Games, that has a habit of having every second game being really popular and every second being awesome, but almost totally unknown. They developed MadWorld for Wii that got popular, then Vanquish which didn't get popular, then Bayonetta, Anarchy Reigns and finally the unreleased Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

So what is Anarchy Reigns exactly? Well, it's an online brawler taking place in the same universe as MadWorld. It was released half a year ago in Japan but didn't make it to the west until this week. The premise of the game is exactly what it says; anarchy to the freaking max.

You pick one of several characters that are all pretty imbalanced and overpowered and then duke it out in a huge map against fifteen other players and the only way to win is to use the chaos to gain points and win.

During this battle, random stuff can and will happen almost constantly. You might be fighting some dudes on a town square when a bunch of jets swing by and carpet bombs the area. You might be fighting on the docks when a tsunami rolls in. Poison gas might break loose and force the players to take to the rooftops to not die. A lot of crap is there to screw up your day.

Outside the Battle Royale main mode, there are tons of other modes such as team death match, tag team, deathball, cage matches, survival, a mode where you hang from the underside of a ****ing helicopter and try to shoot down other players. It's dumb and mindless fun.

I know for a fact that this game was released at the modest price of 30 bucks in North America since the game had already been out in Japan for six months, so if this got your interest, check it out. The game is available for Xbox 360 and PS3.

Here's a video of the Battle Royale online mode.