Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: What do you want from a storyline?
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I will not bore you with another TL;DR like I usually do. I'll get straight to the point:

I will be ending Red Glove. Though there was interest, and there were people who do enjoy the IC threads, I have come to realize how much a problem it is to actually run events (besides my hectic schedule). People are not invested into the story, or there are not enough hero/villain opportunities even when the story was happening. Either way, I am tired of trying to scrape for time. It probably also has something to do with the fact that I have TLE running at the same time.

I do have one more story in mind, however, and it will be my very last. The thing is, I will not propose the story until I get the following as a discussion:

1.) What draws you to a storyline that isn't about your characters?

2.) Why would you want to be involved in the story?

3.) What do you want to get out of the story?

Basically, the story I had in mind involves following artifacts, dungeon diving, putting spirits to rest, running away from a malicious spirit that wants to coddle people to their death, and discovering a tragedy between two races whose friendships were not meant to be. But as I have come to realize... not every story is RP friendly. I am already sacrificing my own characters' involvement so that other players can be the heroes in their stead.

Either way, I want to make this story as involving and enjoyable as possible. But with how derpy my stories are, how poorly run my events were, I am willing to drop this idea if there is nothing I can do to start RP.