Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Kaldorei Guild.
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Hello, I was planning to create a guild. One that is Kaldorei focused.. A bit like a tribe.. A clan a colony..

I was thinking about making one for Winterspring, a colony in Winterspring, to help to protect the balance, make a living, and protect from outsiders.

Sadly my knowledge of the Kaldorei lore isn't that great yet, I know enough to normally play a personality, but an entire colony would be harder. So I've some questions..

Do Night elves even make colonies? Tribes? Clans?

If they do, how would they live with each other?

If you can share anything that can be useful, please do! Thanks!

Night Elves don't really gather in clans, tribes or any such. However they do gather as communities. It's said that most night elf children are brought up not by a single set of parents, but by a community of night elves. By this we can understand that the night elves have a strong sense of racial unity and trust in one another. Another tidbit that I've seen, especially in the mounting Cataclysm, is that Night Elves also gather by Houses somewhat similar to how Blood Elves do, though it seems these houses have no sort of political power and is used more to designate a bloodline.