Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: On fear and mortality (Props to Xigo)
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Hello! I'd like to make this very short post in order to try and spark up a memory of this for all of us who've read it, and to present it to the ones who haven't yet. I don't think it's become a problem again, but I do think that it's a very good reminder that our characters are, after all, mortal.

That is all.
Anime is cool. Don't bash anime.

Having said that, if there's no metagaming, and if it's roughly consistant, there's no problems to me.

Don't go ignoring wounds, but you can still have a really awesome fight. Because there's a trope you forget here, it's that Reality is Unrealistic (people will ignore that an arrow in the knee IS a serious condition, even in western media - Skyrim cough Skyrim), and it's also frankly boring.

Problem arises when both people try to act as badass as possible (in such case this ties with the Equality issue), or when it goes beyond consistant content (ignoring gushing wounds, leaping twenty feet in the air, etc).

Anime as a RP narrative style, though, is perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with it, with fighting broken by talking, and with people commenting on the sidelines. Might not be your fun, but don't go bother other people's fun when all that annoys you is the anime-style narration.
Reality is only boring to those that make it boring. Sometimes I view the ambiguous "epic" RP as boring... mostly because it's overdone.

I like aspects of both types of RP. You can do some awesome things while keeping in mind your own character's mortality, and also keep it humble. Showboating does get old, but so does the idea that there has to always be a specific way to do something.

Yin-Yang. Light-Dark. Anime-Reallife. Balance-Derpin-out-sideways.
When I call something epic, it's often quite the opposite. Fancy that. Say... Ned Stark's duel with Jaime Lannister in Game of Thrones. That is epic. I am awed by what normal men and women can do when they harden themselves to hone their minds and bodies. That's just my Forgotten Shadow admiration kicking in, though. :P
Medium Fantasy. That is all.
(01-19-2013, 03:47 PM)KageAcuma Wrote: [ -> ]Medium Fantasy. That is all.

That has to do with setting though, rather than Epic Vs. Non-Epic. By all definitions, WoW is High Fantasy simply because it takes place in it's own made up world with it's own rules and laws about magic and how things work, and not in our own where causality and rationality exist, or one like our own and has causality and rationality.


This is something that's been bugging me for a while, so I thought I'd post the definitions of such here. Low fantasy is like... Godzilla or something. High Fantasy? WoW, Tolkien, even Star Wars to a degree, all though that has Sci-Fi in it too.

This is more about how people play their characters. Think of how Luke Skywalker was. The Adventurer in the first movie that didn't have much going for him but could keep up by doing simple things, Vs. his "Born to be a god" father Anakin.