Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Return of the Sadron
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Well, I probably should have posted this a few months ago, when my laptop exploded--but I'm lazy!

So, yeah, I'm not really sure how or why it happened, but my laptop's video card has melted or fried... or something, and I can't run WoW without my laptop's screen turning purple/green/anyrandomcolour and then freezing and shutting down. Also, the battery no longer holds a charge. This old dinosaur is finally kicking the bucket.

That said, I will be buying a new laptop in/around the end of the month, so I'll be back fairly soon!

For anybody wondering where my characters have been: Thalion has been... living in the woods or something silly like that. The same goes for Sadron, except he has done productive things other than brooding, like killing demons.

See you soon, ladies and gents!
YES! Look forward to seeing you in game.