Conquest of the Horde

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A world wherein peace and harmony reign supreme is a world where all believe in the Light; The Era of the Light.

The Light is the very essence of good. There is no denying it. All the divine powers that we draw from It are meant to do good. It's domain gives us the power of healing; to cure the sick and heal the wounded. It gives us incredible tools to defeat the mindless undead hordes of the Scourge and the nefarious demons of the Burning Legion, organizations that are by their nature evil for they seek nothing more than to kill and destroy. The Light is synonymous with the very notion of Good. All the virtues that can be accredited to Good – peace, harmony, order, love, sympathy - can be accredited to the Light.

To follow the Light is thusly to do good. To follow the Light is to sacrifice yourself for the needs of others. And is this not what we would want in a perfect world; in our Utopia? To have everyone else at your side and willing to help you when you need help? It is what I view as ideal, for any goal can be achieved when enough hands work at it and as such, anyone's individual paradise can be built in this society. A perfect world is a world where all follow the Light and it is thusly that I name the perfect world: The Era of the Light.

The Era of the Light is more than just a name though. It implies both a goal, and the means to achieve it. The goal is the perfect world, a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony. The means to achieve this goal is of course, through the Light. The Light is more than a philosophy, It is the spirit of goodness and this spirit transcends the boundaries of our society, of our believes. This spirit is capable of uniting us wherever we may be from or whatever race we may be.

The Light is the means, and the only means to achieve a world of peace.
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Hope is the guiding light towards a better time. It is the faithful's most prized possesion and should be well guarded.


Hope is something every faithful needs if they are to walk down the path of the Light. It is a feeling of the heart that resonates most soundly with the philosophy of the Light. It is vital for every faithful man to have hope for to hope means to know in your heart that there shall be better times. To hope means to look beyond what is happening in the present and to see the glorious future that shall be. To hope means to have faith in the Light's work.

But hope is even more than that, hope is the great motivator that drives our people. We have built beautiful cities, fought impossible odds and achieved great things because we believed we could, because we had hope. And so we shall fight and work for a better tomorrow, because we believe it may one day be true, for we have hope.

There shall be a better time, for the Era of the Light shall come and repay the faithful for all their hard work with untold happiness but for now, we only have hope. Hope is a very joyeous feeling, but it is easy to lose track of when times are dark. This is why you should guard it so well and never let even the hardest of times make you lose hope. For what does the man without hope truly have the live for?

Hope is what we enjoy, hope is what drives us and hope is what shall lead us to a better tomorrow.

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The power of Community is the greatest of man's gifts.

We are man, a people united. Not one of us stands alone, for we are all part of the great community of man. In our great cities, thousands of people live together, each and everyone of them part of a great cycle. The baker wears clothes made by the tailor, whose tools were made by the blacksmith with the metals mined by the miner who feeds his family with the bread of the baker. Though we are all individuals, we all are bound together by the power of community.

The power of community is what makes us great. What one man may achieve on his own is laudable, what man can achieve is truly impressive. The great cities of wonder in which we live were not build by one man, they were build by man. One man did not achieve victory over the orcish horde, it was mankind as a whole that rose to the challenge and put an end to their threat. History is littered with many examples of impressive achievements that were made possible through the power of our community.

The power of community is our greatest weapon in the war on evil. The legions of the scourge were many, but they were alone for they did not posses the power of community and thusly they were defeated. The forces of the Legion are with more still, but they are divided, for their vile nature causes them to turn on each other. Through the power of community our forces shall clear away the evil threats, for they know they have their brothers to count on and that is what shall make us achieve victory.

The power of community binds us, the power of community is what makes us great and by the power of community all evil shall be destroyed.

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It is through noble labor that we liberate ourselves and it is through labor that we shall bring about the Era of the Light.

The man that sits idle grows restless. Our noble race has a natural drive to create, to move forward and it is through this drive that our industry has grown to the impressive machine it is today. Through our efforts we are able to built magnificent works of stone and irons in mere days. We are able to shape the very earth we live on in our image. Truly, the things we can achieve through noble labor are impressive. If we devote enough men to a goal, that goal will be met, such is the Might of our Industry.

But the act of noble labor serves an even greater purpose than creation. Sweat on the brow fills the body with joy. There is no greater pleasure to be had than that which you feel when you reap the rewards of your hard, honest work. This euphoria stems from our immortal souls, for they yearn for a peace that can only be granted through labor. This is where our drive to create, to be productive originates. It is by divine will that we carry forward with what we do, for we have inherited the earth and it is now ours to shape.

We have the means and the power to reshape the world as we see fit. We have all the tools we need to forge a new path for our people. All that remains is for our hands to join together under one vision. And by doing so, we will have taken the first step on our journey.

By our hands we have built houses, castles, cities. By our hands we shall reshape the earth and by our hands, we shall pave the way for the Era of Light.