Conquest of the Horde

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Not really an absence, but...

I've just been feeling completely down and out of it the past couple of weeks. Dunno exactly why, could just be general stress, could be the seasons, whatever.

After the Grandbell-Red Glove event a week and a half ago, I haven't been much for RP or doing something with my guild, and I apologize. I have a huge backlog of IC posts to write, storylines to continue/work on, profiles to update, and create RP for Grandbell Knights, but have not done a damn thing for any of them, and all I can say is that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a slacker and letting people down.

That said, this isn't an absence, just an explanation of my lessened activity lately. Hopefully in the following week my mood will pick up and I'll get some crap done, because I hate sitting on this pile of unfinished business. Bear with me guys and here's hoping next week will be better than the last few.

EDIT: This week don't expect to see much of me, though. My online time tomorrow will be limited to before 12PM Server and my usual night hours, and I won't even be on Friday until my night hours.
I'm in a similar situation when it comes to updating profiles and writing up IC posts or obsessively editing the one's I've already written. And well, I haven't really done these things due to other things I've been doing. There haven't been any significant negative consequences from not doing these things. What I'm trying to say is, there's no need to stress yourself out; it's the stress that will produce negative consequences.
Take it easy, love.
[Image: funny-pictures-kitten-is-on-top-of-work.jpg]

Not that I was ever really part of Grandbell, I did enjoy what RP I got with you. And I patiently await its return.
Cristo, no D:

Get better soon, and stop being down on yourself. You're an awesome guy!
I love you. <3

Feel better, please.
Hang in there Cristo!
Hope everything works out for you and that you enjoy a little break of sorts! Feel better soon!
Telah blesses you with eased burdens in a not too distant future!
I wish you best of luck, Cappn!Hug