Conquest of the Horde

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((Well.. because a lot of people were complaining they want Celen back.. I decided I will turn her into this.. you can still do "Visits" and whisper me if you want to visit her prison cell.))

first week

The paper would have signs of bread crumbles on it, and some meat smugs, it appears torn from something, and the ink quite cheap.

Heh, well I guess this will be week one, life in the cell is quite good… I guess, I already been here... Because Doyle told me once... Months ago but now I am back, everything is behind me.
I have more time to think of myself, to be honest, it is quite good, I can already plan things that I'll do when I get out, like get a house, find a job as a waitress, would be fun, I always wanted trying to be one, sounds like a lot of fun.

No one has come to visit me yet, I guess the news aren't as fast as I thought, when I was around and something would have happened at Silvermoon, a day after that I would have heard rumors of it at Tanaris, that’s how fast they were.

It's strange really, writing on this piece of paper, on one hand, it's relaxing, on the other, it feels strange, who knows where it will go after I will put it somewhere, after all I am sitting at this corner all day, in the dark, just like how I like it, it's peaceful, no body disturbs you and you can watch everything unfold, all the fights and all the silly people who do silly stuff, I wonder why that guy with the scar is here, he is quite interesting, the scar seems like it was a slice and burn.. Maybe a battle mage? Can't know but, I might check on his story when he will start being friendly and not so bitchy about how the food is here, it's actually quite nice, it tastes like chicken, but I have no idea what we are eating, people say those are the wandering cats in the back alleys that the guards catch and cook them, quite easy to believe but I don't know if to believe it or not.

I wonder what Reigen is thinking now... And I hope she kept my hat, I want her to bring it back to me when I get out, to symbolize my freedom, I hope she got the catch, hehe, I am sneaky that way, giving hidden meanings to everything I do.. heh, I am smart.
Well, that will be the first week, I hope someone will come to visit me soon, I don't know, it would be fun.
The paper would have signs of eaten bread and blood drops, it seems she had some effort writing this

Well, this is week two, I conclude this week... in a so-so matter on the one hand the scarred man finally opened to me, he was a thieve and got caught stealing from a magister, he is sentenced for two centuries, unlucky fellow, the scar… on the other hand, has a –very- cool story, you see when he was young, and started the business of this stuff, he decided to steal from some pirates, and you know pirates, they are picky fellows, right diary? That’s what you know!

Anyways, he disguised as one and boarded their ship, he worked there for a few months gaining his reputations with the bloodsails, after a few months they ported near Booty bay and started to set up camp, he was secretly smuggling their supplies to his friends without them noticing, at the end, one warlock found him, they fought but in the end he slashed his face and got it fel-burned, nasty stuff, got to say, it sounds painful too!

What more happened… uhm… OH! Kresty came here! He is such a nice person! The first visitor! I like kresty, he is such a nice person, he can be grumpy and that, don't tell to anyone Diary but I think he hates little kids who think they can fight, but don't tell anyone! Okay? Okay! Anyways, he said he will try to get me out sooner! And then I can finally be a waitress…! Or…or! Uhm… help nice lady Fael with her kids! That sounds nice! She seems like such a cute and nice person! I wish she was my mother!

What else… I guess nothing? Yeah! I got a few bruises from thinking I can take on this dude.. I did… win, but that doesn't matter! Hah! He does my chores for a week! I won the bet and that hehehehe he shouldn't mess with me! I am strong! Hehe right Diary? I am strong!

It ends with a few scribbles of her trying to paint, she actually paints really good, and she draws Faelara and her pet Bah'to, and one of Faelara's kids are on Bah'to, and Faelara is painting with the kids, while Celen is painting with them
The paper has a few watery marks on it, and some bread crums, other than that, it seems very clean.

Oh man, what didn't happen this week diary, Kresty wants to shorten my sentence that is a good thing! I guess, but later I Tharnul, that meany, he wants to or torture me… or extend my sentence! That is horrible news indeed Diary! But oh well! I hope that Kresty will win and I will get out sooner!

In other news cute little Faelara visited me today! She is so nice! And I met bah'to again, too bad I didn't get to ruffle his hair, I remember how soft it is! We talked a lot and I found out she is doing well, and would love that I would help her in house work! I can already see what I want to do in the future! But there is a chance Tharnul would interrupt my time… and I don't want that!

The week went kinda slow, I guess the people in jail aren't so bad! Who would have known? Some are actually pretty disgusting but the rest? They are nice people! They help me from time to time! And who knew? The man with the scar is a pretty nice man! He gave me half of his meal… (I think he is flirting with me Diary, but I am not sure) anyways! He still didn't tell me his name, I will find out one way or another! Right?

What else Diary? Oh right! I finally found a good book to write on for you Diary! The pages are nice and good! Which reminds me I also met Omen, didn't see him for a while, I am glad he is still working for Lady Reigen.

Speaking of Reigen, I wonder what she is up too, and I hope Omen told her about Tharnul's doing, she will surely help!
The wooden cart wheel bumps as it passes on a rock, the blood elf leans forward with the bump, holding to the edge of the cart."Talk about bumpy.." she mumbles, looking up at the blue sky, it was cloudless. Celen looks back down to her backpack, moving a hand to rummage through it.
"Oh there it is." Celen mutters to herself when she takes out her torn book, the searing hat of the desert wasn't pleasured by the young sin'dorei, she tolerated it, to a point.

Well, I haven't wrote in this book ever since I got out from prison, the charges got dropped, I am free.. just to see the world collapsing upon each other, getting destroyed.

Worgens are fluffy creature, I think I saw one scavenging from a broken goblin machine, she had a neat rifle. "Bolt action." that was her response when I asked her what type it was, I have no idea what it is, do you know diary?

The sin'dorei looked up from the journal to the road, looking around, inspecting the area carefully after a few minutes she looks back down.

Tanaris got pretty messed up after that dragon came in and destroyed half of the world, man, talk about grumpy, what people or dragons in this case have nowadays?

Another bump, the sin'dorei grunts, holding her bag between her legs so it won't fall off."Hey! are we there soon? these rocks are annoying." Celen said, glaring at the rider, she did not know why she was angry at him, she never knows.

"In an hour, Ay' recommend on takin' a little nap it always 'elps." the rider responded.

Celen narrowed her eyes looking at the back of the rider."I prefer staying awake, thanks Ja-." she always forgot the names of unimportant people, or people in general, she just gave them the most suitable nickname. It always fun to see them respond to her awkward nicknames, like the sin'dorei she met not along ago, called her puff puff.

Celen looks back down to her journal writing again.

You know these days start to burn fast, if you catch my drift, I finally got adopted by the best mom ever, and I am in a family and I am really glad!

Also, Spell breaker training, goes horrible, they have some strange ass techniques they do, I am just going to develop my own way... some way... you will see!
She writes it down, a small smile appears on her face.
Celen closes the book. throwing it carelessly into the bag. She tips her hat and puts her legs on the bench in front of her, looking at the road."Pah, I hate traveling." she says before she falls into a silent sleep.
The Sin'dorei wakes up, tears in her eyes, coughing."IZZY." she slams a fist against the broken bench that is located by her, her eyes filled with rage, although the young elf liked mornings; she did not like waking up in a room with tear gas left-overs and a broken bench parts in it.

She moves her hand to hold her head, groaning, looking around Seriously, they should stop expremienting shit in the room -I- sleep in. she thinks as the pain strucks her. The Sin'dorei falls on her knees, coughing once more, brushing up against the wall to lean against it, so her weight wont be much of a problem. Her vision starts to clear up slowly, she gets a good grasp of her surrondings.Why in the fel did they break a bench?! she thinks as she starts putting some stress on her muscles, begining to walk like a crippled old lady towards the library, she did not like feeling old, but the tear gas did the job to cripple her.

She opens the door and takes a deep breath as she falls inside the other room, gasping for air, another cough escapes her. She shuts the door behind her, starting to crawl on the floor towards the training room.The moment I'll get my hands on the person who did this... but she knew that if it was Izzy, she wouldn't do a thing, but why should izzy do such a thing to her? the question just stood out there in her head for a split of a second and then left as another cough mixed with pain escaped her.

"This is just... a grand way to begin my day."
Celen says before going to the training area to unfold her rage on the dummies.
I'll punch a... something. the young elf pouts to herself as she looks down to the branding on her right thigh while she slips her right leg into the cloth-made leggings.
"Property of Izshani, please return to this address if found." It was written in a strange way on her now "imbued-thigh" These writings are ass! The Sin'dorei reflected on the situation as started buttoning her pants to a full close. While thinking of it, Celen recalled the first present the hulking Kaldorei left her: The branding on her behind. It was the 'address' the branding on her thigh was talking about, a detailed map on where to go.

But hey... The girl said to herself in thought, trying to muster up any kinds of optimistic views about the situation.Who am I kiddin'? these brandings are stupid! As if I am going to let someone use my ass for directions. She told herself as she was buttoning her white shirt, leaving the last two buttons unchecked because she didn't like the feeling of getting chocked, Just the thought of it made her shudder. She hated being powerless, or cramped by some silly order, like this 'Izshani' Right.. Me a property of this shit show? as if. Celen muttered with anger when she decided to get a hat which was accented with a feather for today because it might be sunny.

Actually, she was pretty angry anyways, she is stuck between anvil and hammer. The anvil is Izshandriel, the huge purple orc and the hammer is Reigen, the dead-noble who is bossing her around. I liked working for Reigen, I still do, but lately the madam is pretty pissed off about something and me not understanding the situation again only made it worse. The so called 'stupid' blood elf thought to herself, tasting something bitter in her mouth- as something is coming to a close.
I am trying my best, I really am. She sighs as she pulls the lever to make the gate open. The grinding gears only helped the silence of the keep, and that snoring dog is annoying the dead Celen once again thought, bitterly about her defeat in her life.
I wish it all ended, and Reigen would respect me, that is what I wish the most. She doesn't even understand all the pain I am going through to please her dead-royal-behind.

Celen exited the damp crypt, only to find her companion waiting for her."Where are we off to again?" Celen asked the nature boy as the sun started to rise, showing that a new day has came.
"Great" Those were the words the young elf told herself everytime she sat on her bed and the only candle in the whole crypt still burned. "The first to wake, the last to sleep." Those words were somewhat true, Celen did like staying up until night however no one really knew why, the night was something she found really attached to. It was dark, cold but in some way it was also, warm and very light up. The surronding area was indeed dark, but when she looked up at the moon and the stars, it seemed like it was morning.

"The moon." It was white, pure and round. Some can call it perfect; however in Celen's mind nothing is perfect, even though it could be the cleanest there is, everything has flaws. The moon is the perfect example, it is pure, clean, done. It shows the person who has never done anything wrong, but it has holes all around it which shows that it has it's own flaws.

Celen sighed and looked down."..White?.. It was indeed white, and when she looked around she saw the world turned white, white with holes.....What..." She said to herself while she walked the unfamillar planes of the white plant."I promise.. if Izzy has som--" She said as she climbed out from the crater. The elf saw something she hasn't seen for a long time- Herself, or more like it- her older sister."What are you even doing here!?" she shouted but the sister only seemed to laugh. Her own ears twitched and she found out. I can't speak her mouth was moving but her voice was mute. "Well well, what do we have here? Tanda'sailra.. I can see you lost the power to speak ever since father tossed you out. What? afraid of some family?" the sister's laugh echoed when Celen gets called her first name for some quite time now. She never expected to see her family. Oh the horror.. not the family.

Celen was always scared from her father, she never knew why, but she did. That also resulted in her fearing her older sister. So alike.. That is what Celen also hated about her sister: She looked exactly like her, but she acted like her father. This shows that Celen has the flaw she always hated- being a suncast. The suncast family has power, though not noble- yet. Celen thought it was a matter of time until her father finally gets some nobility out of one way or another.

gasp Celen woke up, the candle still glowing on the desk infront of her. Celen looked to her door and then to her bed.Seems like I fell asleep against the wall again.. Celen reflected upon her sleeping habbits before covering herself and entering a deep thought about the day to come.
The Salty Sailor was full by the time Celen got there, all drenched by the rain that commonly inhabits the jungles of Stranglethorn vale, alas that were the least of her problems, since he rival is alive, the one she killed, the one she made sure is dead. The one that has created the scar that is located on her forehead.

The Sin’dorei would rub her forehead in remembrance of that day, that day the scar was made and the ball reached to an end. “Well…” The Sin’dorei muttered to herself. “The ball is rolling once again, and this time… I am better.” The young elf straightened her own posture and finished her mug of fine mead. Then she took her sword with her and left, looking for her informants. She was once an information broker, and that line of information was still around, it just needed oiling. That clever information broker knew that, she knew that she could find Vivalyn, and she must do it in the most subtle way possible.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE DEAD?” Celen slammed her fist against the wall and her eyes filled with rage, saying:”Who?
The merchant shivered, unable to mutter a word.”WHO?” the angry elf repeated herself, pointing her hand-mounted crossbow at him.”Tell me, who?” The enraged female said the third time, eyeing the merchant with the intention of killing him, finally the merchant replied. “A-A-A-G-G-Gro-o-ou-p o-o-o-of de-de-de-dea-dea-death k--…” The merchant almost urinated in his own pants however Celen lowered her hand and slammed her fist against the wall again.”f**k.” the elf said the moment she left the building, she hurried and visited all of her informants, and all had the same fate, every single one and one: dead.

The Sin’dorei went to her base, to the Izshani headquarters, and then sat down. She pondered a few hours, thinking about what she could do. She killed my informants, she knows me, and she knows who works for me. She knew I was gone so she killed all the people that worked for me. Then the pondering magic hunter smiled the same smile she had when she left her lady’s room, the smile that means only one thing. All the people who know her, know that when she smiles that smile, everything is literally about to go to hell. She is up to something, and that something –can never be good- .
And like that, she left.

I’ll find you.
And when I will.
You will die.