Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Nervous, excited, and possibly noobish.
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Yup, that is me~ Ever since i've started playing WoW, I've been curious about RPing in the setting, unfortunately, I haven't had any luck finding people willing to do so. I'm a little nervous about playing this game with an RP setting (even catching up on my wow lore and designing my character's core concept while waiting for my approval of my intro) I have alot to learn (not to mention the fact I never made a character past level 37)

I've been reading your policies and I must admit, I love it's demand of maturity and proper grammar. I hope I come to love it here and will stay awhile.
Hope you do, "Wilson".
:D Thank you....Bingles?
Hello here! Don't sweat it, everyone here will be happy to answer any questions you might have while you're dipping your toes into our community. Once you get accepted, check out the 'New to coth' link in my sig. Hopefully that will help you out so you don't feel as 'noobish'.

If you need anything at all, questions about policies and the server in general, feel free to message one of us GMs.

Welcome by the way! You seem a swell fellow!
So far I'm doing good, reading up my lore and the rules and guidelines are helping me pass the time waiting for my approval.
(01-29-2013, 07:45 PM)cadmiumcrows Wrote: [ -> ]demand of maturity


Seriously though hope you have fun here :D
Your Avatar is the Character Wilson off of Cast Away :)
Why do you think I chose it? :D