Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Married couple and registering
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My wife and I are looking into joining this server and I had already sent in my Introduction and I am currently waiting for that to clear, in the mean time my wife tried to create an account and it gave her an error because my account is pending from this IP address. Will she be able to create an account when I am approved or will we have to figure out a way to have multiple accounts. Playing with her is gonna be a must as my characters are closely related to mine and she can't be left out. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Heh, I had the same issue when I tried to get my brother into the server. Kretol'll help you out if you send him PM.

Other then that, welcome to the server! Glad to have more people ^^
Thank you, I shall get a hold of him then.
