Conquest of the Horde

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Hate to do this, as I have been trying my best to stay as active as I can in light of recent events as an FH, but I need to take a break from stuff for a while. Some stuff has been going on with my kid in real life, and it's been wearing me down little by little, and I'm finding less and less time to be on CoTH.

If I'm frank, I'm also finding it to be less and less of a welcoming place to be. I'm not going into specifics, and it's probably my own paranoia, but... it just feels like everyone's ready to hop on the controversial issue bandwagon and go for either one side or the other, in a backwards and retroactive way----myself included.

So, with that, it's time to step away for a bit, because I need to start taking a look at the stuff IRL that I need to, and I don't want to take up a purple name and not be able to help out as I should.

You'll see me around, just not so much.

Later, folks.
It seems everybody on CoTH has a love for controversy, eh Rensin?

Good luck and see you later. None of my kids have hit four years old yet, but my parents keep telling me it'll be a challenge. You're a good father, Rensin; keep up the good work, stay strong, and do all that. We'll be here when you get back.
(02-17-2013, 05:01 PM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]If I'm frank,

But your name's not Frank. >:
Haben spaß in RL!:D
So, to update everyone. What was originally going on with my new baby, the four-month-old, was that he had low weight gain compared to when he was born. Not too big of a deal, but big enough to where they were saying they wanted to hospitalize him if it didn't pick up, so they monitored him for a couple weeks with regular visits, and he was doing fine, as we expected.

However, he's had this little boney bump on the side of his head since around Christmas. The doctor has been trying to figure out what it is, and yesterday they did an ultrasound of his head to find out the issue. It seems he has a benign growth there, possibly a cyst or something that seems to be growing with the bone slightly. It's not pushing into his skull, or through it, or into the brain or anything major, but soon he has to go in for an MRI so they can get a better idea to see what it is, as well as to see how to remove it. We are going to have to meet with a pediatric surgeon to get this all done and figured out....

Blur. This is why this thread is called blur. It quite accurately describes how live is right now, it's just whizzing by with me feeling really apathetic, and lethargic. I know my kid will be okay, but boy is this stressful.
:C hope things get better, mate
I do too. The appointment is next Wednesday. I'm hoping stuff goes smoothly.
In my thoughts, Runsan. The best news is catching it early! :)
This uh, absence is gonna be a while. We weren't able to get in to the place to do the MRI/CT scan, because the baby now has a stomach virus. Can't really put a little baby under for that sort of thing when he's not keeping food down. Sooooo, long story short, don't expect to see me around much. Anything I'm involved in, count me out for the moment. You'll see me skulking here and there, but---honestly, I just can't be bothered with CoTH right now. I'm like... depressed as shit.


Those that do TS, I'll be on there, probably playing retail with mouse still---but honestly that's all I have time for and want to do lately. Just... I'm burned out of CoTH on top of everything, and I just... eugh. I'm not rage quitting or nothin', I just don't find this place to be as fun as it was even three...maybe four months back. Why? Everything is debated, lore and what's 'acceptable' is about as clear as mud to me, and I just can't bring myself to care enough to wade through it and try to make sense of it like I used to.

So, my son. He's healthy and fine and all, and the thing on his head isn't a huge deal, but it's enough to make his father worry quite a bit. The stomach virus he has is pretty bothersome... and CoTH is bein' CoTH these days. Take care you lot, I don't know when I'm coming back for real again, so consider stuff like the Grey Militia hung up to dry for now, unless I have someone else like Rigley or Mouse interested to take hold of that on one of their characters. (Contact me you two, if you do want to. I'll BS a reason that Xavier forfeits leadership for now.)

Take care you lot. Try not to passive aggressively disagree with each other too much.
I sure hope it's not that NORO stomach virus that goes around. I had it and it was miserable, and probably even harder on a little kid that needs the food and energy to grow.

I am happy to hear your son is in a better state though. Lil guy's a trooper and I hope things start getting better. You deserve a break/leave.
:< Take your time getting stuff together and enjoy a break. I like a happy 'Sin. You know you can talk to me whenever you want. You're like my BFF. Haha <3