Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Barthigi's introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:

I first started roleplay on the server Defias Brotherhood (EU) and was in the guild what was at the time known as the Dwarven Rifle Squad which eventually after Cataclysm changed their name to The Three Hammers. It was a huge dwarf-only guild with many organised events which I am happy to say I enjoyed! There were events ranging from council meetings to expeditions to world pvp against the OORB (Orcs of the Red Blade). Now enough of that, more about myself.

I'm active and heavily enthusiastic about roleplaying loving a good story!

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:

England, English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:

I was introduced to it by a friend just after the launch of WoTLK.

How did you find us? Did anything in particular draw you to the server?:

Google, as roleplay is almost dead now on Defias I figured I'd search around to see if there are any good roleplaying private servers and lo and beyond I see this one!

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:

Bit of a broad question, I enjoy roleplay in almost all of its forms really.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:

DWARVES. The lore, their personality, their beards! Class? Has to be the warrior for me followed closely by rogues. The warrior fits perfectly with the dwarven race and can be very versatile when it comes to roleplay. Rogues on the other hand not really suitable for dwarves but I love being a bit of a bandit to be honest with my chosen race for that class being a human (usually).

What are your expectations of this server?:

To provide me with fun and a chance to express my creativity through roleplay and take in creativity from others!

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:

The social aspect if you ask me. I don't know about anyone else but if someone is an utter prick to me OOC not only is that evidently immature but it just breaks down the community and can cause rifts between people.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

A dwarf named Grolf approached the softly lit dwarven tavern radiating warmth and the sound of merry making in the howling winds as the downpour crashed drop after drop into the ground. He entered the tavern with the smell of ale and sausages filling his nostrils he marched straight to the bartender. "MEAD!" he yelled as he banged his fist onto the table reaching into his pocket and flicking a shiny piece of gold towards him. The bartender with a great big grin under his beard prepared the mead sliding it towards Grolf as the bartender yelled above the noise of the tavern "get tha' down ye' lad! Ye'll feel warm in no taem!". Grolf happily nodded snatching the mead from the counter taking a large gulp before wiping his mouth and beard with his arm.

As the night progressed and people started to leave Grolf would then decided to rent a room. Several pints later as he stumbled his way into bed the entire room was spinning, his stomach was churning but being the dwarf that he was he reached into his backpack beside his bed grabbing a smaller can of alcohol. The whiff of it was so strong he coughed a little and chugged it down in one large gulp! In a drunken voice after some heavy coughing he muttered to himself in a drunken mess "tha'll put me maend off the stomach ache, help me get te' sleep te'!". Within five minutes, he passed out like a log.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:

In this server is there much customisation? A previous rp private server I was on had the option to adjust your character height (within reason) and it increased the immersion a fair amount.
Hello! I'm flammos200(Just Flammos is fine too.), and it's my pleasure to welcome you to CoTH!

Now, be sure to read up on the Rules and Policies if you haven't already, and if you need help Creating a Character, you can find some on the Wiki, or take a gander at some of the Profiles there, to familiarize yourself with some of the people you might meet on CoTH.

Other than that, Dwarves are very much appreciated on CoTH. There's a bit of a shortage of 'em, and we're really happy when we do get some! Also, yay! Another Brit! And yes, customization-wise we can adjust our heights to a degree and there are tattoos and you can get custom items like hats and the like. Oh, and there's a whole system for dealing with RPItems - basically every wearable item, instantly addable by any player, except without stats. The only thing that still applies is that they're still Cloth/Leather/Mail/Plate and respective weapon-types. So, you won't see a Priest in Plate.

But hey, if you need any more help or have any more questions, feel free to PM a GM or Forum Helper like yours truly. Seriously. PMs never killed anyone... yet.

See you around!
So, another fellow Englishman! Of course, I must recommend that you do your best to get in with civilised gentleman of class such as myself rather than the select few uncouth individuals that claim to be of English descent. Loathsome lot, them. Not naming any names, of course.
Welcome! I'm Traid. Been here on and off, but if you ever have questions that your rather ask a regular member over a mod or something, I'm here. :) I hope you enjoy your stay here, I'm glad you chose to become part of our community!