Conquest of the Horde

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This is purposefully ambiguous about who these characters are. Hints are there though. I will not say if these are my characters, characters of others that I have permission to write for or new characters that have yet to be introduced. This is directed at Dawn's Reach and a couple others subliminally. A warning shot for things to come.

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Footfalls are heard over the stone path weaving between the mountains, the final calls of the animals resonate softly before they switch their shifts. It was dusk, the sky began darkening with bruises as the mighty star slowly fell below the mountains. The slow dragging noise of a body over gravel, could be heard between exchanges from the sources of the footfalls. Between the dead trees, three cloaked figures walked weaving through the charred bark and ash in the air. The largest of the three walked in stride with the other two while pulling something large in a human sized bag. A darkened smear trailed the contents of the bag, staining the rocks behind them. The hooded cloaks they wore were akin to the garb worn in cults, however they were armed heavily signified by their hilts poking from their waistlines and the subtle clink in their armor as they walked. The leader stopped, looking both ways before holding up a hand. The leader of only navigation it seemed was the shortest of the three. "This is it..." the short person spoke in a metalic tone.

"Why are we he-" The tallest, yet skinniest cultist's annoyed question was cut short, as a thin blade punctured his face, and protruded through the back of his hood. He shook quickly, as his mouth hung ajar causing his eyes to roll into the back of his head. As quick as the blade entered his head, it was removed leaving the cloaked figure to collapse to the ground with a wet thud. Dark red liquid rolled from under his head, and down his lips as he still maintained his previous expression. "...That was a legitimate question." The other cultist said casually turning his gaze downward to witness the misfires of the cadaver's nervous system. Just as casually the shortest member of the now duo removed the red liquid and pink matter from the blade using the cadaver's cloak. "...It was, but this one was selling out information. It's why we lost those allies of ours, and that connection for those weapons. It is so hard to find good help these days." The short cultist explains sheathing the blade once more, the metal and scabbard rubbing together making a ghastly whistle like leaking gas before the hilt guard stops further advancement.

"...He seemed weak, but I never thought he was a traitor."

"Hmm. Yes, well he was I assure you. Those pirates he assigned to transport our wand
was hijacked. After all the people that we went through to get it. It was taken."

"Taken?! By who?!"

"An elf with a sword.........Fairstar. Kept our damn boat too."

"Fairstar.....Fairstar.....Sounds familiar. I know that name?"

"Yes...if only because of-"

The first call of an owl bellows out, followed by the flapping of multiple pairs of feathers, smooth like a shuffled deck of cards. He nods. "So what's the plan then?" He finally turns to the shorter member. The smaller figure sighs within the hooded cloak. "I can only work with those who share our vision completely, or have mutual enough gain to work cohesively." The short member rolls their shoulder placing a hand on their hilt. "...I also have a few ways do dominate those with useful talents of ours. I intend to rally a few more, Take Krest's talents, take our ship back, find who has our wand, -kill- them, and then go pay our noble friends a visit." A grin expands on the larger figure's face, he turns away beginning to return up the path. "I've already sent the new additions out. No need to leave just yet. already have orders of your own." The grin expands a bit. "You're right."
This pertains mainly to the Dawn's Reach guild lead by KageAcuma's character Krest. Available to anyone who wishes to join, and especially those apart of the guild. As of this post. Krest and his Grandfather Jiro boarded a ship in search of a wand Krest's grandfather was after. After taking the wand and claiming the ship the two went about their business. However shortly after their arrival to Hearthglen Krest was approached by a cloaked forsaken swordsman claiming to be the owner of the ship they're using. According to the forsaken, they were transferring the wand for someone else. He asked Krest to return the ship and the wand or they would hunt the members of the Reach. Krest denied the return of either item.

Upon arriving to Hearthglen Jiro felt he was being followed and wished to speak to Krest about this uneasy feeling. After speaking with other members of the reach they went to go investigate and were attacked. Upon looking through the bags of the fallen attackers they found two daggers with an unique insignia a map and an envelope containing a bloody sheet of parchment. They returned to the city to get a better look at the items.

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The Bloody Parchment


You and Tiveryn track the group's actions around Hearthglen since their leader turned Captain Raziel down. If you find anyone one in the group that looks useful bring them to the place on the map. We need to get the wand back before the owners come after us.

- Z"

Members of Dawn's reach stand around the brittle parchment on the table speckled with blood freckles of the letter's receiver, 'Vel'. Vel was an elf who attempted to attack Krest and his unit as they went to investigate a curious sighting his grandfather had spoke of. Vel had failed his mission and the others were now curious on what to do. An older elf reclined in his chair causing the wood to groan under his weight, he remained in thought puffing his cigar as his wrinkles betrayed his elven heritage. His smooth skin had shriveled over his features as he looked to the younger members of the organization. "The map says the location we are to be brought to isn't far at all. Going in blind may be a bad idea but I'm sure if we plan this out we'll be alright. Something does bother me though. The group themselves, whether they be pirates, sailors, or thieving vagabond mercenaries...They aren't too dangerous themselves. Krest and I bested a group of them, and the ones today seemed to not be an issue. I am more concerned about whoever it is 'they' fear. I think that is who we should be concerned about. The previous owners of this....wand." He says as smoke exits his mouth.

[Image: undead_cave_2.jpg]


A forsaken sits on an large cryptic chair, beneath the ground on a small island. Footfalls echo between the stone corridor, rapid in succession to one another tapping quickly between heavy breaths. "Captaaain!" A voice is heard before the rugged human can show himself before the 'captain'. Dirt and sweat smeared over his face. "It appears they failed! There is no sight of Vel at all. He was usually punctual I believe he is dead." The human says finally catching his breath. The forsaken's flesh was removed from his mouth, he stared to the human wearing a skinless goatee, his absence of lips giving him an eternal grin. "Your panic insults us all, Z." The forsaken places a claw on his hilt. "I am going to speak to the owners and see if we can get some more time. If they come here while I am away, handle it. Keep an eye on that Death knight as well."

"Y-yes sir! Understood."
Over a week ago, Krest was attacked by the captain of this crew. He demonstrated the ability of a competent swordsman. While fighting he told Krest of these employers of his who would be after them both. He warned the elf to give up, and after moments of fighting he left, explaining Jiro was the true target and being captured.

Days later a Death Knight drops off a box to Krest containing Krest's grandfather Jiro's hand. It also contained a letter threatening Krest and the members of Dawn's Reach. Using the map that came along with the blood speckled letter the group stormed the island. A Kaldorei Death knight sent ghouls after them and warned the group that they wanted the same thing for now. The ghouls being members of the pirates he himself killed moments before. After exploration they found a cellar filled with cages containing people both dead and alive and multiple genderless, and faceless mannequins lay about. Some in vats of liquid, with runic writing on the walls. With the cages opened and the captain confronted and killed, the members of Dawn's Reach returned with Jiro. But things were only just beginning

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Shattered Pillars

"Darkness remains just outside of Dawn's Reach...." A voice says slowly, almost hissing from behind the cloak. The two figures return to their residence walking down stone hallways, with nothing but their voices and footfalls to pull their ears. "I am curious...Why this focus on Krest?" The larger cloak figure asked, his hair pulled high in an orcish topknot. "I am not focused on Krest, but the wand. It has only been about the wand. To retrieve it, I will have to -break- Krest. Which I have taken the steps necessary to do so. Now.." The smaller claoked figure explains, as the orc cuts the sound off with his own deep voice twisted by the death knight echo. "Now we attack." He says impatiently, as they begin walking passed cells containing people. Dirty, malnourished arms reach to them between steel bars in vain illuminated by poor torch light on the walls, and the piercing blue pair of runic eyes. "No. Now We break away his foundation. So when he falls, he can not be held up any longer." A grin comes across the face of the smallest cloaked figure. "Interesting....I didn't think you felt the need to be so thorough."

"Even Raziel admitted Krest was a good swordself, and he was skilled, for a pirate. The people he keeps around him are no slouches either, most just as dangerous if not more for different reasons. We've got tabs on them. They are as follows." The small cloaked figure stops in the middle of the corridor ignoring the restless groans of the captives, to remove a scroll from their cloak. "Gatwazzak The Earthbender, get this, a Troll. Says here he's a shaman. Male, Dark hair and rather tall. Shaman are always dangerous." The cloaked figure unravels more. "Maevere 'The Poisoner' Goldthorn." The cloaked figure continues reading as the larger orc follows behind. "A sin'dorei, Five-eight, one hundred and twenty eight pounds, we know who to send her way." The orc grins knowingly and nods with a grunt as the lead cultist continues. "Erohis "The Falconer" Sunfeather. Blonde hair, huntress. Says usually by Krest's side and armed to the teeth. We'll figure out what to do with her later." The orc chuckles, as they ascend steps, heading for a few chairs and a table. "Percy "The Daring" Casteen. Hmm.. Interesting, says this human male displays vicious tenacity and impressive sword technique. He uses two blades, with dark hair. Sometimes uses daggers." The two arrive to the chairs, sitting for a moment to discuss at the table. Other knights wandering over listening in as the lead cloaked figure continues. "Last is Fenlan 'The Ranger' Sunshot. Not too much is known about this one, seems quiet and hasn't been observed much. This one is an unknown variable. Hopefully he doesn't prove to be too much. All the elves save for Krest appear to be pretty young. I'm sure the other elves can use their experience to focus on him."

The figure looks to the Knights and others standing and sitting around the table, "We will break them first, Then find the wand. Then dispose of the pieces. But go...find these 'pillars'. And remember....Don't kill them. -Shatter- them."
Previously with Dawn's Reach....

With Jiro returned and shaken the group decided to focus on collecting the wands before this rogue group of Death Knights, who began attacking members of the Reach and anyone associated if they strayed too far from cities. Jiro told Krest that he knew one of the wands resided with one of the Noble Houses of Silvermoon. The wand was acquired by the House of Novalight some time ago. However when Krest and Erohis approached the Novalight estate, the Nova ( the family's patriarch ) was not there. Krest explained about the death knights, and requested the House give Dawn's Reach the wand to keep negative attention on the group and not the family. Much to Krest's frustration the House refused his offer.

The wand was actually held in a special vault, by the Nova's former arcane teacher Reigen Sunfire. Who vowed to keep the wand safe from -any- usage. Krest then began seeking Amura who had been acting strange for months, He found the elf in an old fort one one of the islands marked on the map that came with the bloodied letter. Amura had been speaking oddly, worms squirmed under his skin, just like they had when the two fought before in Stranglethorn. Amura appeared exhausted and in pain but fought ferociously puppeteer-ed by these worms. As Krest questioned who did this to Amura he responded as if controlled directly. "Chimera. We are Everywhere and no where. One head doesn't always know what the other is doing." As Amura finished his fight with Krest, Reigen entered looking for her nephew. He attacked her, ensuing in a fight before his blood was boiled killing the intruders. This however left Reigen's Nephew, and Krest's student in a coma.

After much research and investigation Krest found out with the help of Sven Draconis and Celen Sunspear that Erohis Sunfeather and Percy Casteen had been dopplegangers, imitating their living counter-parts. The Death Knights had been attacking members, and kidnapping them replacing them with fel powered constructs. Another such construct approached and revealed itself and its life mimicking design from experiments long ago. With help from Percy's mimic the Reach stormed the island where Krest had fought Amura before. They found another wand, encased in a chest and a switch that unlocked a door in the cellar. The door had an old insignia of a two headed winged beast. They entered what appeared to be an underground tomb, or monastery. They found Percy in a dungeon guarded by Al'shir ( the Kaldorei Death Knight who sent ghouls after the Reach while they headed to save Jiro ) the Death knight claimed his job was finished as the group approached and left, he was pursued and attacked for Percy's captured. Before he was killed he chanted the same "We are everywhere, we are no where. One head doesn't always know what the other is doing." With Krest stressed and trust issues running high the Dawn's Reach sorts out their differences, over destroying Percy's mimic despite being helpful.

Enter Chimera

[Image: Chimera_art.jpg]

The small cloaked figure stares at a giant glass vat of green liquid. Inside suspended amongst bubbles floats a gender-less, feature-less humanoid mannequin. Loud footsteps of a larger person approaches from connecting halls, the larger cloaked figure's runic blue eyes lock on the smaller cultist. "Erohis Sunfeather, and Percy Casteen have been found out. They've also freed several dozens of samples from the island facility. The small figure stares only at flesh toned mannequin in the green liquid. "No matter. How many wands do we have?" the voice asks entranced by the large container. "Seven." The deep voice responds. "Another one is being held by Reigen Sunfire, of the Sunfire House. We do not know its specific location however." He adds. "Hmm We will find a way. This is proving to be more useful than we imagined. We are closer now than we have ever been. We will just begin to apply more pressure."
No I have not forgot about you guys. Just had to let things naturally flow It's good to see characters taking initiative and trying to figure out what is going on, However... The first act is slowly coming to an end....

Amura had finally awoken from his Coma, and found some interesting things about his past left by his Father. His Aunt noble house leader Reigen Sunfire gave him an ultimatum to side with Her and the Sunfire House or the Infamous Ridaken Clan. Choosing the later due to their target by Silvermoon hierarchy and their lack of a healer he decided to take it upon himself to shield them from unnecessary violence acting as the Clan Head. Upon awaking he found that one of Chimera's locations had been cleared out by Dawn's reach. He asked if the place in Stonetalon had been found as well. Reigen being the only one who heard the message, and feeling betrayed by Amura's choice located the place on her own and found out the goal of Chimera isn't to collect -all- the wands....but specific ones and the clock is ticking...

The Chimera Unleashed

Through the winding caverns of yet another hidden location of the organization known as the Chimera voices bounced from the walls as roots from above hung from the ceiling like chandeliers. "I found this outside....I don't think we were alone..." A orcish death knight said speaking to group of cloaked figures. Between the cold stubby fingers of the orc rested a frozen eye. "What do you make of this Goza?" One of the cloaked figures responded raspily. "I believe it is the call sign of the Sunfire Estate... The one who has the wand. She appears to be boldly challenging us." The figure shakes his head. "Very well...Activate the last one, and gather the wands we have. It is time to give them a hint of what is to come." The orc nods, "Yes sir."

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