Conquest of the Horde

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Lately, I've been getting RP on my lesser RPed characters, which is good--it's refreshing. As much as I love characters of mine like Kapre, Mahen'tosh, and Dr. Dino, I do hope to get some character development on my lesser RPed characters. Some are facing complete retools while others are obtaining dynamic development. A couple others are completely new, with full intention to carry on towards Cataclysm.

My Personal isn't just asking around who can RP with my characters, but also to reach out and try new people; if you hardly ever RP with me, I do encourage we meet. My hours, however, are fairly limited--I'm up and about 10:00 PM-2:00 AM Server, so if you wish to reach me outside of those hours, I'm only available on Skype.

Okay, here are the other derps among derps. I have more characters than this, but these are the only ones I am interested in finding RP buddies for. The others of mine either have plenty of buddies, are facing complete retools, or being retired/semi-retired.

* means the character has a wiki profile.

              Diwaata: Draenei anchorite with anger management issues. She has been retooled and fixed-up to be more palatable for RP; previously, her bitchy demeanor has turned players off OOC, often resulting in dropped RP as soon as she would enter the scene. I have also been criticized for writing her solely for Cristovao and Kapre, which is partically true-- She was written to be a foil for them. The lack of having a story for her own, however, gives the impression that she is there for Cristo and Kapre only.

After a long time of retooling, Diwaata is ready for public RP, hopefully on a solo basis; as I am pulling her out more and more in text RP, she has been referring to Kapre less and less. Her key traits--vanity and anger--are still intact, though she is softened to be less confrontational. Of all my priest characters, she's the only one who actually preaches--she hopes to educate and expose the Draenic ways of the Light to the people of Azeroth.

I have a few things in I search for Diwaata:

              1.) One is that I hope for people to humble her vanity and anger without obliterating them--I don't want her to be another draenei hippy (that's Kapre's job), and I want to keep her anger and vanity her definitive traits. Between her and her brother, she's more ethnocentric, so I'd like to keep some of her racism as well.

              2.) Some RP buddies that see her more than a big-assed behemoth of anger. Yes, the butt jokes are my fault, and it's been lessening some. But I still would like some RP where her good traits are acknowledged without exaggerating her bad. I have been very careful in trying to get Diwaata's good traits show more, so some help in keeping that up would be appreciated.

              3.) Anyone who would like her more than Kapre, actually. Kapre has a lot of friends and fans, but Diwaata is deserving of some love too. Also, in lore, there should be more of the world hating Kapre's guts than supporting his business and his hippy views. Diwaata, on the other hand, is a far more typical draenei whose vanity and anger are her deviating traits. Kapre needs some enemies and Diwaata some friends, and it honestly irritates me when people side with Kapre when Diwaata is in the moral/situational right. Diwaata deserves some friends and some love :c

              Kantado*: Dorky young druid night elf and former bard, only a little more than three centuries old. He is grieving over the death of his lover, and he is now so traumatized over the nature of her death that he gave up music--just hearing music makes him feel ill. However, music was so in-grained in him as a person and a druid that even hearing the wind through the leaves or raindrops on wood in a steady beat can make his stomach churn.

I'm currently looking for people who'll either help him recover, bring back (or completely destroy) his love for music, or teach him other ways to practice his druid spells. Kantado is very weak in his powers, and thus, he needs a formal trainer. Other people can simply befriend him or RP as family. Kantado used to have other family members, but they almost all went entirely inactive.

ADDED: As of recent, Kantado went on an adventure with Mathieu Rivermouth (a blood elf) into exploring Dire Maul, a place where blood and night elves share a common history. Nowadays, Kantado hopes to discover and explore more of Kal'dorei history in hopes it'd help him ease the pain he has in his heart as a druid and night elf.

              Tibalan*: Gunslinging hunter tauren. Has little going for his personal story, but I do hope he would engage in some wild adventures due to the fact I RP him as a literal cowboy. Quiet, stoic, and contemplative, Tibalan has overcome his initial social shyness and is now more comfortable around other people, albeit still a bit rather aloof.

I do want to do something for the fact that the Alliance are moving into Mulgore. As Kantado is learning to hate the orcs on a more personal level (rather than simply being told to do so), I hope for Tibalan to develop hostility to humans and the Alliance in general. He's still a buddy for night elves and draenei, but Earthdamn humans.

              Arnaldo*: My paranoid, jumpy, sycophantic alcoholic of a Forsaken, now a recent addition to the Black Harvest after trying to avoid them for so long. He, too, is starting to develop dynamic character development, as it'll be chronicled in his letters to Annabelle. A former SI:7 agent who came to the Capital City after being sacked due to his alcoholism, Arnie's loyalties never really lied in Lordaeron or Lady Sylvanas--his heart was always stuck in Stormwind. Slowly, but surely, however, he will be losing his heart; he simply prays that, however his mindrot will develop, that he'll remain good and kind to others.

Due to his history in SI:7, Arnaldo makes for a good potential Deathstalker; thus, I hope for someone, BH or not, to take advantage of his stealth, information-seeking skills, and assassination. Despite his ability to gather information, Arnie is still looking for his son. If his mindrot continues, he'll eventually start selecting just any living human as his living child. And it could turn ugly.

              Kogan*: My painfully socially inept dweeb of a Stormwind City Guard. Though a very efficient, loyal, brave, and tenacious soldier, his social skills are comparable to a goldfish among sharks. Talking to women on a social level is especially terrifying for Kogan, though in reality he swings both ways--he'll freeze up when he is confronted by an attractive man as well.

Kogan currently is courting someone he thinks he has a chance, but there is the fact that he is so inept that he may screw it up. Right now, he's focused on helping his family as well as guarding the City. RP with him can focus on how to make him more comfortable with society as a person rather than a guard.

              Urameil*: Deadpan snarking warlock blood elf. Previously used as an antagonist for a story, but then he started to fall off the face of the planet; when I did pull him out to RP, he's mostly wallpaper making snide comments on the stupidity of the situation around him. Fun as it is, it got annoying OOC.

I cannot stand RPing shallow characters (unless they have a purpose like Kogan does as a Guard), and Urameil was most certainly a shallow character. The depth he has as an original character cannot apply for WoW, so I struggled some time to figure out how to make him an antagonistic character without necessarily giving him the villain ball--Urameil was always, always intended to be a smart, discreet fellow who avoids getting caught. I finally got one: Urameil is a tempter and subtler destroyer of character through suggestions and ideas planted in insecure minds. A good example of what he'd do is when he casts doubt on the the strength and validity of Xanthe's marriage.

Worth noting is that Urameil is antagonistic but not a villain--he's correctly a wild card. He'll bring ruin to villainous characters as well if the result brings him amusement and satisfaction. What I hope to do with Urameil is provide conflict onto complacent or content characters in need of a story. Urameil is that guy. You want conflict? Get him to be your "friend". He'll find a way to ruin you. Or you can try to ruin him. It should be delicious~.

              Jyovani*: The other shallow blood elf character of mine, this one a noble and nephew of Reigen. Used to a life of betrayal, chronic backstabbing, and greed as usual among noble lifestyles, Jyo is hesitant to make true friends--so hesitant that he believes true friendship and loyalty is a farce. Beneath his doll-like face is a man driven by sychophantism and personal greed in hopes to find satisfaction on shallow relations.

His motivations around life is a complex one to RP out, and thus, he is seldom pulled out--mostly because the company I tend to find for him isn't one that is compatible to RP out his greedy nature. Jyo doesn't want your money or your love--he wants connections that feed into twisted ideals of a shattered world. Jyo, very much, is a character who is open to either be "fixed" or to be broken entirely.

              Imani: My namesake character, Immy the Blood Elf. She's Lordaeron-born, very much used to humans and dwarves; when the blood elves switched factions, she has a very neutral and detached opinion of the Horde. Nevertheless, Immy's faction neutrality is moreso due to her independent work--she's a bounty hunter, mercenary, and bow-for-hire; whom she has loyalty for depends on who is the highest bidder. She does possess some compassion for others, however, especially nature and the birds of the sky.

Her character is fairly shallow, but on purpose--Immy is a bit robotic in nature, only doing things as she is directed. Her original character is a cyborg, so rather than RP her out as a machine in WoW, she simply has a machine-like demeanor. However, I am willing to give her more personality if anyone is interested. I'll let RP dictate what kind of personality she can develop.

              Polore: My sole Death Knight, a torn and anguished draenei and adoptive-grandfather to Kapre and Diwaata. He is struggling with the Hunger still, and he is hesitant to go into draenei-populated areas in fear someone will identify him and relay the news to his wife and daughter that he is dead. My DK lore is lacking, sadly, so my ideas for him are the same way. I want more than just DK RP with him, however. Just some direction in developing his character.

              Kitson*: A blind young Stormwind Cathedral priest-in-training. Also a naive sort, and prone to being used due to the fact he cannot see--he is currently being used to help in crimes he had no idea are being committed. Ever since the conclusion of the story he was in, now he is hopeful in becoming like his parents and stepfather by stepping into battle as a battle cleric to fight with soldiers. However, he is absolutely unprepared.

While self-sufficient, Kitson suffers greatly from pride, and it can be hurt easily. Buddies who can RP with him can help him grow as a person beyond his inexperience in the world and his blindness. Other than that, Kit is a cheery individual who is very curious of the world and absolutely loves to explore. If your character is a poetic bard type, Kit may be your companion to help you get creative.

              Elsamina: Currently withdrawn, as I cannot RP her without having her approved first. See here.

              Gunther*: Long story short, a Shadow priest living as a Light priest in the Church of the Holy Light. Though incapable of emoting through his face, voice, and body language, his actions speak for his feelings and thoughts louder than any visually expressive person. He is struggling with his faith between the Light and Shadow, and he is driven by his insecurities over his wife and the lack of a child of his own. He currently travels to seek answers in what faith can help him overcome his internal crisis: the Light or the Shadow.

What I'm looking for, primarily, is anyone well-versed in the Light and Shadow. Though Kitson is the trouble-prone priest, Gunther is the one who can very well be targeted for violence, murder, and kidnapping--especially because he's a very wealthy noble who is frail enough to be knocked down with a blow to the face. I enjoy throwing Gunther into dangerous situations due to the face he tends to underreact to everything around him. His near-nonexistant emotive abilities make impassive stoics like Urameil and Imani look like melodramatic hams. That isn't to say he is an impassive stoic--if you throw him to the ogres, I will tell you straight up, he's screaming his head off inside while probably needing a second pair of pants.

That's all for now!
We haven't role-played near enough. :|


For Kantado, I offer Mava to be his friend/rehab buddy. She's undergoing a huge character development after shooting a fellow Sentinel by mistake during combat. She may not have outright killed her, but she died to the orc she was fighting against. Mava blamed herself for the Sentinel's death and went into self-imposed exile. She abandoned her bow and quivers, now wandering the barrens/southern Kalimndor. Look at that, they both gave up on something after a death. So much in common. Beat Up

As for the others... I dunno! I have plenty of alts that I can toss around, but that duo was the pair that shined out the most. :)
I still have Tarana for Kantado, of course, and we talked about Immy and Felicia last night. Just posting here for officialness.
I do have my character Ralzi who I believe you've seen/spoke to briefly icly on Kapre. Sadly, I'm unable to roleplay at the times you're on during weekdays and Sunday but perhaps Friday/Saturday nights if you want a character to meet him we could work something out.(Not sure which character of yours you would choose.) Skype could also be an option, but I'm not the best at text-only roleplay so it would be a bit of a learning experience for me as well! Either way send me a PM if you want, or if I ever catch you online I'll throw a whisper your way.
You know I love Kogan. He still owes me that date. I may or may not be tipsy as well so I don't got much else to write apart from writing; "I want more RP with you."

So there, on Kogan or any other toon though I don't got Hordies myself. Maybe we can drag Kogan away from the guard and into a certain Noble house? Hrrrrmm?

Just an idea. :> I could get Scarlett in to boss him around if that would be interesting, being a Sergeant and all. ^^ That, or we just need to RP more with Allaia.
I can totally see Bruhara corrupting Arnaldo. Or Sister Gabrielle trying to steer Kitson the right way. Alas, 10PM server is 1AM for me, so it would have to be when I know I have a day off the next day.
Added more to Kantado, edited Kogan and Kitson, withdrew Elsamina (she needs to be approved), and added Gunther.

[Image: Vqwyi9p.png]

For a very long time as a roleplayer--even outside of CotH--I was a storyteller. The main reason for this is not only because I love telling stories, but also the following:

              1.) Casual RP is nice, but I can't stand too much of it. There is only so much RP I can get "casually", and I'm not talking just tavern RP. RP with no story or combat can irritate me because nothing comes out of it beyond idle chatter. For this reason, story RP is my way of fulfilling my RP needs. Casual comes in on occasion as breathers.

              2.) I get bored, sick, and irritated if I focus on RP on one and only one character at a time. Although I have been multiboxing far less frequently than before, the main reason I would have characters of mine know each other in the first place is to provide an atmosphere where I can stretch my RP legs comfortably by focusing on more than one character at a time. An example is a typical RP session in The Love Exchange: even if I'm on only Kapre's window, Tibalan or Kantado invisibly would be very likely to be present in the RP as well.

Thus, storytelling RP is a good way to see to it my characters bounce off to provide an immersive environment for the other player to engage themselves in. I actually do enjoy it if the player decides to briefly favor one character present over the other--it means that the player being less a spectator and more an engaging individual in that particular atmosphere. Engaging both or more is also fun, as the player would be seeing that they're moreso paying attention to the scene than me the player.

              3.) I am a writer and artist first and a roleplayer second. While some people create characters and concepts, I create story first and THEN a character. This is what I hope to make my characters consistently engaging; with no conflict or potential for a plot, my characters are flat pieces of cardboard. This is actually why I tend to struggle to get RP with characters like Diwaata and Jami--they have no story.

With all that said, I still want to do something different. While I am on GM sabbatical, I would like to take advantage of my break to be a "hero" of other players' stories rather than keep myself at the sidekick/victim/villain role. I often avoid hero roles because I am honestly shy of the spotlight unless I am one of many of a similar chain of RP (Northwind, for instance). I also tend to enjoy humble, low-energy characters over loud and flashy high-energy. I get exhausted very easily when RPing characters like Diwaata, Bastos, and Pulline (high energy) while characters like Kapre, Mahen'tosh, and Dino (low energy) can last for days and weeks. Low energy characters tend to be best seen in passive roles, thus why I tend to shy away from the spotlight.

Every single one of my characters, even those not listed above, can be a hero for any story. The only ones I would be the least enthusiastic abotu is Kapre and Mahen'tosh, I'm afraid, as I am still hopeful to get more RP for my other characters than those two. Kapre and Mahen aren't exactly on character hiatus or semi-retirement--I just want my other characters to get RP.

For a full list of characters, you can check out my wiki user page.
I know a certain elf that wants a certain bovine to warm his covers under a tree in Northrend.
Quote: For this reason, story RP is my way of fulfilling my RP needs.

Boy, am I glad I re-wrote Scarlet to have several storyline elementals I can crack out at any time! Which, strangely enough, will help you be able to fill this role:

Quote: I would like to take advantage of my break to be a "hero" of other players' stories rather than keep myself at the sidekick/victim/villain role.]
Added Diwaata on the very top.
Well, no point in telling you that Matthew wants to hang out with his family (mah family). Matthew would drop contact with Kapre either after the Cataclysm or when he finds out that he's married to Xanthe, and I've been wanting to RP with Diwaata so Matt and Dia can bro-up in Horde hate.

Jof'waz and Garridan will hang out with Kenny any time; Jof to help the boy find a new woman and Garridan to try to convince Kenny to write a song.

That's all I got so far, but Jof will happily hang out with anyone, so meh.
Quote:Garridan to try to convince Kenny to write a song.

You cruel, cruel man!

(want :| )
Xera puts old Dia to shame on horde-hate. I think they'd get along swimmingly.
I have been holding onto a suitable rp buddy for Kantado for a while now, but haven't got the chance to run the little TLE storyline I had planned. Also, I still have Denadis from "As the Wickerman Burns" and Kantado had some measure of involvement with him then. He's Ebon Blade as well so he might run in loosely with Polore on occasion.