Conquest of the Horde

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(04-30-2013, 09:38 AM)ImagenAshyun Wrote: [ -> ]In addition to Worgen being a fairly new addition, not everyone of the Alliance (especially other humans) will be accepting to a curse they do not fully understand.

Not to mention just the very fact that it's called a -curse-. I've found in RP if something is called a curse people tend to look at it in a negative light. Regardless of what it does to the person it's still called a -curse-. In one RP I have elsewhere, my character was burned by a 'cursed' dragon. She was told that its fire cursed her as well, and as a result her eyes turned purple, her skin pale and her hair white.

Since she was supposively cursed she found a book that only she could read, gained an immensely advanced understanding of magic, and her personality has become more upbeat if not a little arrogant.

She doesn't find it to be a curse at all. As far as she is concerned the only thing it has truly made different is that it changed some colors on her body, and gave her power she could only dream of. But her traveling companion is terrified that she is going to lose herself to the curse, or that the curse is going to change her into someone else.

My point for all this is that the idea of a "curse", especially one that changes you both physically and mentally is likely to be looked at with a lot of fear and prejudice, if not because it's turned you into the original idea of a monster, then simply the fact that it's even CALLED a curse. I also wanted to use it to relate to the Worgen curse. Being a Worgen changes your physical form and can change your behavior, but it also gives you new strength. So many Worgen would look at this thing called a curse and consider it a tool or a weapon, or simply a new power.
I'd think it would be similar to how people treat all other races. Some people fear Draenie. Their tall space goats that happen to be similar to some of the most powerful demons. But others don't have an issue with them at all. Some people will fear the Worgen, but similar to the Draenie and how they can walk Stormwind without issue, I'm sure Worgen wouldn't be outright banned from being in their 'wolf' form simply because it scares some people.
I highly doubt it would be banned. But see Kage, the Draenei weren't literally the monsters from stories that people had been hearing for so many years lol. They were strange and new, and while some people may have feared them they simply feared them because they were different. Worgen were known to exist before the Cataclysm, and it always went that if you see one, you kill it because it's definitely going to try and kill you.
(04-30-2013, 10:13 AM)Aadora Wrote: [ -> ]I highly doubt it would be banned. But see Kage, the Draenei weren't literally the monsters from stories that people had been hearing for so many years lol. They were strange and new, and while some people may have feared them they simply feared them because they were different. Worgen were known to exist before the Cataclysm, and it always went that if you see one, you kill it because it's definitely going to try and kill you.

Predecessors of the Draenei. The leader of the Draenei is an Eredar, only not corrupted. They're rather similar in body type, just different skin color (Doesn't change the fact that they share the same skin color as Archimonde, the destroyer of Dalaran) The player Worgen also aren't the same mindless Worgen that people have feared and were told to kill. If anything, Draenei and Worgen are similar due to the fact that their predecessors are something that Humans have feared for quite some time.
The bigger question I'm worried about is how widespread, exactly, is knowledge of the Worgen? I mean, WoW has a lot of magic and such, but with the Cataclysm being fairly recent and all, outside of the big cities and very diverse sites would actually even know? Even then, if they had heard "hey, we're apparently allowing giant wolfmen to be buddies and they aren't going to eat your face" it might be disbelieved, and being the first sentient worgen in a town would cause quite a ruckus. I think that, as Aadora said about there being a precedent of worgens as dangerous monsters, that being a wolfman in a rural area should be RP'd as an oddity.

Emote to respond to stares and whispers from unseen NPC characters, explain to a barkeep that you're not dangerous, or even better, try to keep people calm before you do transform in a time of need. Your character isn't going to know that, say, a human Player character is informed on the matter either, so use this as a good basis for starting a Roleplay! What was your character's first Gilnean worgen encounter?
I doubt that it is an illegal matter, but more of a high prejudice by citizens of the Alliance and other factions. I can only think of Darkshire which could plausibly order the Night's Watch to kill on sight due to being unable to tell which worgen are feral or not, for all you know a beast could disguise itself as 'Gilnean', stomp in the village, and then kill people indoor without the guards having the time to intervene.

There should be(and most likely already is) a high state of racism by certain folks against them, but don't think of it as, "RAAARGH, SLAUGHTER THE ANIMALS." but more like disrespecting them and accusing them of assault on a single snarl, there's also other ways to prove dislike, an example below.

<Playername> walks up to the bartender in worgen form, looking down at the man from his slightly taller size.
Bartender is usually a silver for a bottle of rum.
<Playername> asks for a bottle of rum.
Bartender replies by stating its three silver coins.
<Playername> is not fooled and knows the price is one silver from a friend, states it to the bartender.
Bartender says that if he doesn't like it, he can go to another tavern, pay the bottle, or the bartender will call the guards.

In this situation, the worgen doubtfully can do anything against a respected tavernkeeper of the town if being violent, which will result in jail time or yadi-yada.

But yesh, this applies to all races or almost, racism sucks but its a bite of the cake known as realism. As for being in 'true form' in villages, that's the man/woman's decision, but if you do expect to play hardball of fur that doesn't like his human form, be aware that there's high chances for some people(at least) to spit infront of you, insult you behind your back, do a rude gesture, blahblehbleh.

This is from my point of view what fits well with the use of 'true form' in public, if they don't got the habit to have such worgen around like the night elves of course.
Worgen being known about would be universally known to any major settlements of the Alliance, and to most of the people who live there.

Places where the guards won't flip out over seeing a Worgen.
-Goldshire (not all of Elwynn)
-Goblin Cities

Places where guards might have a bit of issue with people walking around in Worgen form.
-Sentinel Hill
-Redridge Mountains
-Night Elf Settlements (Once you make it clear you're not a threat, they should be cool though.)
-Dwarven Settlements
-Draenei Settlements
-Most Human Settlements

Places where guards will proceed to go WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING OPEN FIRE LADS!
-Duskwood/Duskwood (if you're just walking around in it/don't make it abundantly clear you're sentient)
-Westfall settlements
-Horde settlements

This is just IMO
The only issue I have with the list there is the Night Elf settlements and the guards not liking them. Seeing as though it is the Night elves that come and basically save the Worgen from certain death, give them the ability to change forms (From what I understand in the quest chain) and give the Worgen a home in their home city, I'd think they'd be much more welcoming to the fuzzballs (And lets face it, most of the Night elves are druids! they change into furry creatures all the time)
The list largely refers to the idea of you just walking around in worgen form and a guard seeing you. I'll make an edit though.
I do think ninety per cent of the night elven population is indeed aware of their new worgen fuzzball allies.
I still think Kaldorei guards would be wary of Druids of the Fang, and just want to check-up that you're not one before being totally cool with it. A lot of these judgement calls rely on context, mind you.
Eh, I think at best it'd make others uncomfortable, which seems to be the general consensus. After a while people would just be like "Oh yeah, those guys. They are on our side." Just like with anything else. I mean, they didn't freak out at all when the Ereda---I mean, Draenei joined, so why would this be any different?
Druids of the Fang? Druids of the Fang? They take aspect in reptiles, or well that's what I think most do.

I assume you meant Druids of the Scythe, or?
You know your Lore. He does indeed mean Druids of the Scythe. :P
Yes, Druids of the Scythe. Forgive my mistake.

Druids. Whatever.
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