Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Rigley's Cataclysmic Interest Inventory - Round 1
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Northwind. But with Dragons.
Clearly, the Alliance and Horde must begin battling over their claims to Northwind while Deathwing attacks it.
Clearly. Varian Wrynn will not rest until Northwind is flying Alliance colors.
Conflict makes everyone happy!
Northwind it is, then.

I'll get an event post up as soon as I'm able! I will of course be running other events as well, but they won't be as persistent or as 'tied together' as Northwind.
Yeeeeeesssssss. I sign up now. Even if it doesn't need one. I am there. My body is so ready. :|

Make a place called Southearth or something.


But on a more serious note, I'd prefer World Events. As much as I loved Northwind, and would certainly go to it again, it'd be nice to have some good old Player vs World events, especially with all the new updates in the Cataclysm. I really just want to go out and kill all the Cataclysm threats. Waaaar!
I do understand that, Hawk. I'll largely base this off how much the other gms run lore events. I may end up diverting to Northwind as a primary focus for me, with some occasional dabbling into progression on other things.

Like I said though, just because I won't be focusing on other stuff doesn't mean other GMs won't-- so, there's always that.

(typed on an iPod, if anything is horribly mispelled)
Do what suits you, mate! Like I said, I'd still go to Northwind if it were hosted again. It's thoroughly enjoyable, and a wonderful idea. I was just saying what I voted for. :P
I was going to go for Northwind, since so many speak good of it, but I was shoved off that click by the factional conflict, please yes.
Northwind. Best event. Ever. Really. :3
Chose other.

You know what I picked.
Just as a heads up, since this might not have been clear--

Won't be moving to event running until the building stuff is done, or at least the stuff on my current plate. This includes a new manor, completion of Northwind Bastion, Gnomeregan, and a few other things.
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