Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: "Buy" Usertitle
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I think for me it's more of the idea that they took something that once wasn't dependent on us using some currency to buy it, and now it does. It just doesn't seem cool.

Coming from someone that posts often, and changes their title often, it feels like I -do- have to go out of my way to keep up with it.
I'm influenced to spam pointless threads now to obtain my gold.
Forum signatures are still free, right? If you wanted some message to show by your forum posts, I don't see why that can't be used instead until you get the money for one.
Well, it's part of the whole like, user CP thing. You get your signature, and your avatar, then you've got this title that doesn't make sense? Woops, but I bought the banana rocket Mk. II and have two gold... guess I better go and find one of the spam topics to make gold!

Just feels like something was taken away rather than made a new feature. It's ultimately insignificant, sure, but... it still took something away and makes us have to use some sort of payment to get it.

I'm not arguing that it's not easy, I'm just saying something that used to be free is no longer free.
10 posts ain't that big of a deal.
(05-09-2013, 03:06 PM)Sorum Wrote: [ -> ]10 posts ain't that big of a deal.

Neither would be letting us have it back for free like it used to be.
I think it would be productive to put up a poll for what kinds of items/things/whatever the gold system should be used for. That way there would be a consensus among the community. And perhaps an explanation as to how it will work. I just purchased a goblin rocket launcher and I have no idea what it is.

I can't tell what you even buy to change the user title.

Edit: Derp, now I see it.
The 'Buy Usertitle' has it's own tab, it's not in the shop.
Well... Back on the old forum engine, we couldn't change our usertitles at all.

I guess I'm one of those who sincerely doesn't care much about the titles. If anything, they make me nervous because I have to make up a cool one like everyone else.

That said, we'd have to get @Kretol 's input on the usertitles. Discussion back and forth's most likely not going to lead anywhere since most of all the arguments have been mentioned already.
Back and forth generates gold for us to change our Usertitle.
Alright, the cost has been lowered to 50g. This is equivalent to: <=2.5 new threads, <=5 posts (replies), or any mixture of the other ways you can gain gold.
May I remind folks, as Lox mentioned, that changing usertitles has not been possible forever, and I only enabled it a while after changing to the MyBB forum. I decided to tie it into the forum gold system because folks that actually change their title are probably active on the forums anyway, which means they should be able to make the gold even easier (and help discourage people from just throwing their gold away).

As a side note, the Collectibles are really just something for people that may have a desire to... well, collect. I've already done testing for redeemable items in-game, which has worked well so far.
I don't mind it. I'll just…never change the title.
I made a difference for once! I am pleased~
Even if it's a small change. Thank ya, Kretol.



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