Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Charles' Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Charles, but most know me as Morph or TheNovaProspect. I have a long history with not only RP, but with the World of Warcraft Universe. I know many must state that they have private server experience, everyone knows somebody that's been a GM once in their life, however I have long ended, hands-on experience. What trait I believe that experience has provided me is the understanding of the value of a server and it's staff. As a person, I am an honest and blunt individual. I consider myself to be incredibly competent and intelligible when need-be.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?: America/English

How did you get into Warcraft?: In 1998, when I was 6 years old, my father brought home his laptop and set it in front of me with Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness. It was the first game where when I played it and was victorious, I felt rewarded, even honorable. From then on, I stuck to Blizzard's releases like glue. On it's release in 2004, my friend purchased World of Warcraft for himself and me as a late birthday present. We started on Silver Hand, an RP server, where we Role Played for the first time.

How did you find us? Did anything in particular draw you to the server?: Word of mouth.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?: Teaching. I do teach power, spells, but rather knowledge and a spiritual understanding. I do not claim that I am more skilled than other individuals. In fact, I tend to hold a certain humility with my characters, and through that I believe I gain a different sort of strength; I believe I earn the respect and attention of others.

To give an example of this, if I was a human paladin with a student. I would not teach him how to exorcise a demon, for that is a personal experience, something he must learn on his own through the path of the Light by following his virtues and tenants. Instead, I would teach him the knowledge to defend this gift of gods with martial combat. If he bared a two-handed sword, them I should teach him the stances, my favorite being 'The Roof' stance. The Roof stance is wear an individual lifts their weapon above their head and to the side of the body in which his primary hand rests. This allows the use of gravity to pull down the blade, therefore is the quickest way to strike an opponent with a two-handed weapon.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Alliance: Human Paladin
Horde: Orc Spirit Guide (Essentially a Spiritwalker that only uses their powers to teach others about the Spirit World. Strictly non-violent individuals.)
I believe that humans and orcs out of all races have the greatest potential to be anything. They both have honor, strong values, believe in family and protect their people. However, if they are swayed into the darkness... it is my opinion that no other race could be as greedy, as lustful, pride-filled, and as envious as these men. For their hearts are strong, whether it be filled with blood or black. In this way, I can exercise my greatest right as a roleplayer: develop my character and define his morality.

As for the classes, I have always stuck with people of faith or those who have a collective oneness with the world. As I find wisdom to be the most powerful source in Azeroth and our world as well.

What are your expectations of this server?: To fit a puzzle piece that is respected by others. I understand that a server does not begin when you join it. It's a rushing river, a pulling tide, and I am but one turtle jumping on and riding the wave. All I can hope for is people whom are willing to lend and ear. It's tragic that most people do not believe that anyone can teach them something that they do not already know, and it's also tragic when people create their characters already defined, at the end of their journey, finished with their training and then just RP as that. I like it when someone can come into a situation and feel constructive, as if we are effecting each other's characters and changing each other's views. Because even though I value being a teacher, I still have the capacity to get that I am learning from the student as well. I also fathom and even look forward to the times when my enemies do the same.

"Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults." --Benjamin Franklin

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?: As you can imagine from the repetition of it in my writing, it would be Respect. Beliefs or so strong, yet so fragile. When I began roleplaying, I found joy in crushing ones views, being a manipulative snake, but in time I found that I would rather strengthen people's morality than destroy it. After this notion, this change of heart, I found the respect of others and respect of myself for the very first time. That is when I realized this was the value I would 'fight' for.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!: I'll keep it short and sweet

Marcus' past holds little to no importance in the man he is today. The action that shaped him into the "Lion's Arm" was an event that lasted only a matter of minutes. One day, after a series of most unfortunate events, Marcus found himself thrown into the Gurubashi Arena with nothing but a spear, sword, and shield to protect him. At first, he expected to be fighting another individual; which he easily prepared himself for, but as a single gate opened at the other end of the arena, it revealed that his opponent was a large and beastly lion. What seemed like a matter of seconds-The lion charged at Marcus and sliced his face right open with one single blow, as the lion prowled over to Marcus; ready to claim it's well deserved lunch. Marcus grabbed the spear from the floor and impaled the beast in the nick of time. On that day, the man known as Marcus died. After that faithful strike he spoke his last words to the audience "I dare for the beast to best me!" Now every morning when Marcus awakes from his slumber, he relives the same events. By stepping into the ring and killing a lion with the same choice of weapons. What other people see as multiple events, Marcus just believes that he is reliving the same day over and over. Even when fighting human enemies, he still imagines the same lion, who's arm took his sanity away in one quick swoop of fate.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
"It is ignorant to think wisdom cannot be found in the things we don't be believe in" - Anonymous
Hello there, thenovaprospect! Welcome to Conquest of the Horde!

Very impressive introduction! A good first impression, indeed. :)

Remember to register your in-game account in the Account Management page with the exact information you registered your forum name under.

As per standard approval procedure, I'm going to link you to a few nice places that it certainly doesn't hurt if you double-check and make yourself extra familiar with. These are the Rules and Policies, as well as the FAQs. They've got a bunch of vital information in them.

Without further ado, welcome to the server and I hope we'll see you around!

Happy RPing!

GM Loxmardin
I never doubted myself, but the recognition of my peers is always reassuring, thank you, Loxmardin. The rules I have read thoroughly, as they were needed for the introduction, however I will check out the policies your staff has set in stone. I look forward to seeing you all in-game, and perhaps one or two of you would be so kind as to embrace my humility and see what our characters may offer each other. I am at the river it seems, time to ride the current.

Much obliged, Charles.