Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Flash Auction! (Aaand SOLD!) 09/06/2013
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You find these posters spread around Azeroth!

Cogglebax Engineering is proud to present its first Flash Auction!
In this short auction we will present surplus items sold at a reduced price to allow the people with less money get the expensive things!

To make sure you won't miss this unique opportunity, be sure to be in Dalaran before this sunday! A person with a voice-enhancer will call out through Dalaran to head over the Underbelly Arena to notify everyone it will start in five minutes.

OOC gimmicks

This will be a auction-event inside the Underbelly Arena, the items sold will be in the line of production left overs like a few cartridges of bullets, explosives and an assortment of gadgets.

But, Jaella.. at what time?!

The event will start-up around 11:45 AM realm time and the event starts at 12:00 realm time.

Please reply in this thread for interest check! (Also helps me with planning.. a bit)
I -love- auction events!
Sunday? :| Yeah. I don't think I could attend, then.
I plan on having more of them, but for obvious reasons. I cannot provide OOC items of products being auctioneered :C
Is Cogglebax Engineering a guild? ( I didn't see a guild thread)
I'd like to try maybe getting in on this, at least as a customer.
I sort of stink in making guild threads, help with this is appreciated.
Though, customers dont have to be in the guild to be able to buy stuff. You do need the money, ofcourse.
Time was wrong, only found out -today-.

New time is 12 AM realm time, which is 9 PM for European folks!
This was today? Hngh.

So used to the American date format, I thought you were holding this on the sixth of September.
Don't worry, soon there will be another auction after some research.