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Yeah? I'd watch "The Story of Bill" myself.
I want it.
I'm not gonna lie, I was scared sh*tless when I played this game. Don't want to spoil anything for you folk who haven't played it yet, but just remember that clickers can hear you.
If you don't want to buy this game or simply can't play it due to a lack of PS3, I highly suggest watching Two Best friends play through it on youtube.

Rensin is half right in that it's more like a movie. It definitely feels like a game when it's played, but also definitely feels like a movie if you watch somebody else play it.

If you can, I recommend playing it, but if you can't, watching a playthrough does the job fine as long as the player is competent.
(06-23-2013, 08:07 AM)Roxas65 Wrote: [ -> ]If you don't want to buy this game or simply can't play it due to a lack of PS3, I highly suggest watching Two Best friends play through it on youtube.

Rensin is half right in that it's more like a movie. It definitely feels like a game when it's played, but also definitely feels like a movie if you watch somebody else play it.

If you can, I recommend playing it, but if you can't, watching a playthrough does the job fine as long as the player is competent.

Eh, the gameplay though isn't what sells the game. Sure, it's a game. It's got mechanics you have to follow, blah blah, but if it was just -that- alone, and didn't have the great story, it'd be mediocre at best. You can get away with watching this and feel as fulfilled as if you played it yourself.

I'd argue that games like... Farcry 3 are heavily dependent on actually playing the game to get the feel, whereas this one you can watch it and get the feeling of emotion and struggle going on.
This game is amazing and soo imersive This and a string of parties are the only reason I have stepped back from CoTH a bit. This game is worth it for any ps3 owner. Play it in HD and enjoy. Its so intense. I'm going to play it now lol
(06-23-2013, 09:01 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-23-2013, 08:07 AM)Roxas65 Wrote: [ -> ]If you don't want to buy this game or simply can't play it due to a lack of PS3, I highly suggest watching Two Best friends play through it on youtube.

Rensin is half right in that it's more like a movie. It definitely feels like a game when it's played, but also definitely feels like a movie if you watch somebody else play it.

If you can, I recommend playing it, but if you can't, watching a playthrough does the job fine as long as the player is competent.

Eh, the gameplay though isn't what sells the game. Sure, it's a game. It's got mechanics you have to follow, blah blah, but if it was just -that- alone, and didn't have the great story, it'd be mediocre at best. You can get away with watching this and feel as fulfilled as if you played it yourself.

I'd argue that games like... Farcry 3 are heavily dependent on actually playing the game to get the feel, whereas this one you can watch it and get the feeling of emotion and struggle going on.

No, really, the gameplay is really solid. I expected it not to be, but I was wrong. I expected the game to be mostly storied held together by basic or flimsy gameplay but as far as cover shooters go, it's actually really good. The mechanics of every gameplay element has been so polished and the AI in this game feels so human. During stealth it's admittedly pretty immersion breaking since they seem to lack all peripheral vision and can't hear anything except bottles breaking, but during combat they're insanely smart. They outflank you in ways I've never seen in games before, sneak around you through paths you hadn't noticed and even comment on -exactly- where you are no matter where you are. What's even more impressive is how human they feel like when you grab a hostage he'll start begging for his life and his friends will stop firing and try to negotiate with you and i distinctly remember one time where I had beaten an enemy to the floor and pulled my gun on him. To my surprise, Joel automatically aimed the gun to his head and the guy raised his hands and started begging for his life. I actually didn't find it in me to kill him and as soon as my back was turned, he attacked me again. I've never seen an enemy AI act so human and that goes for Ellie too. Without the AI it'd probably just be another cover shooter, but it doesn't feel like just another Gears of War or Mass effect.
I'm not saying it's not solid, I agree, it's good gameplay. But without this story there would be -nothing- new to the table. The elements it brings gameplay wise are re-hashed from stealth games---improved, but re-hashed. It flows smooth and nice, and I'm sure adds to the experience---however, on it's own it could ENTIRELY exist without any gameplay at all, and be a computer rendered movie.

What I'm getting at is that while this is a game---it's not what makes this creation wonderful. The heavy plot and story, delivered in a way that's genuinely real and raw is what make the game worth while. Otherwise you'd get any other game. (Granted, I hear that the new Tomb Raider is similar, but done awful in it's execution of gameplay. No big surprise there, congrats again Square, wondering when you're going to start sellin' your IP's off.)
(06-23-2013, 09:54 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not saying it's not solid, I agree, it's good gameplay. But without this story there would be -nothing- new to the table. The elements it brings gameplay wise are re-hashed from stealth games---improved, but re-hashed. It flows smooth and nice, and I'm sure adds to the experience---however, on it's own it could ENTIRELY exist without any gameplay at all, and be a computer rendered movie.

What I'm getting at is that while this is a game---it's not what makes this creation wonderful. The heavy plot and story, delivered in a way that's genuinely real and raw is what make the game worth while. Otherwise you'd get any other game. (Granted, I hear that the new Tomb Raider is similar, but done awful in it's execution of gameplay. No big surprise there, congrats again Square, wondering when you're going to start sellin' your IP's off.)

you're probably right about that. To be honest, the story isn't all that innovative and unpredictable. The thing that makes the story of the game so great is how well it's represented. There's a lot of other things i keep going "wow" over as well that most people don't notice such as the lighting and the way every room is different. I don't think I've ever come across a copy pasted room yet and there's a -lot- of rooms that fill no purpose but they're all really detailed anyways. It just amazes me how much work and time must've gone into making this game.

I'm also quite fond of the multiplayer, the small amount of it that I have played.
We who have the game should try and get a multiplayer match going or something. We should be able to scrounge up four people for a team, right?
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