Conquest of the Horde

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I suck at titles.

So, with my actual flippin' return to the server, I need some RP buddies to ease me back into it. So, with that simple tidbit out of the way, here's some characters. I've only brought back 3 so far, more may come.

Gorzan Citysacker: My flagship orc, my pride and joy, my spirit champion. I like this guy, although he's on the road to losing his powers, what with deciding to settle down with a hated human and what not. Gunnar is his husband, yes, so he's gay. But that's besides the point, he may have a lover, but he needs friends, too! Battle buddies, maybe some drinking buddies, too. I'm also open to a nemesis! However, remember, his combat is weak because his connection to the spirits has weakened.

Volner Aregar: Originally made as a joke and a buddy to Clovis Briarthorn, Volner is my favorite human. An introverted paladin of Dalaran slowly becoming more extroverted over time, he's an expert healer and a mighty weapon master (for a paladin, at least!). He believes in good and redemption and all that jazz, and unlike Gorzan, his faith remains strong. He's open to relationships, as long as the private times wait until marriage and what not (and off-screen, thank you very much). He eventually wants kids. Romantically he's looking for something long-term and low-key. Otherwise, he's like Gorzan, in need of friends and enemies.

Marne Holyword: The gnome priest is the next Kevorkian. He believes that he needs to heal as much as he can, but when his healing isn't enough, he must end the life of the suffering. He's a darker character who doesn't have a deep, dark secret or a troubling past; he's just a man who wants to make the world a little better for the dying. Probably not romantically available, but hey, it's possible.
Totally shoulda called it "Mezrin-ized" or use a pun with your name.
I want all of dem. Yis. :|

Gorzan sounds fun to be with Kapre and Mahen'tosh (especially Kapre), Volner will do well with Gunther (Dalaran-born priest) and his family, and Marne sounds like fun to have around Dino. But any of my chars can meet with yours. :)
If they haven't met already, Gorzan and Tun'kar should, considering Tun'kar died the same day as Kagrune. Tun'kar is kinda searching for his purpose, while dealing with his issues of hatred. The fact that Gorzan is married to a human would make it an especially tense association, as Tun'kar still has less than no love for humans.

Marne and Sasslyn might make for an interesting pair as well. Sasslyn is at a bit of a crossroads, where she is free to move about, but under the boot of her overseer. Marne's philosophy on things might mesh interestingly with Sasslyn's deepening depression.

I'm open to other pairings too. You can always peek at my feedback thread to see who I'm RPing at the moment.
Needs more Gorzan/Gunnar.
Big scary GM thread? Not any longer!

I would enjoy seeing some interaction between Gorzan and Azalea because they have similar interests. As a plus she's actually stepping out of her comfort-zone and teleporting to Orgrimmar.

Volner can find an enemy in Valda. Not so much the physically-threatening type but more of an intellectual opponent. She dislikes lothes paladins and Light-worshipers because she views them as hypocritical.

I have a light-following Gilnean who needs more faithfuls for support. Either Volner or Marne could fit because he travels around a lot.
Always down for more Voragh and Gorzan. I remember them having a sparring match way back where Gorzan gave him some cryptic spirit champ guidance, and they were also pretty surprisingly brotastic in Kidnapped 4, as far as I recall. Gorzan worrying about losing his powers/his touch with traditions could be an intriguing counterpoint to Voragh's current arc about struggling to regain his heritage.

Other than that, I have three human Light-users Volner could chill with. There's Castor, a young, idealistic but rapidly maturing paladin, who could do with building a tighter rapport with more experienced warriors of the Light; Stephen, a friar and cleric with some radical, anti-establishment ideas about the role the Light's teachings should play in society; and Orthander, a stoic and resolute templar under a vow of silence. (I'm told that the latter is not nearly as boring to interact with as the silent thing might make him sound. :P)

Drop me a line if you're interested!