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It's also not coming out for over two years, at the minimum. Everyone's got a lot of time to forget about it and then remember a few months before it's released.

I always wonder why companies advertise things so far in advance.
Game Dev Tycoon taught me it's to build up hype. :B
(06-17-2013, 08:05 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]Game Dev Tycoon taught me it's to build up hype. :B

Yes, but that hype gets lower with time, Rensin. I know, I've played that game too. And I was Effing successful.

But eh, OT. I kinda like the way they treat the F2P-P2P thing. It's finally something new.
(06-19-2013, 06:01 PM)Aethon Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-17-2013, 08:05 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]Game Dev Tycoon taught me it's to build up hype. :B

Yes, but that hype gets lower with time, Rensin. I know, I've played that game too. And I was Effing successful.

But eh, OT. I kinda like the way they treat the F2P-P2P thing. It's finally something new.

Well... I gotta disagree there. It's the same model lots of companies have had. Freebies get weaker characters, less XP, and less character choices and customization. Freemiums get all the phat loot, can practically one shot the freebies, and all the other crap. Cripple the free guy, make the other guy pay if he wants more.

They've done that in so many MMO's, it's hard to count. Right off the top of my head I can recall ToR, LotRO, Mabinogi... and tons and tons of other Korean games that have this "freemium" model. Every time it doesn't work out too well, because in the back of everyone's head is "I could be playing this for free, if I worked hard enough."

I just think that they are doing the same thing with their model, just disguising it as being "lore friendly" by making the free race Orcs. It sounds ingenious but it's something many companies have done without the "lore backing" to support it.
(06-20-2013, 02:00 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-19-2013, 06:01 PM)Aethon Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-17-2013, 08:05 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]Game Dev Tycoon taught me it's to build up hype. :B

Yes, but that hype gets lower with time, Rensin. I know, I've played that game too. And I was Effing successful.

But eh, OT. I kinda like the way they treat the F2P-P2P thing. It's finally something new.

Well... I gotta disagree there. It's the same model lots of companies have had. Freebies get weaker characters, less XP, and less character choices and customization. Freemiums get all the phat loot, can practically one shot the freebies, and all the other crap. Cripple the free guy, make the other guy pay if he wants more.

They've done that in so many MMO's, it's hard to count. Right off the top of my head I can recall ToR, LotRO, Mabinogi... and tons and tons of other Korean games that have this "freemium" model. Every time it doesn't work out too well, because in the back of everyone's head is "I could be playing this for free, if I worked hard enough."

I just think that they are doing the same thing with their model, just disguising it as being "lore friendly" by making the free race Orcs. It sounds ingenious but it's something many companies have done without the "lore backing" to support it.

TERA did it perfectly. Sure, you only had 2 character slots, but otherwise, you have about the same restrictions as everybody else. And there was a cash shop for stuff like weird mounts and such. Also, Neverwinter did it pretty damn good as well.

Basically, Free2Play vs Freemium should always be a Time Vs Money equation.

Paid stuff should be either purely cosmetic or otherwise reasonably obtainable in-game through non-paid means, or convenience items such as character slots, EXP/Gold boosts and such. That's all. Otherwise, it's Pay2Win.
(06-20-2013, 02:45 AM)flammos200 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-20-2013, 02:00 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-19-2013, 06:01 PM)Aethon Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-17-2013, 08:05 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]Game Dev Tycoon taught me it's to build up hype. :B

Yes, but that hype gets lower with time, Rensin. I know, I've played that game too. And I was Effing successful.

But eh, OT. I kinda like the way they treat the F2P-P2P thing. It's finally something new.

Well... I gotta disagree there. It's the same model lots of companies have had. Freebies get weaker characters, less XP, and less character choices and customization. Freemiums get all the phat loot, can practically one shot the freebies, and all the other crap. Cripple the free guy, make the other guy pay if he wants more.

They've done that in so many MMO's, it's hard to count. Right off the top of my head I can recall ToR, LotRO, Mabinogi... and tons and tons of other Korean games that have this "freemium" model. Every time it doesn't work out too well, because in the back of everyone's head is "I could be playing this for free, if I worked hard enough."

I just think that they are doing the same thing with their model, just disguising it as being "lore friendly" by making the free race Orcs. It sounds ingenious but it's something many companies have done without the "lore backing" to support it.

TERA did it perfectly. Sure, you only had 2 character slots, but otherwise, you have about the same restrictions as everybody else. And there was a cash shop for stuff like weird mounts and such. Also, Neverwinter did it pretty damn good as well.

Basically, Free2Play vs Freemium should always be a Time Vs Money equation.

Paid stuff should be either purely cosmetic or otherwise reasonably obtainable in-game through non-paid means, or convenience items such as character slots, EXP/Gold boosts and such. That's all. Otherwise, it's Pay2Win.

See, I disagree with Neverwinter too, just because they do crap like charge you 200 bucks for their Dark Elf race that's the refuge or whatever it is (Yes, I'm serious), and they also have that rediculously inflated crystal/shard/moneydump currency. At best some of the items that drop will give you a ton of those crystals, but their price is so inflated that you can't really do anything constructive with them. I got a ton of them early on, which was fine, but there wasn't much to spend it on. The lack of diversity in the items didn't make you want to buy anything with them, and so on...

It really felt like... well, not pay to win, but "Pay to be able to purchase anything that differentiates you from everyone", in my opinion. It got old real quick.
(06-20-2013, 03:04 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]See, I disagree with Neverwinter too, just because they do crap like charge you 200 bucks for their Dark Elf race that's the refuge or whatever it is (Yes, I'm serious), and they also have that rediculously inflated crystal/shard/moneydump currency. At best some of the items that drop will give you a ton of those crystals, but their price is so inflated that you can't really do anything constructive with them. I got a ton of them early on, which was fine, but there wasn't much to spend it on. The lack of diversity in the items didn't make you want to buy anything with them, and so on...

It really felt like... well, not pay to win, but "Pay to be able to purchase anything that differentiates you from everyone", in my opinion. It got old real quick.

The Menzo-whatever refugees aren't the official Drow, though. Those will be available to all, including free2players, after launch. And, it -was- in beta.

Also, another F2P game that did things -amazingly- well is Path of Exile. Gorgeous Diablo-style game, much better than D3 in my opinion.

As for Eternal Crusade, I will say that yes, the races of 40K have never truly been in balance. An average Guardsman won't take on a proper Eldar or Dark Eldar, considering the fact that footage of Dark Eldar had to be slowed down four times just to be seen clearly by humans, and dem space elves can pop you open like bubble wrap without a second thought(And tend to. Read dat Paths of the Eldar series.)

However. Restricting F2P-ers to Ork Boyz is just asinine. They may as well just say 'No, it's P2P'. Hell, it's not even good for people that want to pay, considering the fact that every single species is priced.
[quote]However. Restricting F2P-ers to Ork Boyz is just asinine. They may as well just say 'No, it's P2P'. Hell, it's not even good for people that want to pay, considering the fact that every single species is priced.[quote]

That's my feelings on the matter. One race restricted to FTPer's is silly and very outdated. I could see minimal CHARACTER slots, but outright restricting free to play characters to being gimped out? Calling people who play for free stupid and the like? I find that in poor taste. If they offer it for free, they shouldn't call people that use that as stupid and inexperienced. Nor should they assume everyone who pays is a brilliant strategist.

There's few games I pay subs for, especially in the world of MMO's... mostly because I've been burned. Sometimes I'll do like a month or two to test it out, but... outright subbing for games is a hard thing to bring myself to do. I do like that they said it'd be a "one time purchase" deal, but... some of the things they've said in that interview really put me off.
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