Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: New here old to rp
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Hey there guys and girls. I have been looking for a while now for a pure rp server to rp on as it's the one aspect of wow that I just love and feel that bliz are going in the wrong direction with the game so to the net I went. I do have one question as I love to play alot of the time and my question is how active is both horde and alliance and how "professional" is the role play here ?? Thanks guys and girls and I hope to see you online (when my computer downloads the game and I get it all sorted)
That depends on what you mean by "professional", I'd say. People are usually pretty serious about their characters' participation in the active roleplay and we have a bunch of rules to help regulate and support the players and protect their right to draw entertainment from it, if that's coming anywhere close to what you're going for.

I'd appreciate if you elaborated a bit; will make it easier for us to give a fulfilling answer. :)
Sorry I'm typing on my phone and time is against me. It's just the fact of people taking their roles and character serious and not just prating around so by what you said I think I may like it. Also still wondering on the activity of the server and it's player count as i enjoy big group rp as much as one on one or small group and eventing sorry for the rushed messages I hope to be able to talk more later when I finish work.
We've had an average of 40-50 players during peak hours for the past week or so. Most of the server's American and the peak hours are affected accordingly, but we do have a large playerbase right now what with a bunch of new players showing up. European noon's a bit quiet, but it gets better later in the day when the 'mericans start logging in.
Coming from a new player here, this server is definitely professional. Screwing around isn't tolerated, though just right so it's not no-fun-allowed. The GMs feel like actual Blizzard GMs, only nicer and in an RP server. This is not some rag-tag RP "community" ran by a teenager, this is a mature community ran by experienced adults. Loving it so far.
I've been here for a while, several months, and it's definitely 'professional' in that people take their character's roles seriously in any situation and at almost any time of day you can find at least one person online because time zones are all different. Coming from an aussie who is on when the majority are sleeping I can say I find more than my fill of RP.
I love it here and would recommend it to any RP fan.