Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Big Changes!
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Well, I find this sad news. I have spent some time away, deciding on and developing character ideas so I could come here with a character profile with depth and dimension in hand. I didn't feel I would do this place justice simply figuring out something on the fly, as I've so often done elsewhere, and really wanted to come with something of substance. I have been very excited to return, so I am dismayed to find I will not be able to join you after all.

I do not have Wrath of the Lich King nor do I plan to get it. But I wish you all much success! Your undertaking is not a small one and certainly deserves kudos as maintaining a private server alone is a fair bit of work; certainly to create a welcome environment for role players requires considerable additional effort and heart. May you all continue to pull together with benevolence and forbearance to create a truly cohesive community here, as these upcoming changes will no doubt create many new challenges. Best of luck to you all!

You dont NEED to buy WotLK, You need to download the client. buying it only gives you the ability to upgrade your account.
Aye, and you don´t need to upgrade a retail account to be able to play here.

All you have to do is download the WotLK files, free of charge, (or buy it if you prefer that) and install the game. Then make sure to change the Realmlist to alow you to conect to our server.

There´s a topic on the forums with different download options, feel free to use them.

Whatever you choose to do have fun and good luck in your endevours.
Like they said you dont need to buy it. And I'm sure that if you have WotLK installed you can still play with a non-ungraded account. I personally want to hear this "Idea" of yours.
Yes--thanks, all, for you helpful advice. I know I can install it for free, but my laptop is very near to explode (nearly out of memory) and I use this box for design work, so putting even a feather's worth of data on here is simply not an option, especially for non-work concerns.
You don't actually need Wotlk at all. As long as you are at 3.0.3 you can be set to a non-wrath account. True you don't get the nice new weapons and northrend, but you'd be able to play without the expansion.
Mikain Wrote:You don't actually need Wotlk at all. As long as you are at 3.0.3 you can be set to a non-wrath account. True you don't get the nice new weapons and northrend, but you'd be able to play without the expansion.

But where's the fun in that? The server is down because of it, so why not get it?
So that people can save memory on their computer, like in this instance? ^-^
( Oops, I think I just contributed to derailing, I sent this through a PM, disregard this! :) )
[color=#0000FF]You are aware with NCDB :/ that that any WoW client long as its 3.0.3 will work as long as the account flags are set properly..but the new patches from 2.4.3 to 3.0.3 is about in total 2gigs :( so yea...color]
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