Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Macro - Learn all available spells.
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Just thought I'd share this. I didn't invent it, but it saves a lot of clicking in-game. It's a macro that learns all spells in a row without you having to press 'train' all the time.

- Run to your trainer with available spells
- Copy paste the below code, it'll learn all spells in rapid sequence and you briefly look like a light bulb. It'll run till you logout.

Alternatively if you want it to be available without looking this thread back up:
- Type /macro
- Hit 'New'
- Give it an icon, copy and paste the below code into the text field.
- Hit 'Save'
- Run to the trainer and open up the spell list.
- Drag the icon to your action bar and press it.

If you put it under 'General Macros' it'll be available for all toons on that account, you can delete it from the action bar after.

/run LoadAddOn"Blizzard_TrainerUI" f=ClassTrainerTrainButton f.e = 0 if f:GetScript"OnUpdate" then f:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)else f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(f,e) f.e=f.e+e if f.e>.01 then f.e=0 f:Click() end end)end
