Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Aggh Rensin, make up your mind!
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Long story short. Life's acting up, don't know what my activity's gonna be like. I'll try to be on when I can, but don't be surprised when I'm not on frequently. I'll divulge more information on what's going on when I can... but, I don't know when that'll be.

Hopefully, this will be needless and I can be around more.
rensin wtfffff

It's okay I forgive you

But my heart, it is a-bleedin'. Don't run too far, and don't forget to write me!
So. Here's the story CoTH.

Things got bad at home. They've been that way for a while, so it looks like I'm going to be getting a divorce. Along with this simple little sentence, there goes a lot of uncertianty, pain, heartbreak, and general lack of knowledge of what is going to happen to me following all of this.

It's been something that's been building up for a long time, so... there it is. Sucks to be me right now. Just know I don't -know- what my activity is gonna be like.
Oh gods, I'm so sorry Rensin. I mean.. I know life happens and stuff but there's always that one "Eff life" moment, damn.

I'm pretty sure I speak for many of us here when I say I hope things get better and that we're all here for you.

Much love bud <3
Just know CotH is here if you ever have the need RP within the stress of the situation.

It's easier said than done, but stay strong!
Thanks guys. It really means a lot to me right now.
[Image: CatHugsPuppy.jpg]
I'm so sorry to hear (and to think I so merrily asked about stuff in all of my oblivious just the other day), Rensin. Good luck with it all and I pray for things to go as smoothly as possible. :( There are always people you can talk to around here if all else fails.

Hope things work out in the end, mate. Child custody laws are my dog and a half.
I know the pain all too well.

Good luck, Rensin. I wish you only hopes and best regards for what is ahead of you.
Thanks again guys.

This is why I love CoTH. It really makes me feel better about myself.