Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Grakor Grumbles: Heights and Weights
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Why not replace height at least with a scale number instead? I can't see updating the tables to be more "accurate" having as much of a payoff because then we'd have to edit a ton of profiles (unless we decided those profiles could be grandfathered in). At the same time height served a function so no one could say they were ridiculously huge or small.

Now if height was replaced with a model scale then it would be less subjective if they're "small" or "large" you can just say they're .98 or 1.03.
This is why I say we should remove Height/Weight entirely from profiles. Just describe it in your appearence if you're "tall, broad, short, skinny", whatever you want your character to be. Then you have the free scale-range that you have in-game, and anything else would just have to be approved by the admins/GMs as per usual. Just without the numbers. You can't be any shorter or taller than the normal scale range no matter what, in that case, so none of that would be an issue anymore.

Then we wouldn't have the fuss about the numbers so much, and no one would be able to say "I'm really shorter than my model shows" because they can't be. :P
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