Conquest of the Horde

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Kuzz's Diary-
Dear, dear dear diary...oh, what can I say?
I've been with the Militia for some time now. They're fun.
I've smoked with a few of them now. Felicia, a little elf who's just a little too stiff and too secretive. Kind of like me, never seemed she had anybody to talk to. She never smoked before. The herb fixed her right up, ended up letting her sleep in my room. Swore to be chivalrous, didn't try anything sneaky with her.
Got Drayke on a contact. He couldn't stop laughing, it was quiet a thing to see.
Smoked with that girl Kate, her first time also. She was so lost and confused, ended up playing sock-puppets with Drayke on the floor of the Grim Guzzler. Almost got her to wear a coconut mug on her head. -Almost-.

Wolfie, Mr. Redjaw bossman, finally loosened up as far as I could see. He took an elf with him back to the hall, and....well, they borrowed my bed. And everybody knows K-man's bed is good for two things. Sleeping, and...consummating affection. And I can judge by the noise that they -weren't- sleeping.
Speaking of wolfie, he's my next target. I'm aspiring to sit down with that man and pass the pipe with him, even if just once. He looks like he's long overdue a fun, relaxing time.

*There is a black mark on the page, like it almost catches on fire.*
Gah! I've had to use leaf for smoking since I can't use my pipe.... But that's not why I came around, diary.

I need somebody to talk to. I mean, I know -everybody-, but...nobody listens to me. They just know me as KG, K-man, bringing the party. Of course I want to be known as this, but... I just want to have a serious conversation some time.

I'm having a blast, smoking and drinking with all these Militia. Tons of them haven't ever smoked before, and it's fun to...take their card, so to speak. Everybody has fun with me, and I'm glad that they do. That's all I ever want to do, is make life a little more fun for everybody else.

Sure, diary, I do indeed bring the party, and I love it... but the party is getting a little old for me. The only reason I really do anything anymore is for other people. I love sharing the wealth, and the happiness. Lately, I haven't even been charging the Greys to party with me. I let Drayke use my tab at the bar. -Let him-! Any other goblin would be gagging in disgust.

I feel...empty, diary. The only friends I've got are either there for the herb or are there because of the herb. Lately, I've never gotten a woman to stay in my bed longer than a night. I...need to do some soul searching.

For now, I guess, I'll keep being K-man. Everybody on this block of the Undermine knows my name by now, and I'm happy to get all the attention. I'll keep doing what I do because it brings smiles and laughs to other people, and that's all KG wants. I'm running short on the herb, but I've got plenty of the Dust. Nobody in the Militia has been brave enough to try some of -that- yet.

*There is another black splotch.*

I hate this leaf! I keep dropping it!... Anyways, I think I'm going to call it, diary.
Thank you for being here for me. I'd never say any of this to other people. I'd never tell anybody that I do what I do because I love to see people happy. I'd never tell anybody that I'm dreadfully alone and empty inside.
I have to be who the people want me to be.
And that's KG.
And KG brings the party.
Scribbles in Kuzz's Diary, courtesy of Rensin-

Tastes of color. I'm writing now cause I was told. I'm hot. Blue. BLUE. BLUE! Is there a word for blue? They keep calling me Red, but my fur is Black. Fucking Yeti. I feel like if I keep this up I'll write a song that's the best song every. I'm feeling hungry. And a bit lonely. I'd eat a whole damn cabbage right now by myself. I should ask mom for cabbage.

Oh, shit. Antione. Antioooone.
Kuzz's diary, as used by Norell.

I don't care anymore. It's the best feeling around, that I just don't care. So much stress, so much worrying about if I'm gonna be pretty any

*a random list of ingredients follows. Mainly involving fish, ground meat, and vodka*

more cause I got a few scars, and had an eye and two fingers nibbled off by a group of cute harpies (big butts, do recommend). Relaxin'. That's the whole thing. Just feel like I'm drifting off. Or a cloud is just carrying me from my worries. A nice cloud, one with button eyes.

Make three 3/4th inch burges out of ground meat. Cook until they're brown outside, but pink inside. One has to be a cheeseburger. Grill four fishes. Buy a bottle of Everlook vodka. Make sure to dose burgers in vodka when they're done.

Kuzz and Immy flirting? Ain't sure how to feel 'bout that.

Bread, fish, fish, mayo, peppers, burger, cheeseburger, burger, fish, mayo, sliced tomatoes, beans, fish, bread. The Norell Greaser. Make sure burger and cheeseburger are properly vodka'd.

I hate this name. Why I ain't sharing it with people. Get my own. Norell Moneybags. Norell Sneakfoot. Norell Ironchef. Norell Shadowstep. Norell Somethingoranother.

For a Norell Mini, use only two burgers (one regular, one cheese) and two fishes. Soak both burgers in vodka. Less tomatoes. Add lettuce.

Ceiling sparkles like a star. Or is that the smoke playing tricks on me? Why is there so much smoke.

Can't see shit, captain.

For a Norell Ribeye, be sure to brush the raw meat in steak sause before cooking. Serve rare or medium-rare.

I want to go home.

For a Norell Salad, make a Norell Greaser instead.
Kuzz' Diary-

Dear diary, I did it. I'm in my room with Norell, Imagen (that was that goblin female's name! I learned it!) and big bad Red bossman himself. I don't know if I can control myself.
There's so much smoke in the air.
But I got him. Three more Militia down in my quest.

Norell made himself a sandwich, and I think he used his greasy hands to write down the recipe. It was monstrous just -watching- him eat it.
Rensin, well, he's sitting on the bench in my room, devoid of all of his armors. All he's wearing is a headband. Just a headband. And...I'm pretty sure he can taste color.
That herb hit him strong.

Well, diary. I know I talked about feeling empty, but...nothing beats this feeling. Not being in my right mind, all the stress just ceasing. Red said something to me about a guy named Antoine being in -big- trouble, and showed me a few pictures of a guy badly roughed up. My mind's stewing, but I managed to get him relaxed.

Still debating if I should read both their entries in my diary. May be disrespectful of me..

*The text ends abruptly, and starts on a new line.*

Norell wants to go and conduct one of his new recipes. He needs a grill, he needs ribeye... Oh god, now Red's yelling about steak. They're all talking about steak, and Immy is -possibly- chewing on her hands. Oop, the bench is wobbling...of course Rensin's standing!

I've got to go, diary. I've got to keep them relaxed.

But I got him.
Drayke's Journal-

Holy Ogre tits on a stick. What happened?

We... We went on the caravan job. Kate, Antione, and I. Malo, Kathleen, and... Some Worgen girl I don't think I caught the name of tagged along. Seemed like it would be fun at first. A trip from Gadgetzan to Everlook. What could go wrong? (And yes, I'm aware of the bandits, bloodthirsty monsters, and Horde troops.)

A whole fucking lot, apparently. It was going pretty well until we got to Theramore. We stopped in the inn to get out of the rain and Antione decided to take Kate upstairs for a talk. So far, so good. Then, he storms out of the inn. I go and follow, and he's sitting in the rain. I try to talk, but he was pretty hostile. Gave him some time to cool off and spoke to him again. Kate read his diary. His personal thoughts, his feelings, things that were never meant to be shared with anyone but him. No wonder he was pissed off.

We pressed on, however, and I tried to cheer everyone up with a song. Malo sung first, then myself, then that Kathleen lady. We managed to get through all of it, the Barrens, Stonetalon, everything. Up until Ashenvale. We stopped in Astranaar for a rest, and... Well, to put it bluntly, things turned to shit. They had a discussion, Kate said something about not wanting Antione around and he... Ran off.

I followed, of course. He said some pretty nasty things, in all honesty. I don't blame him. He wants Kate to remember his face when he walked away every time she pets Corvus. He chucked me his tabard and just... Left. Said he was going to go do some things. I told him to come back, and do so in one piece.

One thing's for certain, though. If he dies, I'm going to fucking kill him.
Kuzz's Diary-
Dear diary.
I've got some more complaining to do, and you're the only one that'll listen.

So much has happened. Rensin, Immy, Norell, Drayke and myself all got a little over the clouds. An orc showed up to challenge Rensin, and I had to give him something to straighten him out. He's outside the room right now, and the last yell I heard was that he can be dying.

Everybody's coming down now, including me. They've all left the room, and I'm just stuck here. I tried to start a conversation with Immy, but...she left. Chasing Norell, no doubt.

I see the way they look at eachother. Even if Norell is just full of himself sometimes, there's a little something there. So...I didn't try bedding Immy tonight. I just couldn't do it. I've been a bastard sometimes, but...that's a step over the line.

For the first time in a long time, I don't want to smoke any more. And reality's hurting the most right now. Once again, I'm reminded of how empty and alone I am.

I would gladly reach out to Im for some sort of support, but...she's just not the type. Who am I to bother anybody else with my problems?
And Norell acts as if he's friends with me, but I've got a hunch he dislikes me. I'd dislike me, from his shoes. I'd dislike me from most people's shoes.

I helped Rensin get to the arena, but then I had to leave him to make sure the other three weren't causing any trouble in my room. At times, I tried to be commanding and tell them what to do, and my mind would remind me; It's the party. Let them live it.

So I did it. Immy spent some time shirtless, and honestly, I was staring a few times. They all ate enough food to feed ten people, and sad to admit, diary, almost everything I thought of the whole time wasn't saving my ass, it was saving Im's.

I'm sure they're fake feelings, anyways. It was just a night, just one night. I'm Kuzz! KG, K-man! I couldn't fall in love.

I wouldn't.

And it's not my place to step up and try to take her. I may as well forget it. She's out there with Norell again, and I'm in here.

*Spots of wilting moisture line the page, almost like tears.*

You know, diary...I'm so tired of being alone. I'm so tired of believing that nobody wants to hear my problems. I need somebody to talk to besides a book. But...I'm glad you're here for me, diary. I'll just keep it inside.
And if there are real feelings for Im..... oh well. Guess I'll just have to suck that up.

I'm so tired of being by myself.
But I may as well make my life a party
and live it.

.....You know, I think I'm going to go have a smoke.
Drayke's Journal-

*Various crude drawings of a Goblin dying in horrible, horrible ways are located all over the page.*
Oh, Antione, you stupid bastard. A suicidal charge? What did you hope to achieve? What did you think we would do when we found out?

At least he's still alive. Thank every god, deity, and object of worship out there that he's still alive. I dunno how long he'll be out of action for, but at least he's alive.

I'm going to kill him. Gadzegear or whatever the hell his name is. Tear him limb from bloody limb. String his remains up outside the base, show all the world what happens when you f**k with the Grey. Show them what happens when you f**k with my friends.

*There is very small, almost illegible font down near the bottom of the page, underneath all the dying Goblins.*
I can't fail the people I'm supposed to protect. Can't let them die. Not again. Not again...
Kuzz's Diary-
Oh happy day, dear diary, happy day!
I'm...elated. I feel weightless inside.
And it's not from any drug!

Me and Norell had a argument-peptalk, and he made me realize that I had enough courage to tell Immy how I felt for her.
I was still hesitant.
We went out for drinks, talked a little bit, and Immy showed up at the bar. I put my moves on her, of course, bought her a drink...

I'm not going to lie, diary. I goof'd. I couldn't even make words when I'd look at her...I had to stare at my coconut mug. I couldn't stop stuttering and stalling... It's just...her eyes, and her face...and, well, her body, too. It just totally numbs my brain. It makes me look like a fool.
It got to the point where she was able to guess that I liked her. Able to guess!

I spilled to her, diary. I told her how I feel...that I like her, that I want to be a thing with her. I told her I wasn't sure if it was a crush, and that I didn't want to waste her time.
And...then she did something odd.
She told me that...she wasn't the girl I was looking for. She told me that she likes me, but that I'll find a girl that is better for me..
I mean, I don't know diary! It was foggy...are we a thing? Are we not? Friends?....With benefits? I don't know what we are!

And I kind of don't care. Now she knows how I feel. Now I don't have to keep it locked up. And now I'm starting to trust Norell a little bit more...we're really alike! I'm finally becoming...slightly less alone.

Maybe if I'm patient, close-friendship to Immy can turn into a date. KG just has to play his cards right!
Wish me luck, diary!

Jaedyn's Diary--
(The diary itself is written in heavy Zandali, but I've formatted it to fit this forum.)
Dear diary.
I've joined the Militia today. I...don't know how to feel about it.
They're odd ones.
Not enough killing for me, yet, and we had to go on some kind of storytelling to lie to Rensin's mother about being mercenaries. Then she asked me what a tiger is.
Anyways. Hopefully I don't end up regretting this decision. I'm still edging into this group... hopefully they're the crowd for me.
Vaguillon's Ledger

So, I have this stupid idea.

*The page is abruptly torn off after that.*
Rensin's Diary-

Where the hell do I start? So, the other day, Antione gets kidnapped. Fine, dandy. Whatever. Except, he had to get kidnapped by these Gadzegear gits. Ruthless goblin controlled mercs, trained harder than any of our men and women ever have been. Gadzegear himself came to our place, and dumped off Antione while taking the ransom money... all three hundred of our gold. Sweet, we're poor again.

*Tap marks are present on the paper.*

So, we've got to bring a fight to them. We took out four of their guys easily enough, but... bad thing is, there was about ten of us. So, that wasn't a good test of skill. I think we need training... which can cost money. Shit, I guess I'd better figure something out there.

Oh, mom came to visit. Scary. Shit. I just want to protect her. All in one day, I admitted that not only am I a mercenary, but that I have the Worgen's bite on me, which turns me into a beast. The way she looked at me when I told her.. breaks my heart. I love mom so much... I just want to make her proud. But, I know some things I do will make her unhappy. I just hope Kuzz stays the hell away from her. If he talks about her ass again, I'm going to pitch him into the volcano and make Norell's gods happy.

There was a good thing though.. I saw Syli. She's so beautiful. I wish she could stay with me, but I know that's not really an option. I told her how I felt. It's rather soon to be having these feelings I guess... but I'm so damn lonely. Going from woman to woman doesn't feel right to me, and these "no strings attached" relationships really wear on you. Sex is fun and all, but... I want to have her stay behind and I don't know, eat eggs with me or something. You know, a relationship. Why's this stuff so hard to explain? I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not just the tender kisses and rolling in the sheets I want.

Anyhow diary, I've bought a lock for you. I've heard that Kate is a little diary reader. Dangerous shit right there, Antione almost got himself killed over it. Oh, he's good, by the way. However his muscles are all spongy still, and he hobbles like my grandpa used to. Glad that he's recovering, however. He still gives Kate googly eyes... but honestly, I don't know how to read her. Don't know if she likes him or not. I know Kate's pretty friendly with Drayke, though. That'd be enough to send Antione off the deep end again.

Well, how to end this?

Jaedyn's Journal-
*The diary has been ripped up and otherwise destroyed.*
(Jaedyn has been removed from the Grey Militia.)

Alyssa's Journal-
I've been with the Militia for a day or two. Everything's been quiet and slow...not that I've been around much.
I've been busy with him! I can't find a way to stop it.. He just won--
You know... Diary? Strictly business. No offense.
Mattis told me they'd give me jobs to help raise some coin..
Haven't seen many jobs yet. Still weary, don't do much besides sit around and poke fun at their members. They seem decent enough.
*There is a kiss on the bottom of the page. Big full lips, bright red lipstick.*

Kuzz's Diary-
I've left you idle for a little bit, diary! My apologies.

So...I haven't seen Immy around. Honestly? I miss her. The worst part? I seem to subconsciously flirt with and compliment other girls to try to null the void. -I miss her-.

The Grey got into some mess on a ship today with those Gadz folk. I managed a kill, dented the slick's head in with my bottle.
Me and Red had a falling out. Some new girl, Sherl, showed up. I started to compliment her and she followed me into my room, and I told her my sad story...she's got a sad story too. Told Red to f*ck off when he got on my case about it.
We stayed mad for about a night, but we ended up talking about it.
I told him I hated him assuming I'm always up to no good, and that he's always assuming I just want to bed everything on legs.

Long story short, we ended up coming back together. Now he's in love with Sherl, and I'm glad for him. I should be!, of course.
Well, I'm still a little angry at him. But I'm not going to let it interfere with business.

....I can't wait to see Immy again. Not even her chest! Her...face. Why am I so attracted to her face?
Grizal diary-

(There are some doodles of planes and an exploding boat around the corners.)

Eh? So...been part'a this..erm -thing- for less then Twenty four hours now...and let me think how this all transpaired so far...

Well first off, ah wake up an' BAM! Tabard thrown in my abou' wakin' up at the wrong time eh? That Rensin bloak saw me sleepin on the table and threw a tabard on me...only followed cause it was the group I wanted to look inta'...ironic..heh..anyway! After tha' got thrown onta' ah boat..why? Ah dono..though' we were gonna go catch fairies or some shi~ BUT NO! damn boat comes outta' no where? BAM cannonballs everywhere..go' ta slide first bade into some sweet chic.(still know no ones names) and had her fall on me..least she smelled nice... up and guess what? COPTERS flyin' at us like its'a home land invasion'r some paratroopers so I blasted on in his nads right into the ocean...yup that'll teach'm...then his ditsy ass cousin'r somthin lost control of that parachute and fell on me! Bastard ah immediatly thought which way he rolled...ah well least he didn' flirt while fallin' on know wha'? turned him to a sheep, up...made'm -baaaaaaaa-ck off...okay..not necessary...ANYWA though'ah was done with that guy then he bit me! the bloody bit me! then he changed back...greeeatt..good thing more fockin' cannons came outt'a no where and blew his ass back on me..up musta -fall-in in love with me~..okay gonna stop that... so know wha? Blasted his ass off the ship and watched him get pelted with'a cannonball...apparenly he forgo' how to fly...ah well...after tha' when up to help the driver...he pushed the guy to me so I stuck him with some goo'ol C4 and blasted him off the ship to meet'a nother cannon ball.. can you say...FIREWORKS! Yup he was the -explosion- of the show..damned it...anyway...saw the berts leaving the ship thinkin' it was about to explode so I jumped with the boss man and the hot chick..only to find out was the damned captians pocket watch...ah well we leave and party and ah fell asleep... good'nuff for me..
Annelise's diary -

Things have been happening a lot, lately.

I stepped out of my house for a while and now I think I have a job. Nothing has prepared me for this in the slightest.

Is this what everyone is like? I've always had theories that Kauffman's studies were performed in too much of a vacuum - that he didn't really examine the personality as it would be, but as they would have it be seen... Likewise, all of the man's studies were performed on high-station subjects... But this is beyond that. Aposo'thesia's Theories of Social Deviance would hold true, were it not limited to the scope of her own people. I feel as if this isn't so rare, but many of my books have spoken of the elegance and nuance of social interaction. This is clearly a counter-argument. Were it only that Kauffman had lived to see this, perhaps there'd be more of an understanding of the common ------ (Mem: Too harsh, unintentional class-ism.) man.

As for myself, it's clear I have some underlying anxiety exacerbated by the absurdity of the situations I've been thrust into. There are a lot of signs and symptoms - it's important that I talk to someone about this. (Aside: The humor of this statement is not lost on me.) This is a curious puzzle. Thankfully, the troll - Tera'zul - offered me a trinket that has helped to calm my mind. I can at least get on a little more sensibly in conversation, now (Mem: "If professional help is necessary, nothing else should be substituted. This can do more harm than good." Wainwright, 13).

The troll kissed me.

I hope he doesn't hate me.

I hope they don't hate me.

I'm scared.
Sherl's Diary -

I've been here for a few days, and when I met Rensin, I thought he was kind of a jerk. But now we have gotten to know each other.. And our relationship has escalated very swiftly. He's so dreamy - something I don't usually say about people. I'm glad we're seeing each other, as tough as I like to think I am, it's hard to stay strong on my own sometimes. I love him; of this I am sure. I never thought such a thing would happen so quickly, but I think when you love someone, that love was always there, from the beginning of time, and meeting them is when you discover it exists. Some people were just made for each other.

Yesterday, we fought some strange people in gyrocopters on a boat. I took a beating to the face, but I managed to channel my rage into a thunder clap, killing one, then I snapped another's neck. Then I heard ticking, and pulled Rensin and myself into the water. Turns out it was just his pocketwatch. Oh well.

Anyways, I'm tired and Rensin wants my attention (not in that way), so I'd better be off to bed.
Rensin's Log-

So, been busy. First things first... I told Syli my feelings... and she just wasn't sure. It broke my heart a little to think that she'd have to go, but honestly... probably for the best. She's very vivacious and lives in the moment. Had great times with her, but they all passed, and I'm sure she went on her journey back home. I'll have to keep in touch with her, and see if she can't come and dance for the group here and there (Her dancing with the fire? Freaking fantastic. Sure the boys would enjoy that. Just need male dancers for the women too, although I heard one of ours has been... offering.).

I met someone. Sherl. My gods is she pretty. Well, funny thing? She ended up breaking my snout and busting my lip, and I had almost knocked her to the floor---before a damn troll went bezerk when trying to break us up, and I had to give him a severe beating. Problem is---I think he wanted to kill me. Might have, too, however, I ended up stabbing him in the back. Don't know what happened to him, as he might even be parylized now. I had them rip the tabard from him, and hand it back to me...

...Oh, yes. Sherl. Her and I had a talk, after an incident with Kuzz. She gave me a goodnight kiss, which was splendid... the next day, I fought a "Private" battle, which I won't into detail here because Kate is a fucking journal reader (Thanks for breaking my lock, by the way. b***h.), but I was a little injured. Coming back, she showed concern for me... and consoled me. For like, a couple hours. Needless to say, we are in a relationship now. She's tough, but knows how to be gentle enough. I love her.

We had a fight with the Gadzegears. I got the group off of their butts, and we went out to try to attack one of their ships... big ugly hunk of wood and metal. We were met with a bit of success, however, a load of them escaped before we could kill 'em. Plus, the ship was empty... but, we sank it. I figure it was just a unit transport of some sort, which is fine... we at least took a little bit of fight to them. I payed the group out of my own pocket. I'm beaming with pride over my group... we are growing up to be something big, like how Xavier used to always built the group up to sound like.

Seems we -are- becoming something. We are The Grey Militia, and there's at least fifty different shades of crazy within us.
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