Conquest of the Horde

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((This fourm is for those who are writing letter to loved ones, or family about the adventures that are apart of,or of any letters they wish to share. Fill free to use the thread to tell of your stories as you explain to someone through a letter!))

*A letter could be found in the mail addressed to Roux Blackwood. Upon opening the letter the parchment states.*

"Dear Roux:

This ship ride has got'a be one of the worst ever. I knew somethin' went right when I wasn't born near the water. Anyway suppose since you're the only family that I know of I feel like I need to keep contact with you in case I go off and die or something so at least someone knows where I had run off to. In the past week or so since I ain't seen you I have almost lost my life. It seems I forgot about a tournament that I was apart of and had to sail to Booty Bay before I made my way to the Highlands. This arena match wasn't populated but I guess it didn't need to me, let me be the first to tell you how out of place I was. I was the only Gilnean and everyone else that was there were elves. Anyway my opponent was a death knight elf. I didn't catch her name but I guess that didn't matter much. We fought and the little witch hit me with a bomb. I blacked out but when I woke up I had some elf over me trying to shove a damn needle in me, found out the elf died and had her head ripped off. I was told by the elf that I am going to suffer a few days of plauged blood from the uh... Death knight blood that I digested from decapitating the poor woman. Ah well thought i'd drop this letter off in the mail before I head back to another ship so I can make my way back to the highlands.

Keep safe and I will write you soon my niece

Your Uncle,
Alfred Blackwood"
*A letter could be found addressed to Mattis Rendblade.*
"Dear Matt;

I've found the Militia you sent me to. Nobody seems to have heard of you... must be that family trait of laying low. They've been nothing but animals that I like to poke fun at, and this seems a rather boring place.
I haven't had any time to go to Ironforge to seek out this Sorrowfang you wish me too, but I'll get there soon enough. By the time you get this letter, I'll have likely already been through those big, Dwarven gates.
I'm still looking for you, Mattis. You know there are only so many things that cause me to worry, and family is one of them. I know I've been a black sheep, but you have no rights to go and do these kinds of things without at least letting anybody know!
But this isn't the time for me to b*tch you out. No, Mattis. You've worried me. So that means when I find you--
And I will--
I'm going to beat the information I need out of you.
With something distant, often confused with love;
*There is a big smear of lipstick. Big, full lips and bright red in a kiss next to her name.*